Reaching The Top of the Apple Tree – Is The FBI Overreaching Themselves?
/0 Comments/in Featured/by Tax AttorneyForeign Bank Account Filings Top 1 Million – What Taxpayers Need to Know About Their Filing Requirements If You Have Foreign Bank Accounts.
/0 Comments/in Featured/by Tax AttorneyCruz Tax Plans would end payroll tax and flatten tax code
/0 Comments/in Podcast/by Tax AttorneyJeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. and Gary Sussman Discusses Cruz Tax Plan; Investing Tips; Tax Tips and the IRS On ESPN Radio – March 25, 2016 Show
Topics Covered:
1. Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan
2. Emotions, expectations and your money
3. Hot tax tips to save money on taxes
4. Questions from our listeners:
a. I am about to finish my residency at UCSD and my student loans payments are about to begin. I have about $150k in debt and my required monthly payment is going to be huge. Luckily I have a good job but my student loan payment is going to be higher than my rent. How am I going to keep this up?
Gary states: Good afternoon! Yes sometimes we just have to take the money and run! Welcome to Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show.
This is Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman, Senior Vice President Of Investments at Trilogy Financial Services.
Jeff states:
And this is Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, the principal attorney of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. and head of the KahnTaxLaw team.
Gary states:
You are listening to our weekly radio show where we talk everything about finances and taxes from the ESPN 1700 AM Studio in San Diego, California.
Jeff states:
When it comes to knowing tax laws and paying taxes, let’s face it — everyone in the U.S. is either in tax trouble, on their way to tax trouble, or trying to avoid tax trouble!
Gary states:
And whether you are on the rebound or flying high, we have the information you need to make sound financial decisions and map out your strategy for success.
Gary states:
Our show is broadcasted each Friday at 2:00PM Pacific Time and replays are available on demand by logging into the KahnTaxLaw website at
Gary states:
For today’s show we have coming up:
Segment 2 material: Emotions, expectations and your money.
Jeff states:
Also coming up is:
Segment 3 material: Hot tax tips to save money on taxes.
And of course towards the end of our show, we will be answering some of your questions.
Gary starts chit chat with Jeff.
Gary states: So for today’s top story:
Senator Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan
Gary states: So imagine this – 4.9 million new jobs, average wages rising 12.2% over the next decade, capital investment rising 43.9%, and every income-level seeing double-digit increases in after-tax income. Imagine exports and manufacturing jobs booming and our trade deficit falling as the tax bias against American made goods is eliminated. Imagine a 10% income tax, with every American filling out his or her taxes on a postcard or iPhone app. And lastly imagine abolishing the IRS as we know it.
Gary states: Maybe this is fantasy but according to GOP Presidential candidate Ted Cruz, this is what would happen under his tax plan.
Jeff states: And just like we critiqued other candidate’s tax plans, Ted Cruz is no different so here are the key points of Cruz Tax Plan:
Gary states: For individuals – Replace Current System With A Flat Tax. Under the Simple Flat Tax, the current seven rates of personal income tax will collapse into a single low rate of 10 percent.
a. For a family of four, the first $36,000 will be tax-free (compared to $26,000.00 under current law) .
b. The Child Tax Credit will remain in place.
c. The Earned Income Tax Credit would be expanded with greater anti-fraud and pro-marriage reforms.
d. Under the plan, deductions for charitable contributions and mortgage interest payments are preserved.
e. Eliminates the Net Investment Income Tax of 3.8% and the Medicare surtax of 0.9%, which were passed as part of the Affordable Care Act.
Jeff states: For businesses, the corporate income tax will be eliminated. It will be replaced by a simple Business Flat Tax (operating as a Value Added Tax) at a single 16% rate. The current payroll tax system will be abolished, while maintaining full funding for Social Security and Medicare. Also, provides a temporary tax holiday at a 10% rate (instead of a full 35% rate) on any deferred foreign profits that are repatriated.
Gary states: Other taxes eliminated: Payroll Tax will be eliminated. The Death Tax will be eliminated. The Alternative Minimum Tax will be eliminated. The tax on profits earned abroad will be eliminated. And of course, the Obamacare taxes will be eliminated.
Jeff states: Except for the Child Care Credit and Earned Income Credit, all other tax credits are eliminated.
Jeff continues: His plan also creates a new “universal savings account” that allows up to $25,000 of tax-deductible savings.
Gary states: A simpler Tax Code: replaced with new rules of the game – so simple, in fact, that individuals and families could file their taxes on a postcard or phone app. Also gone will be the unending loopholes in the current code, the stacks of depreciation schedules for businesses, and the multi-tiered rates on income and investments. Under the Simple Flat Tax, the Internet remains free from taxes.
Jeff states: And lastly Ted Cruz is looking the end the IRS. He states it will cease to exist as we know it, there will be zero targeting of individuals based on their faith or political beliefs, and there will be no way for thousands of agents to manipulate the system.
Gary states: Cruz believes his plan for the Simple Flat Tax will ensure that low- and middle-income Americans have greater opportunities – not only through minimal taxes, but also through better, high-paying jobs that the Simple Flat Tax will generate.
Jeff states: According to the Tax Foundation’s Taxes and Growth Model, the plan would significantly reduce marginal tax rates and the cost of capital, which would lead to a 13.9% higher GDP over the long term, provided that the tax cut could be appropriately financed. The plan would also lead to a 43.9% larger capital stock, 12.2% higher wages, and 4.8 million more full-time equivalent jobs. On a static basis, the plan would cut taxes by 9.2%, on average, for all taxpayers. Accounting for economic growth, all taxpayers would see an increase in after-tax income of at least 14% at the end of the decade.
Gary states: The figures for this model sound great but beware that The Taxes and Growth Model does not take into account the fiscal or economic effects of interest on debt. It also does not require budgets to balance over the long term, nor does it account for the potential macroeconomic effects of any spending cuts that may be required to finance the plan.
Jeff asks: So we all these grand tax cuts, how does Ted Cruz expect to pay for this?
Gary states: Senator Cruz’s plan would cut taxes by $3.6 trillion over the next decade on a static basis. However, the plan would end up reducing tax revenues by $768 billion over the next decade when accounting for economic growth from increases in the supply of labor and capital and the much broader tax base due to the new value-added tax which system is similar to most developed countries.
Jeff states: Senator Cruz’s tax reform would be a significant shift from the current tax code. Under this plan, the income tax would be greatly diminished in its importance compared to current law. Instead, the U.S. federal government would raise 71% of all revenue from the new broad-based value-added tax. The tax is a broad consumption tax that would include most of U.S. GDP, including both wages and profits. Due to these changes, the taxation of investment would significantly decline, which would greatly increase incentives to save and invest.
Gary states: But going back to the Death Of The IRS – Jeff what do you have to say about that?
Jeff states: Cruz claims each year, Americans spend 6.1 billion hours on tax compliance. That’s roughly the equivalent of every American taxpayer devoting 45 hours to filing their taxes every year. Well I do know that most individuals spend nowhere near close to 45 hours to prepare and file their tax returns.
Gary states: Of the 84,000 IRS employees roughly half (48%) work on “Examinations and Collections”; roughly another quarter (23%) work on “Filing and Account Services.” Under the Simple Flat Tax, with Americans filing taxes on a postcard, Cruz claims we will need vastly fewer examiners, collectors, filers and account servicers and that will save the government money. Furthermore, Cruz claims the IRS needs to be abolished because of the institutional corruption and political self-dealing it causes to abuse taxpayers.
Jeff states: So I guess in Cruz’s view the IRS is the only government agency that is so corrupt it should be abolished. So Mr. Cruz I ask you who would then be collecting the taxes under your system? Do you have an “app” in mind for this?
Gary states: Well it’s time for a break but stay tuned because we are going to tell you Emotions, expectations and your money.
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Gary states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman.
And be aware of the special offer that I have for you: Gary states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Gary Sussman. The number to call is 949.536.2030. That is 949.536.2030. Or visit
Emotions, expectations and your money.
Franklin Templeton Investments: Emotions, Expectations and Economics Seminar Presentation (#2015-730)
Rules: FIN 2210, SEC 482
Jeff states: As we approach the end of the 1st quarter, Gary thought it would be a good idea to take notice of the wild ride the stock market has been on since the turn of the year and hopefully give our listeners some perspective on how to make sense of things moving forward.
Gary states: Jeff it certainly has been an interesting start to the year. As investors got over their New Year’s hangovers the stock market did not do much to relieve their headache. The first week of trading this year was literally the worst opening week in Wall Street’s history.
