Entries by Tax Attorney

It’s A Small World After All – Number Of FATCA Compliant Countries Continues To Grow To Meet July 1, 2014 Deadline

Under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”), foreign banks, insurers and investment funds must send the Internal Revenue Service information about Americans’ and U.S. permanent residents’ offshore accounts worth more than $50,000. Institutions that fail to comply could effectively be frozen out of U.S. markets. As of this blog posting, the U.S. has entered […]

How A Tax Attorney Can Get You Out Of An IRS Audit

If you are faced with an IRS audit you should seriously consider hiring an experienced tax attorney to represent you and pursue an effective strategy to obtain the best possible outcome. There are certain IRS policies and tax procedures that if argued appropriately could result in your audit being terminated before it ever gets started. […]

Have You Been Subpoenaed To Appear Before A Grand Jury?

Federal grand juries have a maximum of 23 members, 16 of whom must be present to form a quorum. Indictments are returned by a vote of 12 or more members. Federal grand juries typically sit for a term of 18 months and meet at regular intervals. Grand juries can use the court’s power to subpoena […]

Jeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. Discusses Major Changes In IRS Disclosure Programs For Foreign Accounts On ESPN – June 26, 2014 Show

Topics Covered:   1. The Story Of Bradley Charles Birkenfeld And How Because Of His Actions No Longer Can Foreign Accounts Be A Secret. 2. When would I have undisclosed foreign bank accounts?  So when someone has a foreign account, what are the filing requirements? What are the penalties? What is the solution? 3. Nine Things That Will […]

Delinquent International Information Return Submission Procedures

On June 18, 2014, the IRS announced major changes in the 2012 offshore account compliance programs, providing new options to help taxpayers residing in the United States and overseas. The changes are anticipated to provide thousands of people a new avenue to come back into compliance with their tax obligations. Taxpayers who do not need […]

Delinquent FBAR Submission Procedures

On June 18, 2014, the IRS announced major changes in the 2012 offshore account compliance programs, providing new options to help taxpayers residing in the United States and overseas. The changes are anticipated to provide thousands of people a new avenue to come back into compliance with their tax obligations. Taxpayers who do not need […]

Streamlined Filing Compliance Procedures

On June 18, 2014, the IRS announced major changes in the 2012 offshore account compliance programs, providing new options to help taxpayers residing in the United States and overseas. The changes are anticipated to provide thousands of people a new avenue to come back into compliance with their tax obligations. The streamlined filing compliance procedures […]

Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program

On June 18, 2014, the IRS announced major changes in the 2012 offshore account compliance programs, providing new options to help taxpayers residing in the United States and overseas. The changes are anticipated to provide thousands of people a new avenue to come back into compliance with their tax obligations. The Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program […]

Options Available For U.S. Taxpayers with Undisclosed Foreign Financial Assets As Modified By The IRS On June 18, 2014

Stopping offshore tax cheating and bringing individuals, especially high net-worth individuals, back into the tax system has been a top priority of the IRS for several years and the IRS established offshore voluntary disclosure programs to encourage taxpayers with undisclosed offshore assets to become current with their tax liabilities. The programs have been part of […]