Entries by Tax Attorney

Seven Tips To Avoid Having To Check Into “Club Fed” For Tax Evasion

Many criminal investigations start as a result of a referral from the civil side of the IRS. That is why for most taxpayers, a criminal investigation isn’t a first step, but rather the last step in a lengthy process to get you to resolve your tax debt even if it means that an IRS Special […]

FATCA Enforcement Picking Up Momentum As July 1, 2014 Deadline Approaches

Under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”), foreign banks, insurers and investment funds must send the Internal Revenue Service information about Americans’ and U.S. permanent residents’ offshore accounts worth more than $50,000. Institutions that fail to comply could effectively be frozen out of U.S. markets. Since the release of the Model 1 and Model […]

How To Get Included On The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion

Ordinarily, the United States taxes U.S. citizens and resident aliens on their worldwide income, even when they live and work abroad for an extended period of time. To provide some relief, a U.S. citizen or resident who meets certain requirements can elect to exclude from U.S. taxation a limited amount of foreign earned income plus […]

Are You Under Investigation For An Alleged Tax Crime? Protest Yourself!

What is a Tax Crime? Tax crimes include all crimes that are under the jurisdiction of the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) of the IRS. While there are dozens of criminal offenses defined in the Federal tax code, they generally all fall under one of two categories: crimes related to the filing of the return and […]

Careful What You Say And Who You Speak To When Under Criminal Tax Investigation

Tax evasion stories aren’t covered in the news very often but the IRS still aggressively pursues tax cheats, particularly those who are accused of serious crimes such as filing a false return. It’s wise for all taxpayers to learn about the procedure and the possible penalties that come along with being prosecuted for tax fraud. […]

Ten Things To Consider If You Are Worried About Criminal Tax Fraud Charges

When it comes to committing tax fraud and other tax crimes, the IRS can leave you with nothing and even throw you in jail. Here’s some advice on how to protect yourself from the IRS, what to expect, and how to handle it. 1.         Get a lawyer. If the IRS criminally investigates you, this is […]