Jeff states: The DOW Jones ended the first five days of trading down 6.2% to start the year. The S&P 500 did not fare much better, closing down 6% to start the year. Naturally there was panic in the air. All the pundits were opening up their history books and charts to create their own narrative of what the future may hold. For all the bears out there, this was a feeding frenzy.
Gary states: After a horrible first week things did not get much better and after the first 2 weeks of the year both the DOW and S&P were off 9 percent, and by February the S&P had lost about 18% from its high last summer. Needless to say, people were concerned, and their emotions were starting to drive their financial decision making. That almost always is a recipe for disaster.
Jeff states: I remember the headlines. Oil was in a free fall, China was collapsing and interest rates were rising. If you were looking for a reason as to why everything was going to collapse, you wouldn’t have to go too far to find it.
Gary states: Well let’s fast forward to today. What a difference a few weeks make, the stock market has rallied strongly from its lows and is now back in the black. “While stocks are admittedly still down from their summer highs after this run, investors should learn from the recent rebound and try to think longer term instead of fretting about day-to-day volatility” says Josh Brown CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management in New York.
Jeff states: The pressures we faced to start the year have largely abated driven primarily by the rebound in oil prices. And after last week’s meeting with the Fed where they indicated rates were not going higher anytime soon, investors continued to bid stocks higher.
Gary states: With such vicious volatility that is then amplified by the internet and social media, how can people keep a level head! How can you not get caught up in the hype? How do you stop your emotions from driving your investment decisions?
Jeff states: It seems many investors struggle with removing emotion from decisions about their investments, maybe even overestimating their ability to deal with periods of market decline and volatility.
Gary states: Completely correct, people only truly understand risk when they experience loss, and tend to be influenced more by the prospect of loss than by the opportunity for gain, with fear being the greatest motivator.
Jeff states: A loss aversion study conducted by the Journal of Marketing Research found that people place about twice the value on giving up an item than on receiving the same item.
Gary states: That is why, there is such a gap between the average return for the S&P 500 and the average equity investor.
Jeff states: In a recent DALBAR study of investor behavior, for the 20 year period from December 31, 1994 to December 31, 2014 the S&P 500 grew an average of 9.9% whereas the average equity fund investor earned an average of just 5.2%.
Gary states: Jeff, DALBAR has been releasing that study forever and the numbers don’t change very much. The primary reason for this occurring is that some investors jumped in and out of the market at the wrong time for the wrong reasons thus missing out on long term opportunities, by ultimately buying high, and selling low.
Jeff states: The media seems to be playing a major role in how people feel about their money. We seem to be living in a world made up of headlines and sound bites.
Gary states: Very true and with 24/7 access to information these headlines are changing by the hour. Think about what emotions words like “slammed,” “plunge,” “tumble” and “surge” provoke. They make you feel like you should be taking some sort of action daily and the only way to make money in the market is to effectively time it as when to get in and out.
Jeff states: Market timing in turn can be risky simply because you are now trying to predict the future, which is impossible. These investors think about missing the “worst” days, but what if they land up missing the “best” days?
Gary states: Trying to accurately time the market is impossible. I always tell people that it is hard enough to time it right once let alone on a consistent basis.
Jeff states: In a study conducted by Morningstar, they looked at what would have happened if an investor tried to time the market, but missed the best, 10,20,30 or 40 trading days over a 20 year period from 1994-2014.
Gary states: If you would have stayed fully invested in the S&P 500 you would have earned an average 9.85% return, once you started to remove the best days, results were not so pretty. If you missed the 10 best days you would have earned 6.11%, if you missed the best 20, you would have earned 3.63%, the best 30 it would be 1.5% and miss the best 40 days you would have actually lost .45%.
Jeff states: So how do investors stay unemotional?
Gary states: I would start off by managing expectations. If you expect the market to be going up every day or every year, you will be sadly disappointed. When the market is doing well, investors can become “blinded” by euphoria over their investment returns and tend to expect consistent double digit returns, the problem is that our memories of bear or declining markets are simply a blur. So keep a level head, and don’t let the daily movements in the market drive your long term decision making.
Jeff states: Franklin Templeton did a study that looked at the three investor types and their expectations of the markets. They broke the three types into optimist, the skeptic and the pessimist and the missed opportunities that can result.
Gary states: Optimists tend to think the stock market continually rises, but fail to consider the many short-term fluctuations that have occurred throughout history. In turn optimists may become too heavy in stocks and overlook other asset classes like bonds and cash and thus feel too much pain when markets correct or maybe even land up making rash decisions.
Jeff States: Then we have the skeptic. Skeptics tend to assume the market will stay flat, and tend to be handcuffed by indecision. The net result is that skeptics may then miss out on the opportunity for additional growth that can come out of owning stocks and may in turn limit their upside returns.
Gary states: Lastly we have the pessimist. They tend to see the stock market as too much of a gamble, and believe CDs are the only way to go. While the pessimist may not expose themselves to any market based risk they open up the door to a potentially bigger risk, that of inflation and the decreasing value of their dollars over time and severely limiting their ability to grow their wealth and maybe even land up locking in the likelihood that they never even reach their goals.
Jeff states: Regardless of which category you fall in, it seems investor’s expectations can lead to disappointment in the performance of their investments.
Gary states: Jeff, the thing I consistently strive to do when working with clients is manage expectations to avoid any type of surprise when their long term performance does not match the often times unrealistic expectation of what their money should be doing.
Jeff states: So what should our listeners do to keep their emotions and expectations in line with each other?
Gary states: Number 1, make sure you are working with a professional. Very few people can effectively manage the cycle of emotions on their own. Number 2, review your financial plan to determine if your portfolio matches your risk tolerance and don’t adjust your risk tolerances based on the movements in the market. Number 3, understand the rationale for your investment strategy. Number 4, set realistic performance expectations and lastly, discuss how to prepare yourself financially and mentally during times of market decline.
Jeff states: Sounds like, if you can set realistic investment expectations, you may be able to more easily ride the market’s ups and downs with a greater sense of confidence.
Gary states: Exactly! Having the right asset allocation is key to ensuring the ride you are taking matches the amount of risk you are comfortable taking. If that is in place, you may feel more at ease when we go through our next market correction which is why you should remember …
Gary states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Gary Sussman. The number to call is 949.536.2030. That is 949.536.2030. Or visit
Gary states: Stay tuned because after the break we are going to tell you hot tax tips to save money on taxes.
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Gary states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman.
Gary states: And before we start our next segment, Jeff would you please tell our listeners of your offer?
Jeff states PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Six Facts You Should Know Before Deducting a Charitable Donation
Gary states: If you gave money or goods to a charity in 2015, you may be able to claim a deduction on your federal tax return. Here are six important facts you should know about charitable donations.
[Gary reads off the name of each fact and Jeff describes]
1. Qualified Charities. You must donate to a qualified charity. Gifts to individuals, political organizations or candidates are not deductible. An exception to this rule is contributions under the Slain Officer Family Support Act of 2015. To check the status of a charity, use the IRS Select Check tool.
2. Itemize Deductions. To deduct your contributions, you must file Form 1040 and itemize deductions. File Schedule A, Itemized Deductions, with your federal tax return.
3. Benefit in Return. If you get something in return for your donation, you may have to reduce your deduction. You can only deduct the amount of your gift that is more than the value of what you got in return. Examples of benefits include merchandise, meals, tickets to an event or other goods and services.
4. Type of Donation. If you give property instead of cash, your deduction amount is normally limited to the item’s fair market value. Fair market value is generally the price you would get if you sold the property on the open market. If you donate used clothing and household items, they generally must be in good condition, or better, to be deductible. Special rules apply to cars, boats and other types of property donations.
5. Form to File and Records to Keep. You must file Form 8283, Noncash Charitable Contributions, for all noncash gifts totaling more than $500 for the year.
6. Donations of $250 or More. If you donated cash or goods of $250 or more, you must have a written statement from the charity. It must show the amount of the donation and a description of any property given. It must also say whether you received any goods or services in exchange for the gift.
Save on Your Taxes and for Retirement with the Saver’s Credit
Gary states: If you contribute to a retirement plan, like a 401(k) or an IRA, you may be able to claim the Saver’s Credit. This credit can help you save for retirement and reduce the tax you owe. Here are some key facts that you should know about this important tax credit:
[Gary reads off the name of each fact and Jeff describes]
1. Formal Name. The formal name of the Saver’s Credit is the Retirement Savings Contribution Credit. The Saver’s Credit is in addition to other tax savings you get if you set aside money for retirement. For example, you may also be able to deduct your contributions to a traditional IRA.
