Entries by Tax Attorney

Could This Be The Next Best Thing To What Swiss Accounts Were In The 20th Century? The Tiny Island-State Of Malta Welcomes Crypto-currency.

Could This Be The Next Best Thing To What Swiss Accounts Were In The 20th Century? The Tiny Island-State Of Malta Welcomes Crypto-currency. Given the stealth nature of Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies where there is no third party reporting to tax agencies, many people still believe that this could be the 21st century answer as […]

Why Taxpayers Involved In Offshore Accounts, Crypto-Currency Or Cannabis Should Be Filing An Extension For Their 2017 Income Tax Returns

How California Cannabis Retailers Compute And Pay Taxes For Cannabis Acquired Before January 1, 2018 That Is Being Sold Now

New cannabis taxes have been in effect in California starting January 1, 2018. Beginning January 1, 2018, licensed distributors who supply you with cannabis or cannabis products are required to calculate and collect the 15% cannabis excise tax from you. When you sell those items at retail you are required to collect the cannabis excise […]

What You Need To Know To Deduct Charitable Contributions On Your 2017 Income Tax Return

The more itemized deductions you can rack up on you individual income tax return, the smaller amount of taxable income you will have which now puts more money in your pocket. Taxpayers who gave money or goods to a charity should be able to claim charitable contributions which get included as an itemized deduction on […]