Entries by Tax Attorney

Nine Things That Will Elevate Your Chances Of Being Targeted By IRS For Past Nondisclosure Of Foreign Accounts and/or Failure To Report Worldwide Income

If you have undisclosed foreign accounts you have an important decision to make. That decision being – when do you start disclosing your foreign bank accounts and foreign income and how should you disclose? Many people thought that forever they can keep their foreign accounts a secret – not just from their creditors and spouses […]

Why Is It Better To Hire A Tax Attorney Instead Of Your Tax Preparer For Your OVDI Submission

A common question we hear a lot: My CPA who I have been going to for years has never told me that I had to report my foreign income. Now that I know I have to report my foreign income and disclose my foreign bank accounts, do I accept my CPA’s offer to represent me […]

The Story Of Bradley Charles Birkenfeld And How Because Of His Actions No Longer Can Foreign Accounts Be A Secret.

If you have undisclosed foreign accounts you have an important decision to make. That decision being – when do you start disclosing your foreign bank accounts and foreign income and how should you disclose? Many people thought that forever they can keep their foreign accounts a secret – not just from their creditors and spouses […]

The IRS Knows Where U.S. Offshore Tax Evaders Live And Bank!

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has just released its report: “IRS’s Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP): 2009 Participation by State and Location of Foreign Bank Accounts”. In this report the GAO studied the make-up of all 10,533 applicants to the IRS 2009 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program which was open for enrollment during eight months […]

IRS Targets Americans Living In Israel!

Americans with Israeli bank or other financial accounts could face a tough tax season in 2014 if they do not come forward and disclose their assets to the IRS.  Recently, Israeli banks have come under increased scrutiny by the IRS in regards to disclosing the accounts of their American clients.  In particular, three Israeli banks- […]

IRS Guidance Issued On Bitcoin Tax Reporting Requirements

Bitcoin has been in the news frequently lately, particularly since the collapse of the Japanese-based Bitcoin exchange, Mt. Gox.  Bitcoin is a digital currency and peer-to-peer payment system created in 2009. Since 2009, the use of bitcoins has expanded significantly.  Bitcoins can be bought and sold for various currencies, generally through a series of online […]

IRS Commissioner Announces The Agency Is On Track To Meet FATCA Deadline Of July 1, 2014 To Enforce Compliance Of Foreign Banks To Disclose U.S. Account Holders To IRS

Last week, IRS Commissioner, John Koskinen, announced that the agency is right on track in implementing the non-discretionary legislative mandates of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, which is more commonly known as FATCA. The significance of this law enacted as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act of 2010, P.L. 111-147, requires […]

2013 U.S. Expat Tax Updates for Americans Living Abroad

As expats begin the task of gathering documents for their U.S. tax return preparation, here are some important updates to keep in mind. Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (“FEIE”) The Foreign Earned Income Exclusion is a valuable tax benefit that adjusts for inflation each year. For tax year 2013 the FEIE was $95,100 and for tax […]

IRS Warning: Beware Email Phishing Scheme Falsely Claiming to be from the Taxpayer Advocate Service

From time to time the IRS issues consumer warnings on the fraudulent use of the IRS name or logo by scammers trying to gain access to consumers’ financial information in order to steal their identity and assets. When identity theft takes place over the Internet,it is called phishing. Suspicious e-Mail/Phishing Phishing (as in “fishing for […]

KahnTaxLaw on the ESPN Mr. Credit show – March 27, 2014

Topics Covered: 1. Protect yourself: Scammers targeting taxpayers, including recent immigrants, throughout the country. 2. Types of audits that the IRS conducts and deadline to finish an audit. 3. Top 10 “red flags” that could increase the chance you’ll be targeted for an audit. 4. Will the IRS punish me if I hire a tax […]