2. Maximum Credit. The Saver’s Credit is worth up to $4,000 if you are married and file a joint return. The credit is worth up to $2,000 if you are single. The credit you receive is often much less than the maximum. This is partly because of the deductions and other credits you may claim.
3. Income Limits. You may be able to claim the credit depending on your filing status and the amount of your yearly income. You may be eligible for the credit on your 2015 tax return if you are:
o Married filing jointly with income up to $61,000
o Head of household with income up to $45,750
o Married filing separately or a single taxpayer with income up to $30,500
4. Other Rules. Other rules that apply to the credit include:
o You must be at least 18 years of age.
o You can’t have been a full-time student in 2015.
o No other person can claim you as a dependent on their tax return.
5. Contribution Date. You must have contributed to a 401(k) plan or similar workplace plan by the end of the year to claim this credit. However, you can contribute to an IRA by the due date of your tax return and still have it count for 2015. The due date for most people is April 18, 2016.
6. Form 8880. File Form 8880, Credit for Qualified Retirement Savings Contributions, to claim the credit.
Jeff states: You know we are always thinking of ways to save our clients’ money from taxes which we why …
PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Gary states: Stay tuned as we will be taking some of your questions. You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Gary states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman.
Jeff states: And Gary and I always pleased to make our offers to our listeners where… PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Gary states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Gary Sussman. The number to call is 949.536.2030. That is 949.536.2030. Or visit
You should also know that the securities and advisory services are offered through National Planning Corporation (NPC) Member FINRA, SIPC, and a Registered Investment Advisor. Trilogy Financial Services and NPC are separate and unrelated Entities.
Jeff states: If you would like to post a question for us to answer, you can go to my website at and click on “Radio Show”. You can then enter your question and maybe it will be selected for our show.
OK Gary, what questions have you pulled for us to answer?
Question from Sandra of San Diego: I am about to finish my residency at UCSD and my student loans payments are about to begin. I have about $150k in debt and my required monthly payment is going to be huge. Luckily I have a good job but my student loan payment is going to be higher than my rent. How am I going to keep this up?
Answer by Gary: Student debt is a serious problem for recent graduates. With the cost of college the average student is graduating with 30k in debt. Having a budget is essential no matter what and considering the amount of your payment you should look to see where else you can make cuts in your spending. Another alternative is to explore Income Driven Repayment plans. These programs exist for the majority of federal loans. They will base your payment on a percentage of your income rather than on the balance of the loan. These programs may allow you to significantly reduce your monthly payment and eventually have that debt forgiven. The benefit is that you may actually be able to afford to live. The caveat is that because this will become forgiven debt at some point in the future, it will be taxable. These programs are not right for everyone and I would definitely investigate this topic further with the guidance of a financial adviser and tax professional.
Gary states: Well we are reaching the end of our show.
Remember you can send us your questions by visiting the kahntaxlaw website at
Jeff states: Have a great day everyone!
Hillary Clinton’s Tax Plan, DOL Fiduciary Rule, Undisclosed Foreign Bank Accounts and the IRS
/0 Comments/in Podcast/by Tax AttorneyJeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. and Gary Sussman Discusses Clinton Tax Plan, DOL Fiduciary Rule, Undisclosed Foreign Bank Accounts and the IRS On ESPN Radio – March 18, 2016 Show
Topics Covered:
1. What You Need To Know About The Hillary Clinton Tax Plan.
2. How the new “Department Of Labor Fiduciary Rule” will impact your investing habits.
3. What taxpayers need to know about their filing requirements if you have foreign bank accounts.
4. Questions from our listeners:
- My wife and I are looking at Long Term Care Insurance. It just seems so expensive, are there any other choices out there.
- Can I receive a tax refund if I am currently making payments under an installment agreement or payment plan for a prior year’s federal taxes?
Jeff states: Yes sometimes we just have to take the money and run!
Good afternoon! Welcome to Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show.
This is Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, the principal attorney of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. and head of the KahnTaxLaw team.
Gary states:
And this is Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman at Trilogy Financial Services.
You are listening to our weekly radio show where we talk everything about finances and taxes from the ESPN 1700 AM Studio in San Diego, California.
Jeff states:
When it comes to knowing tax laws and paying taxes, let’s face it — everyone in the U.S. is either in tax trouble, on their way to tax trouble, or trying to avoid tax trouble!
Gary states:
And whether you are on the rebound or flying high, we have the information you need to make sound financial decisions and map out your strategy for success.
Jeff states:
Our show is broadcasted each Friday at 2:00PM Pacific Time and replays are available on demand by logging into the KahnTaxLaw website at
Jeff states:
For today’s show we have coming up:
Segment 2 material: How the new Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule will impact you.
Gary states:
Also coming up is:
Segment 3 material: what taxpayers need to know about their filing requirements if you have foreign bank accounts.
And of course towards the end of our show, we will be answering some of your questions.
Jeff starts chit chat with Gary.
Jeff states: So for today’s top story:
What You Need To Know About The Hillary Clinton Tax Plan.
Gary states: Clinton’s plan has four major parts to it: A 4 percent surtax, Instituting The Buffett Rule, Tightening loopholes and Expanding the estate tax’s reach.
Gary continues: So let’s discuss in more detail each part.
Jeff states: A 4 percent surtax (the campaign calls it a “Fair Share Surcharge”), which has been getting the most attention. It involves taxing all income (that is, not just wage and salary income) over $5 million. That’s what makes it a surcharge and not just the creation of a new income-tax bracket.
Gary states: The Buffett Rule — Clinton would require people earning more than $1 million annually to pay at least a 30% tax rate.
Jeff states: Tightening loopholes that tend to be used by the wealthy. In particular, the Clinton camp points to what’s been dubbed the “Romney loophole.” That refers to the practice of stashing millions of dollars in IRAs. They also highlight the “Bermuda reinsurance loophole,” which has allowed some hedge-fund managers to reduce their taxes via insurance companies in Bermuda.
Gary states: Expanding the estate tax’s reach — Right now, the tax applies to estates worth more than roughly $5.5 million. She would take that threshold down to $3.5 million, where the level was in 2009 (but higher than the $2 million level that existed throughout the mid-2000s) and also raise the rate from the current 40% to 45%.
Jeff states: To be clear, this isn’t a full tax plan in the same vein as the ones many Republican candidates released. While GOP candidates like Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio released more comprehensive plans covering things like estate, corporate, capital gains and income taxes at once, Clinton has released her ideas in pieces. For example, she also released a corporate tax plan in December and a capital gains plan in July.
Gary states: So you may ask whom would this new proposal affect? Well it’s not supposed to impact the average American. That’s because the elements in this plan focus on either the richest sliver of Americans making more than $5 million, the wealthy people taking advantage of specific tax breaks, or the relatively few people earning $1 million or more.
Jeff states: According to the NPR article, the surcharge, firstly, would affect very, very few people. In 2013, about 34,000 tax returns out of 147 million (or about 0.02 percent) had an adjusted gross income of $5 million or more.
Gary states: Likewise, Clinton’s proposal says the estate tax expansion would affect 4 out of every 1,000 estates. And the Romney loophole would similarly be limited in scope — as of 2011, 98.5% of taxpayers with IRAs had balances of less than $1 million. In addition, only about 346,000 returns listed incomes of $1 million or more in 2013 — about 0.2 percent of returns.
Jeff states: So it won’t affect most people’s lives, and that’s kind of the point. Clinton’s plan over and over stresses that it’s aimed at the richest people, and it also provides numbers showing how limited the number affected will be.
Gary states: You may think these be big tax hikes but let compare to history. The 4 percent surtax would be on top of the current top marginal tax rate of 39.6 percent (so, 10 percent higher) and on top of the total 23.8 percent paid on long-term capital gains right now (so, nearly 17 percent higher).
Gary continues: From that perspective, those seem like sizable bumps, but in historical perspective, the rates still would be modest. Tax rates are much lower in these two areas than they have been in the past. Consider that in 1981, Ronald Reagan cut taxes from 70% to 50% according to the Tax Policy Center. Meanwhile, Clinton’s proposal would essentially raise the top marginal rate to nearly 44%.
Jeff states: So the big question is what’s the price tag? For its part, the Clinton camp says this plan will raise up to $500 billion in revenue over 10 years. Big difference from Bernie Sander’s raising an additional $1 trillion in just one year!
