bitcoin-cryptocurrency law attorney

Virtual Currency World Looking To Score Its First Hat Trick – How soccer celebrities are leading greater bitcoin-related tech adoption among the masses.

IRS tax filing deadline

Missed The April 18, 2018 Tax Deadline And Owe Tax? File by June 14th to avoid higher late-filing penalty.

bipartisan support for state laws on Marijuana

If You Can’t Beat Them, Then Join Them! Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Protect State Laws On Marijuana

cannabis-marijuana- growers-law legal

Cannabis Entrepreneurs Accused Of Tax Crimes


How The Feds Are Going After Cannabis Businesses Now That The Cole Memo Has Been Revoked

IRS tax fraud scam warning

IRS Warns Of Form W-8BEN Scam Targeting International Taxpayers And Non-Resident Aliens With Foreign Income And Foreign Assets