Entries by Tax Attorney

Jeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. Discusses Taxes and the IRS discovering your undisclosed foreign bank account On ESPN Radio – July 10, 2015 Show

Topics Covered: Welcome to a new era of transparency where the IRS is getting information on U.S. taxpayers from foreign banks and the IRS is taking action by examining and investigating taxpayers who are not reporting their worldwide income nor disclosing their foreign accounts. Breaks IRS is providing to waive penalties for U.S. taxpayers with […]

Jeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. discusses IRS and taxes on the June 28, 2015 radio show “Talking Money with Mr. C” on 760AM KFMB in San Diego

Issues discussed: Mr. Credit said: I was listening to your radio show last week and heard a couple things I think are worth repeating to our audience as well: a. Tell us about the data breach at the IRS… The IRS announced recently that criminals used taxpayer-specific data acquired from non-IRS sources to gain unauthorized […]

Jeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. discusses IRS and taxes on the June 7, 2015 radio show “Talking Money with Mr. C” on 760AM KFMB in San Diego

Issues discussed: a. How can I legitimately have a “company car” for my business? Can my company make the payments? Gas? What kind of records do I have to keep? b. Health Savings Accounts…Are they ALL they’re cracked up to be from a tax perspective? http://finance.yahoo.com/news/triple-tax-benefit-health-savings-141156253.html

How The IRS Can Make Your Business A Statistic

The Collection Division of the IRS composes of Revenue Officers whose job is to collect outstanding IRS liabilities from taxpayers as quick as possible. These Revenue Officers have access to intelligence collected by other divisions of the IRS and they will scope out your financial moves, and garnish your wages and other sources of income, […]

National Football League Is Giving Up Its Tax-exempt Status

With all the distractions of deflated footballs, player misconduct and the safety of the game, the NFL is volunteering to give up its tax-exempt status. The NFL As A Non-profit Entity. The National Football League (“NFL”) which you figure makes millions in revenue every year is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt entity and […]