Jeff continues: But what’s just as important is what Clinton will do with that half-trillion dollars. She does not say how she would spend the new revenue but I guess she feels it is better to figure that out later than what is facing the Republicans on what spending cuts would make up for the lower revenues from their plans.
Gary states: So under Clinton’s plan what would it do to the economy? The plan could reduce economic growth because it could cause wealthy Americans to invest less, says Kyle Pomerleau, director of federal projects at the right-leaning Tax Foundation. However, he said it would only be a “minor” reduction to output. He pointed to a paper from the Brookings Institution’s William Gale, which found a weak relationship between tax changes and growth. He also said that wealthy Americans have been sitting on their cash lately (meaning new taxes wouldn’t reduce already-low investment levels, though if that changes, so could the effect of these taxes).
Jeff states: So it seems Clinton’s biggest revenue raiser is that surtax. Clinton says the surtax is to make sure the richest people pay higher tax rates than “middle-class families.” The campaign points to IRS data showing that the top 400 taxpayers, who had an average income of more than $260 million in 2013, also paid an effective income tax rate of 23% that year.
Gary states: But even if Clinton does win the Presidency, with a Republican led House and an almost balanced Senate, she will not be able to on her own pass her tax policies.
Jeff states: Well it’s time for a break but stay tuned because we are going to shed some light on the new Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule which will impact you.
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman.
Before we start with our next segment, Gary would you tell our listeners about how they can reach you and what you offer.
Gary states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Gary Sussman. The number to call is 949.536.2030. That is 949.536.2030. Or visit
Jeff resumes:
Jeff states: So let’s continue with our next story. We are on the brink of finalizing of a new rule that will have major implications for investors and financial advisors.
The Department of Labor (DOL) Fiduciary Rule.
Gary states: Jeff, this is really something that for the most part has gone unnoticed. As an advisor I have been very well aware of what has been going on in D.C. regarding this proposal. But just about everyone else who is not working in the industry is completely unaware of what is about to take place even though just about everyone who has a retirement account or offers retirement accounts will be affected by this proposal.
Jeff continues: This proposal was initially introduced in 2011. However, widespread criticism from the industry and lawmakers forced the department to withdraw its initial proposal. In April of last year the DOL published its draft fiduciary rule and it is now possibly weeks or even days away from become law.
Gary states: Under this new rule, advisors who sell retirement savings products will likely be held to a fiduciary standard. This means they would have to put their clients’ interest above their own, which is a stricter standard than the current one for brokers in which recommendations must be merely “suitable.”
Jeff continues: Many brokers are fuming over the rule that would block them from selling any investment into a retirement account in return for a commission. Instead, the DOL would restrict a broker’s compensation to a fee based on a financial advisor’s hours or a flat percentage of the value of a retirement account.
Gary continues: The goal is to curb an advisor’s temptation to sell products with the highest commissions rather than those that serve the best interests of customers saving for retirement. The DOL would still allow commissions for easily valued investments including exchange-traded stocks and bonds, but only if brokers sign contracts giving customers the right to bring class-action lawsuits if their best interests are not met.
Jeff states: The Labor Department’s fiduciary standard is also different from the one under which registered investment advisers currently operate under securities law.
Gary continues: This is where this whole thing becomes a nightmare for everyone. Many advisors are already fee-based and don’t work on any type of commission. Many of them have naturally assumed they are immune to this and in turn have come out in favor of the rule, thinking that this is their way of cleaning out the small group of brokers who may not always do the best thing for a client.
Jeff continues: A little known provision in the rule would capture RIAs under the DOL’s proposed best interest contract exemption (BICE) if RIAs recommend a rollover and their fees are higher than the retirement plans. The fact that the RIAs charge higher fees to cover the extra cost of advice is immaterial. Many fee-based advisors, because of their level fees, have assumed they would be unaffected by the DOL’s rulemaking. But Gary, that’s simply not the case.
Gary states: Jeff, this is why those who offer advice whether it be for a commission or a fee are so up in arms. I think the intent of the rule is very genuine, however the consequence to investors and the financial services industry can ultimately mean that this proposal will do more harm than good.
Jeff continues: It seems that there are a wide array of conflicting and strong opinions on this proposal.
Gary states: The rule has been the source of a fierce lobbying battle. President Barack Obama has said the rule is needed to protect workers and retirees from conflicted advice that increases their investment costs and erodes savings.
Jeff continues: Senator Elizabeth Warren is in favor of the proposal and has been its biggest advocate. She contests that that many financial advisers promote inferior financial products to collect kickbacks. She references lavish trips and golf outings offered by companies that sell certain annuities.
Gary continues: Opponents say the rule will significantly increase liability risk and regulatory costs for financial advisers and force them to abandon clients with small accounts.
Jeff states: Gary doesn’t it seem like she is trying to address a specific problem with regulation that would have bigger consequences?
Gary states: Jeff, that’s what it sounds like to me. I agree that these kickbacks should be disallowed to negate the temptation to put your own interests before your clients, but this rule goes much further. The peculiar thing to me is that the companies she singles out, names like, American Equity and Fidelity Guarantee offer products that most broker dealers prohibit their representatives from even selling, because of the high commissions and kickbacks. When it comes down to it, the people selling these products may not even be securities licensed, yet the regulation is going to impact the securities industry the most.
Jeff continues: Just recently MetLife became the second major insurance company that decided to exit the brokerage business. They sold their advisor unit which included the firm’s Premier Client Group, consisting of about 4,000 advisers. MetLife is shedding the unit as brokerage firms face higher compliance costs tied to the Labor Departments proposed fiduciary rule.
Gary states: It seems like the writing is on the wall. Even though nothing is official, firms are scrambling in anticipation of this new rule.
The Financial Services Institute, the trade group for independent broker-dealers, calculated that its members would spend $3.8 billion alone for such startup costs as new record-keeping and disclosure systems to implement the rule, almost 20 times the estimate made by the Labor Department. The cost of implementation alone is going to drive companies out of the business.
Jeff continues: The rule will force small firms out of business, giving “small and medium-sized investors” less access to needed retirement advice. Brokers say they would have to abandon giving retirement advice to thousands of middle and working class investors who cannot meet the minimum balance requirements for fee-based advisory accounts if the DOL proposal is not changed.
Gary states: In a recent article, Michael Wong, equity analyst for capital markets at Morningstar, said the “entire value chain” would be affected by this rule, resulting in fewer commission-based products available to investors and a decline in the overall number of financial advisors.
Jeff continues: Other theorists expect attrition levels at wirehouses and IBDs to increase. Some expect a wave of mergers and acquisitions in the independent space, as it gets more complicated and expensive to do business.
Gary continues: To survive, many resource starved smaller firms will need to join forces with larger firms, taking advantage of greater scale and a more robust infrastructure.
Jeff states: So Gary, what does this all mean for those people that are currently working with a financial advisor in some sort of capacity?
Gary states: I would stay tuned. If your advisor has not spoken to you about this, I would go ahead and suggest giving them a call to see how much they know about this proposal and see if they or their firm has any type of plan to make the necessary adjustments once the Office of Management and Budget has completed their review and the rule is finalized. Hopefully they have been following this as closely as we have and are not going to be caught off guard. Unfortunately the consequence is that some clients will be left in the dust as they won’t be able to afford to work in a fee only world, or their advisor will be abandoning them because the advisor won’t be able to afford to keep them as a client or perhaps some senior advisors may decide that this watershed moment represents a perfect opportunity to retire rather than adapt to the new way of doing business.
Jeff states: Seems like the DOL is going to accomplish their goal of driving down costs for retirees, but to what extent it will help or hurt the average consumer remains to be seen.
Gary states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Gary Sussman. The number to call is 949.536.2030. That is 949.536.2030. Or visit
Jeff states: Stay tuned because after the break we are going to tell you what taxpayers need to know about their filing requirements if you have foreign bank accounts.
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Jeff states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman.
Jeff states: And before we continue with this segment, I want to remind our listeners that…
PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Foreign Bank Account Filings Top 1 Million – What Taxpayers Need to Know About Their Filing Requirements If You Have Foreign Bank Accounts.
Jeff states: Earlier this week the IRS announced that strong and sustained growth of taxpayers complying with foreign financial account reporting reflects improving awareness and compliance of this important part of offshore tax rules.
Gary states: By law, many U.S. taxpayers with foreign accounts exceeding certain thresholds must file Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts, known as the “FBAR.” It is filed electronically with the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN).
Jeff states: So here are the statistics – In 2015, FinCEN received a record high 1,163,229 FBARs, up more than 8% from the prior year. In fact, FBAR filings have grown on average by 17% per year during the last five years, according to FinCen data.
Gary states: Filings of IRS Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets, are another sign of growing awareness of foreign reporting requirements. Taxpayers filed more than 300,000 Forms 8938 with their tax returns for tax year 2014, roughly the same as the prior year and up from about 200,000 for tax year 2011, the first year of the form. Form 8938 resulted from the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, known as “FATCA.” The filing thresholds are much higher for this form than for the FBAR.
Filing Requirements
Jeff states: Taxpayers with an interest in, or signature or other authority over, foreign financial accounts whose aggregate value exceeded $10,000 at any time during 2015 must file FBARs. It is due by June 30 and must be filed electronically through the BSA E-Filing System website.
Gary states: Generally, U.S. citizens, resident aliens and certain non-resident aliens must report specified foreign financial assets on Form 8938 if the aggregate value of those assets exceeds certain thresholds. Reporting thresholds vary based on whether a taxpayer files a joint income tax return or lives abroad. The lowest reporting threshold for Form 8938 is $50,000 but varies by taxpayer.
Jeff states: By law, Americans living abroad, as well as many non-U.S. citizens, must file a U.S. income tax return. In addition, key tax benefits, such as the foreign earned income exclusion, are only available to those who file U.S. returns.
Gary states: The law requires U.S. citizens and resident aliens to report worldwide income, including income from foreign trusts and foreign bank and securities accounts. In most cases, affected taxpayers need to complete and attach Schedule B to their tax return. Part III of Schedule B asks about the existence of foreign accounts, such as bank and securities accounts, and usually requires U.S. citizens to report the country in which each account is located.
Jeff states: Now consider this – about 60,000 U.S. taxpayers have come forward to disclose their previously undisclosed offshore accounts but just last year alone, 300,000 U.S. taxpayers filed Form 8938 disclosing foreign accounts. That would mean that about 240,000 did not previously report their foreign accounts and that under this recent filing of Form 8938 to IRS, they have put the IRS on direct notice of their non-compliance.
Gary asks: Jeff what are the penalties for non-compliance of not reporting foreign income?
Jeff replies: Penalties for non-compliance:
- Civil Fraud – If your failure to file is due to fraud, the penalty is 15% for each month or part of a month that your return is late, up to a maximum of 75%.
- Criminal Fraud – Any person who willfully attempts in any manner to evade or defeat any tax under the Internal Revenue Code or the payment thereof is, in addition to other penalties provided by law, guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, can be fined not more than $100,000 ($500,000 in the case of a corporation), or imprisoned not more than five years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution (Code Sec. 7201).
Jeff continues: The term “willfully” has been interpreted to require a specific intent to violate the law (U.S. v. Pomponio, 429 U.S. 10 (1976)). The term “willfulness” is defined as the voluntary, intentional violation of a known legal duty (Cheek v. U.S., 498 U.S. 192 (1991)).
Gary asks: Jeff what are the penalties for non-compliance of filing an FBAR?
Jeff replies: Penalties for non-compliance: The penalties for FBAR noncompliance are stiffer than the civil tax penalties ordinarily imposed for delinquent taxes.
- For non-willful violations it is $10,000.00 per account per year going back as far as six years.
- For willful violations the penalties for noncompliance which the government may impose include a fine of not more than $500,000 and imprisonment of not more than five years, for failure to file a report, supply information, and for filing a false or fraudulent report.
Gary states: The U.S. requires foreign financial institutions to report U.S. accountholder to the IRS.
Jeff replies: U.S. taxpayers with foreign accounts should also understand their reporting requirements under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). Third-party information reporting from foreign financial institutions or through intergovernmental agreements began in 2015.
Gary asks: Jeff what are the penalties for non-compliance for these foreign banks?
Jeff replies: Penalties for non-compliance: Foreign banks that are not certified by the IRS for reporting U.S. accountholders are subject to a 30% withholding tax on all U.S. sourced investments.
Gary states: The IRS requires disclosure of foreign financial accounts with your Form 1040.
Jeff replies: In addition, under FATCA, certain U.S. taxpayers holding financial assets outside the United States must report those assets to the IRS on Form 8938, Statement of Specified Foreign Financial Assets. Generally, U.S. citizens, resident aliens and certain non-resident aliens must report specified foreign financial assets on this form if the aggregate value of those assets exceeds certain thresholds. Reporting thresholds vary based on whether a taxpayer files a joint income tax return or lives abroad.
Gary asks: Jeff what are the penalties for non-compliance of filing Form 8938?
Jeff replies: Penalties for non-compliance: Failing to file Form 8938 when required could result in a $10,000 penalty, with an additional penalty up to $50,000 for continued failure to file after IRS notification. A 40% penalty on any understatement of tax attributable to non-disclosed assets can also be imposed.
Gary states: The IRS has special programs for taxpayers to come forward to disclose unreported foreign accounts and unreported foreign income.
Jeff replies: The main program is called the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP). OVDP offers taxpayers with undisclosed income from offshore accounts an opportunity to get current with their tax returns and information reporting obligations. The program encourages taxpayers to voluntarily disclose foreign accounts now rather than risk detection by the IRS at a later date and face more severe penalties and possible criminal prosecution.
Gary asks: Jeff, When did the IRS first start OVDP?
Jeff replies: OVDP was first started by the IRS in 2009. Since then there have been more than 54,000 voluntary disclosures by taxpayers with undisclosed foreign bank accounts. The IRS has collected more than $8 billion from this initiative.
Gary asks: What advantages does a taxpayer have coming into any of these programs.
Jeff replies: For taxpayers who willfully did not comply with the U.S. tax laws, we recommend going into the 2014 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (OVDP). Under this program, you can get immunity from criminal prosecution and the one-time penalty is 27.5% of the highest aggregate value of your foreign income producing asset holdings.
Jeff continues: For taxpayers who were non-willful, we recommend going into the Streamlined Procedures of OVDP. Under these procedures the penalty rate is 5% and if you are a foreign person, that penalty can be waived. This is a very popular program and we have had much success qualifying taxpayers and demonstrating to the IRS that their non-compliance was not willful. Which is why …
PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Stay tuned as we will be taking some of your questions. You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Jeff states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman.
And Gary and I always pleased to make our offers to our listeners where… PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Gary states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Gary Sussman. The number to call is 949.536.2030. That is 949.536.2030. Or visit
Securities and advisory services offered through National Planning Corporation (NPC), Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Additional advisory services offered through Trilogy Capital, a Registered Investment Adviser. Trilogy Capital and NPC are separate and unrelated companies.
Jeff states: If you would like to post a question for us to answer, you can go to my website at and click on “Radio Show”. You can then enter your question and maybe it will be selected for our show.
OK Gary, what questions have you pulled for us to answer?
Question from Patrick in Del Mar. My wife and I are looking at Long Term Care Insurance. It just seems so expensive, are there any other choices out there.
Answer: Yes it can be pretty expensive depending on when you get it and how much protection you are looking for. But it can be far more costly to need assisted living care and not have any type of protection. Without knowing your exact circumstance it’s difficult for me to say what is best, but you do have options. If you are very wealthy you can self-insure, just be prepared for the fact that you may need to use upwards of $250,000 of your own money assuming you or your spouse need extensive care. The reality of that may make the sound of paying a few hundred dollars a month more palatable. Alternatively there are hybrid products that may offer the ability to get protection against things like terminal and chronic illness, but if you never need those benefits a death benefit will still go to your beneficiaries. This type of product can combat the argument of potentially paying substantial premiums for a LTC coverage that you only have a 50% probability of ever using.
Question from Tim in Mission Viejo: Can I receive a tax refund if I am currently making payments under an installment agreement or payment plan for a prior year’s federal taxes?
Answer: Generally, no. A condition of your installment agreement is that the IRS will automatically apply any refund due to you against taxes you owe. If your refund exceeds your total balance due on all outstanding liabilities including accruals, you will receive a refund of the amount over and above what you owe. Because your refund is not applied toward your regular monthly payment, you must continue making your installment agreement payments as scheduled and in full until your liability including accrued penalties and interest is paid in full. Regardless whether you are participating in an installment agreement or other payment arrangement with the IRS, you may not get all of your refund if you owe certain past-due amounts, such as federal tax, state tax, a student loan, or child support.
Jeff states: Well we are reaching the end of our show.
Remember you can send us your questions by visiting the kahntaxlaw website at
Gary states: Have a great day everyone!.
Women In Politics, Bernie Sanders Tax Plan, Hot Tax Tips And The IRS On ESPN Radio – Friday, March 11, 2016 Show
/0 Comments/in Podcast/by Tax AttorneyTopics Covered:
1. Celebrating International Women’s Day but Women in Politics Still Face Barriers.
2. Bernie Sanders Got Guts but His Tax Plan is Hopeless.
3. How The IRS May Be Holding Money That Belongs To You and More Hot Tax Tips To Save You Money!
4. Questions from our listeners: If Bernie Sanders is looking to make college free to everyone, and such a situation actually occurred, what would happen to my kids 529 plans? Are ALL colleges on this list or is it more like the Board of Governors fee waiver that allows those from low income families to have their costs waived. How exactly is the plan supposed to work?
Jeff states: Yes sometimes we just have to take the money and run!
Good afternoon! Welcome to Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show.
This is Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, the principal attorney of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. and head of the KahnTaxLaw team.
Windus states:
And this is Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord, Senior Vice President Of Investments at Trilogy Financial Services.
You are listening to our weekly radio show where we talk everything about finances and taxes from the ESPN 1700 AM Studio in San Diego, California.
Jeff states:
When it comes to knowing tax laws and paying taxes, let’s face it — everyone in the U.S. is either in tax trouble, on their way to tax trouble, or trying to avoid tax trouble!
Windus states:
And whether you are on the rebound or flying high, we have the information you need to make sound financial decisions and map out your strategy for success.
Jeff states:
Our show is broadcasted each Friday at 2:00PM Pacific Time and replays are available on demand by logging into the KahnTaxLaw website at
Jeff states:
For today’s show we have coming up:
Segment 2 material: Bernie Sanders Got Guts but His Tax Plan is Hopeless.
Windus states:
Also coming up is:
Segment 3 material: How The IRS May Be Holding Money That Belongs To You and More Hot Tax Tips To Save You Money!
And of course towards the end of our show, we will be answering some of your questions.
Jeff starts chit chat with Windus.
Jeff states: So for today’s top story:
We’re Celebrating International Women’s Day But Women In Politics Still Face Barriers.;;
Windus begins: U.S. Senator Susan Collins suggested, that because of her gender, Hillary Clinton is treated differently than other candidates in the race for the white house.
Jeff continues: Senator Collins made this statement on Monday, as female professionals and political figures gathered at the “Women in Leadership: Pathways and Possibilities Conference” at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate in Boston.
Windus continues: During the conference that celebrated Women’s History Month, Senator Collins made several comments on the obstacles women still face when ascending to the highest levels of politics.
Jeff states: Reminiscing her bid for Governor of Maine in 1994, Senator Collins shared a learned lesson of how “women were held to different standards than men were.” She recalls the constant reports of what she wore, rather than what she said.
Windus replies: Even now, you see it all the time with Hillary Clinton. Articles focused on her many colorful pant suits or hair style instead of only focusing on what she’s saying.
Jeff states: Well hold on Windus, the whole hair thing is not a female thing with Trump in the presidential race.
Windus states: True Jeff.
Jeff states: But turning back to Senator Collins, a political centrist elected to the Senate in 1996, she goes on to explain, “When women are elected into office, [she] thinks they still have to prove that they belong there. Men don’t face that barrier.”
Windus continues: She believes men do not face that same barrier, as there seems to be the general consensus that if a man is elected to the senate, then he belongs there.
Jeff states: It doesn’t stop there, though. We’re still following the reverberation of the impact of the Wal-Mart v. Dukes discrimination case from June 2011.
Windus states: In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court threw out a monstrous lawsuit by female employees who claimed to be systematically underpaid and under promoted by the world’s largest corporation.
Jeff continues: That’s right, Windus. That verdict upended decades worth of employment discrimination law and raised serious barriers to all sorts of future large-scale discrimination cases.
Windus replies: Repercussions of the Dukes decision have poured through the federal and state courts, being cited in more than 1,200 in rulings and viewed as remarkable.
Jeff states: Lawsuits all over the country have had verdicts overturned, settlements thrown out and class actions rejected or decertified. In many instances, these cases undergo years of litigation.
Windus replies: This isn’t just about Wal-Mart, though. All sorts of companies including retailers (Family Dollar), government contractors (Lockheed Martin Corp), business-services providers (Cintas Corp.), and magazines (Hearst Corp), have experienced similarities in their rulings.
Jeff continues: There’s been apprehension post Wal-Mart v Dukes. The aftermath is being closely monitored but critics are doing anything but calling off the fight.
Windus continues: Another blockbuster case from just a couple years ago was the Peggy Young v. United Parcel Service. In this case, Young, a delivery driver for UPS, had requested to be excused from lifting more than twenty pounds per doctor’s orders while she was pregnant.
Jeff replies: However, in Young’s job description she was required to lift up to seventy pounds. This is where UPS argued that assigning Young “light duty” would amount to special treatment, being viewed as unfairly favorable.
Windus states: UPS stood by its policy to only accommodate associates who were temporarily injured on the job or covered by union contract mandates, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, in a few other gender-neutral circumstances.
Jeff continues: As a result, Young was forced to take seven months of unpaid leave thus resulting in the loss of her medical benefits when she needed them the most.
Windus states: With this discrimination case under close scrutiny, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg accused the court’s conservative majority of having a “blind spot” in regards to women’s rights.
Jeff continues: Especially considering the same five justices in query had not only thrown out the Walmart v. Duke sexual discrimination class action but they rejected Lilly Ledbetter’s equal pay lawsuit, as well.
Windus states: The result of the pregnancy discrimination case came only a year ago. The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of Young. While the justice’s declined to accept the broadest version of the discrimination argument, they made it clear that no employer had the right to treat anyone the way they did Young.
Jeff replies: Pregnancy-related discrimination isn’t isolated to the workplace though. Claims have also surfaced in mortgage lending, housing and education.
Windus states: To combat this issue, support organizations like Babygate have launched a New York-based non-profit, A Better Balance, that is a wonderful source of information about the rights of pregnant workers and their families under state and federal laws.
Jeff states: It’s a whole new world out there and the only way to keep up with it is to stay ahead of it…
Well it’s time for a break but stay tuned because we are going to tell you how Bernie Sanders Got Guts but His Tax Plan is Hopeless.
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord.
Jeff states: But before we start on this next segment, Windus would like to remind you of her offer.
Windus states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord. The number to call is 858.314.5169. That is 858.314.5169. Or visit
Bernie Sanders Got Guts but His Tax Plan is Hopeless.
Jeff states: So in continuing the political discussion it is time to turn to Bernie Sanders’ tax plan which is discouraging to say the least. The populist Democratic presidential candidate has run his campaign on the basis of a “wholesale dismantling of the nation’s economic and political status quo,” according to Yahoo! Finance.
Jeff replies: These details are coming from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center who are releasing estimates that Sanders’ plan would amount to about $1.5 trillion in new tax revenue a year!
Windus continues: Currently, the government takes in about $3.4 trillion in a year, which would mean that Bernie’s plan would rocket the tax bite by around 46%. By the next decade, new taxes would be totaling nearly $2.5 trillion per annum.
Jeff replies: Granted most of these tax hikes are targeting the wealthy but “all income groups would pay some additional tax,” the center reports in its most recent analysis.
Windus states: Bernie Sanders, as gutsy as he is, explains that those new taxes would be worth it since they’d cover the cost of universal healthcare, college education for anyone who wanted to further their education, extended family leave, new infrastructure stimulus and a whole bunch of other things.
Jeff states: But how idealistic is this plan is we can’t even get congress to vote on shoveling the snow after a blizzard?? Take the example of, congress refusing to raise national taxes on gasoline. Gas prices right now are extremely low but the Highway Trust Fund (funded by gas tax) has to “offset” its expense each year by pulling from other programs.
Windus continues: Congress has steadily refused to raise taxes despite the ballooning national debt that’s now around $19 trillion and change. How is Sanders’ going to convince them to increase new taxes by 46%, when the government is more apt to borrow additional funding then raise taxes, passing the tab to future generations to pay?
Jeff states: Sanders’ still confidently charges on though. Maybe it’s the assumption that voters don’t care where it comes from, just as long as they have their freebies. Maybe he’s looking to start a big debate by offering a segway from business as usual.
Windus replies: If it’s a segway, let’s look at the details. The new tax plan that Sanders’ has suggested would enact a new 2.2% surtax on all taxable income and a new 6.2% payroll tax on employers.
Jeff continues: Now Windus, according to the tax plan, the employers would be responsible for paying the new taxes but we all know that they will almost unquestionably recoup their losses by lowering employee wages or reducing the benefits. Look what happened with ObamaCare.
Windus states: They have to make up that money somewhere, Jeff, and it always seems to be detrimental to the guy at the bottom. In addition to the new employer taxes, the top income tax rate would drop from 39.6% to 28%.
Jeff continues: However, a plethora of new surtaxes would raise the tax burden on those at the $200,000 a year and up. Those surtaxes would just keep growing on your way up the income chart.
Windus states: Also under Sanders’ new tax plan, capital gains for the wealthy would be taxed as ordinary income, meaning a much larger tax bite. For lower earners, lower tax rates for capital gains would still apply.
Jeff continues: In addition, there would be new taxes on financial transactions. Now does all of this change in taxes means new changes in tax law?
Windus states: Well, there are a lot of other provisions but that does bring up the point that these changes would make tax code much more complicated instead of simpler.
Jeff replies: All things considered, the utopian plan Sanders’ has revealed will leave Americans with higher taxes before they could figure out what they will be getting for it. Or as it’s put “front-loading the pain, back-loading the gain.”
Windus states: But then again, every presidential candidate has some sort of new tax plan, no more reliable than what Bernie Sanders has asserted. Take Donald Trump for example.
Jeff continues: Yes, Trump almost wants to completely oppose Sanders by cutting individual and business taxes across the board. Sounds great but there’s that one little problem, analysts at the Tax Policy Center say it would hack nearly $1 trillion a year off of government revenue.
Windus states: By cutting revenue, we’d need to start looking for other places to get that money from. Medicare and Social Security would either have to take big cuts or eliminate various government functions.
Jeff states: Hillary Clinton may have the most practical solution under her belt. Although, while it’s unlikely for congress to agree with the steep tax hikes she wants to slap on the wealthy, at least her plan is a starting point for future legislation.
Windus replies: According to the Tax Policy Center, estimates are showing that her plan would increase government revenue by roughly $110 billion per year. Although, those funds are not going to be used to pay down the national debt.
Jeff states: Clinton plans to offset tax cuts for lower earners with the extra revenue brought in by taxing the wealthy. There is the likelihood that it would cost more than planned, but we all know that no tax plan comes free.
Windus replies: But you know what does come free…
Windus PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord. The number to call is 858.314.5169. That is 858.314.5169. Or visit
Stay tuned because after the break we are going to tell you How The IRS May Be Holding Money That Belongs To You and More Hot Tax Tips To Save You Money!
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Jeff states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord.
Jeff states: But before we continue with this next segment, I want to remind you that PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
How The IRS May Be Holding Money That Belongs To You and More Hot Tax Tips To Save You Money!
Jeff states: So now that we approaching the middle of March, I thought we would cover today some hot tax tips to save you money.
Windus states: But first Jeff, I heard an announcement by the IRS that they are holding refunds totaling $950 million for people who have not filed a 2012 Federal Income Tax Return. Is that true?
Jeff states: It’s hard to believe that the IRS is holding almost $1 billion of funds that should be refunded to taxpayers and that is just for the 2012 tax year alone. That amount is also probably consistant for the 2013 and 2014 tax years.
Windus states: That being the case the IRS is holding about $3 billion that does not even belong to them!
Jeff replies: Well earlier this week the IRS announced that Federal income tax refunds totaling $950 million may be waiting for an estimated one million taxpayers who did not file a federal income tax return for 2012. The IRS estimates the midpoint for potential refunds for 2012 to be $718.00, with half being worth more than $718.00 and half being worth less.
Windus asks: So for someone who has not filed, what rules apply to claim their money?
Jeff replies: In cases where a tax return was not filed, the law provides most taxpayers with a three-year window of opportunity for claiming a refund; however under some circumstances you can lose your right to receive a refund of overpaid taxes if already two years have passed. But if you file a tax return that is late and there is an overpayment, the IRS will not assess a penalty for filing that return late. Nevertheless, under all circumstances if no return is filed to claim a refund within three years, the money becomes the property of the U.S. Treasury. For 2012 tax returns, the window closes on April 18, 2016 (although this year residents of Maine and Massachusetts have until April 19th). The law requires the tax return to be properly addressed, mailed and postmarked by that date.
Jeff continues: Additionally you should be mindful that taxpayers seeking a 2012 refund may still have their refund checks held up if they have not filed tax returns for 2013 and 2014. In addition, the refund will be applied to any amounts still owed to the IRS, or their state tax agency, and may be used to offset unpaid child support or past due federal debts, such as student loans.
Windus asks: Are there any other benefits taxpayers loose by not filing a tax return?
Jeff replies: Yes, if you are a low or moderate income worker who is entitled to the Earned Income Tax Credit, you cannot get a tax refund that includes this credit unless you file a tax return. For 2012, the credit is worth as much as $5,891.00.
Windus asks: So what if you figure that you will still owe the IRS if you file a delinquent tax return, should you still file?
Jeff replies: By all means! Besides not receiving or even forfeiting your refund, not filing a Federal income tax return can be even more costly as the IRS may file a substitute return for you if you do not voluntarily file. These “substitute tax returns” always show a higher liability than if an actual return was filed because they do not take into account your marriage or household status, your dependents, any business expenses, available itemized deductions, basis in assets sold, income exclusions or tax credits. Also, all interest and penalties will be based on this higher liability.
Jeff continues: Outstanding tax returns also prevent you from making payment arrangements and avoiding collection action so even if you are unable to fully pay any tax due on the late returns, it is to your benefit to seek tax counsel to coordinate their preparation and secure collection holds with the IRS. Additionally tax counsel should seek abatement of the penalties which include the “failure to file” penalty that could increase your tax bill by 25% or more.
Facts about the Adoption Tax Credit
Windus asks: OK Jeff. I understand that if a taxpayer adopted a child in 2015 there is a tax credit that may be available.
Jeff replies: That’s right Windus. If you adopted or tried to adopt a child in 2015, you may qualify for a tax credit. Here are some things you should know about the adoption credit.
1. Credit or Exclusion. The credit is nonrefundable. This means that the credit may reduce your tax to zero. If the credit is more than your tax, you can’t get any additional amount as a refund. If your employer helped pay for the adoption through a written qualified adoption assistance program, you may qualify to exclude that amount from tax.
2. Maximum Benefit. The maximum adoption tax credit and exclusion for 2015 is $13,400 per child.
3. Credit Carryover. If your credit is more than your tax, you can carry any unused credit forward. This means that if you have an unused credit in 2015, you can use it to reduce your taxes for 2016. You can do this for up to five years, or until you fully use the credit, whichever comes first.
4. Eligible Child. An eligible child is an individual under age 18 or a person who is physically or mentally unable to care for themself.
5. Qualified Expenses. Adoption expenses must be directly related to the adoption of the child and be reasonable and necessary. Types of expenses that can qualify include adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees and travel.
6. Domestic or Foreign Adoptions. In most cases, you can claim the credit whether the adoption is domestic or foreign. However, the timing rules for which expenses to include differ between the two types of adoption.
7. Special Needs Child. If you adopted an eligible U.S. child with special needs and the adoption is final, a special rule applies. You may be able to take the tax credit even if you didn’t pay any qualified adoption expenses.
8. No Double Benefit. Depending on the adoption’s cost, you may be able to claim both the tax credit and the exclusion. However, you can’t claim both a credit and exclusion for the same expenses. This rule prevents you from claiming both tax benefits for the same expense.
9. Income Limits. The credit and exclusion are subject to income limitations. The limits may reduce or eliminate the amount you can claim depending on the amount of your income.
Tax Savings from Higher Education Costs
Windus asks: OK Jeff. I understand that if a taxpayer paid for higher education in 2015 there is an opportunity to save money on taxes.
Jeff replies: That’s right Windus. Money you paid for higher education in 2015 can mean tax savings in 2016. If you, your spouse or your dependent took post-high school coursework last year, there may be a tax credit or deduction for you.
Windus asks: So what are the key tax breaks for higher education?
Jeff responds:
The American Opportunity Credit (AOTC) is:
• Worth up to $2,500 per eligible student.
• Used only for the first four years at an eligible college or vocational school.
• For students earning a degree or other recognized credential.
• For students going to school at least half-time for at least one academic period that started during or shortly after the tax year. Claimed on your tax return using Form 8863, Education Credits.
The Lifetime Learning Credit (LLC) is:
• Worth up to $2,000 per tax return, per year, no matter how many students qualify.
• For all years of higher education, including classes for learning or improving job skills.
• Claimed on your tax return using Form 8863, Education Credits.
The Tuition and Fees Deduction is:
• Claimed as an adjustment to income.
• Claimed whether or not you itemize.
• Limited to tuition and certain related expenses required for enrollment or attendance at eligible schools.
• Worth up to $4,000.
• You should receive Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, from your school by Feb. 1, 2016. Your school also sends a copy to the IRS.
• You may only claim qualifying expenses paid in 2015.
• You can’t claim either credit if someone else claims you as a dependent.
• You can’t claim either AOTC or LLC and the Tuition and Fees Deduction for the same student or for the same expense, in the same year.
• Income limits could reduce the amount of credits or deductions you can claim.
Jeff states: We are always thinking of ways to save money at tax time and remember ….
PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Stay tuned as we will be taking some of your questions. You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Jeff states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord.
And Windus and I always pleased to make our offers to our listeners where… PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Windus states: Windus PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord. The number to call is 858.314.5169. That is 858.314.5169. Or visit
You should also know that the securities and advisory services are offered through National Planning Corporation (NPC) Member FINRA, SIPC, and a Registered Investment Advisor. Trilogy Financial Services and NPC are separate and unrelated Entities.
Jeff states: If you would like to post a question for us to answer, you can go to my website at and click on “Radio Show”. You can then enter your question and maybe it will be selected for our show.
OK Windus, what questions have you pulled for us to answer?
Jack from San Diego asks: If Bernie Sanders is looking to make college free to everyone, and such a situation actually occurred, what would happen to my kids 529 plans? Are ALL colleges on this list or is it more like the Board of Governors fee waiver that allows those from low income families to have their costs waived. How exactly is the plan supposed to work?
Answer by Windus and Jeff: Well these are good questions that I don’t even think Sanders has considered but according to the Bernie Sanders official website, here are the steps that Sanders will take as President to make college debt free:
Sanders states – Last year, Germany eliminated tuition because they believed that charging students $1,300 per year was discouraging Germans from going to college. Next year, Chile will do the same. Finland, Norway, Sweden and many other countries around the world also offer free college to all of their citizens. If other countries can take this action, Sanders believes that so can the United States of America.
Sanders states: Over the next decade, it has been estimated that the federal government will make a profit of over $110 billion on student loan programs. Sanders is looking to prevent the federal government from profiteering on the backs of college students and use this money instead to significantly lower student loan interest rates.
Under the Sanders plan, the formula for setting student loan interest rates would go back to where it was in 2006. If this plan were in effect today, interest rates on undergraduate loans would drop from 4.29% to just 2.37%.
Sanders states – It makes no sense that you can get an auto loan today with an interest rate of 2.5%, but millions of college graduates are forced to pay interest rates of 5% to 7% or more for decades. Sanders is looking to allow Americans would be able to refinance their student loans at today’s low interest rates.
The Sanders plan would require public colleges and universities to meet 100% of the financial needs of the lowest-income students. Low-income students would be able to use federal, state and college financial aid to cover room and board, books and living expenses. And Sanders would more than triple the federal work study program to build career experience that will help them after they graduate.
The Sanders plan calls for the cost of this $75 billion a year plan to be fully paid for by imposing a tax on Wall Street speculators. Sanders claims some 40 countries throughout the world have imposed a similar tax including Britain, Germany, France, Switzerland, and China.
Jeff states: Well we are reaching the end of our show.
Remember you can send us your questions by visiting the kahntaxlaw website at
Windus states: Have a great day everyone!
Investing In An Election Year, the IRS and Tax Tips To Save You Money On ESPN Radio – March 4, 2016 Show
/0 Comments/in Podcast/by Tax AttorneyTopics Covered:
1. One Caveat, Two Predictions: Issues that Could Be Affected by the Elections Outcome.
2. Myth-Busting: Clearing Common Misconceptions Off the Table.
3. Hot Tax Tips To Save You Money!
4. Questions from our listeners:
- I am about to turn 62, and I am thinking of electing my SS benefit. Is this the best thing to do?
- My family is originally from Cuba and I am interested in investing in that country now that the embargo has been lifted. What do I need to know when it comes to U.S. taxes?
Jeff states: Yes sometimes we just have to take the money and run!
Good afternoon! Welcome to Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show.
This is Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, the principal attorney of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. and head of the KahnTaxLaw team.
Gary states:
And this is Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman at Trilogy Financial Services.
You are listening to our weekly radio show where we talk everything about finances and taxes from the ESPN 1700 AM Studio in San Diego, California.
Jeff states:
When it comes to knowing tax laws and paying taxes, let’s face it — everyone in the U.S. is either in tax trouble, on their way to tax trouble, or trying to avoid tax trouble!
Gary states:
And whether you are on the rebound or flying high, we have the information you need to make sound financial decisions and map out your strategy for success.
Jeff states:
Our show is broadcasted each Friday at 2:00PM Pacific Time and replays are available on demand by logging into the KahnTaxLaw website at
Jeff states:
For today’s show we have coming up:
Segment 2 material: Myth-Busting: Clearing Common Misconceptions Off the Table.
Gary states:
Also coming up is:
Segment 3 material: Hot tax tips to save you money!
And of course towards the end of our show, we will be answering some of your questions.
Jeff starts chit chat with Gary.
Jeff states: So for today’s top story:
One Caveat, Two Predictions: Issues that Could Be Affected by the Elections Outcome.
Credit to: Webman, Jerry Ph.D., CFA; Everything Investors Need to Know—and Should Ignore—About the Upcoming Elections, Election 2016 in Perspective, OppenheimerFunds.
Gary starts: Forecasting is not an exact science. It would be easier to predict the weather over a year from now than to predict who’s going to win the next presidential election. That being said, it’s still plausible to form practical expectations about how the November Elections will pan out.
Jeff continues: Let’s begin with prediction number one, shall we? Oppenheimer is predicting the Republican Party will likely retain control of the House of Representatives. At 247 Republican seats versus 188 Democrat seats, it’s difficult to see, but not improbable, that Democrats could win control of the House.
Gary replies: It sure looks that way, Jeff. Every ten years a census is conducted resulting in how the House’s 435 seats are allocated amongst the 50 states, according to the U.S. Constitution. The most recent census was conducted in 2010, resulting in political victories for the Republican Party.
Jeff continues: Even though all seats are up for re-election this year, we can likely be seeing an awful lot of red in coming years leading into the 2020 election. The odds of Democrats being able to win enough seats—218—to take over the majority are dismal at best, based on current projections.
Gary states: Which brings us to the number two prediction. Regardless of who controls the Senate, the next President isn’t likely to have the Filibuster-Proof Upper House. Republicans currently have control of the Senate with fifty-four seats, with Democrats occupying forty-four and Independents a meager two seats.
Jeff replies: In order to take the majority, Democrats have to gain an additional five Senate seats in the 100-member Upper House. Fifty-one isn’t the magic number though, sixty is.
Gary continues: With 34 total seats up for reelection this year, we could possibly be counting Senate seats into the wee hours of the morning on November 9th, with prospects of the Democrats realizing their fifty-one seats. Although, at this point the chance of that happening is doubtful.
Jeff states: Regardless of which party hold the House or the Senate though, there are six truths that won’t be affected by the elections outcome.
Gary replies: The first truth leads us to the understanding that gridlock doesn’t mean nothing gets done. Gridlock doesn’t equate inaction, it only curtails the volume of legislation that can be passed during a point when “the White House doesn’t have a majority in the House of Representatives and a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate”.
Jeff continues: Even during a point when experts remained out-spoken on their view that the extent of hostility between Democrats and Republicans was leading to stalemates, progress was being made. The Federal debt burden is gradually becoming more affordable.
Gary states: Progress on a Budget Deficit Reduction during a period of gridlock resulted in the Federal Budget Deficit being 10.8% of GDP for the 2009 fiscal year. The Budget Deficit came in at 2.3% as of late September 2015.
Jeff states: Number two on Oppenheimer’s list of truths reads, changes in Washington don’t typically come all at once but in increments. This is with few exceptions of course, like ObamaCare or Dodd-Frank.
Gary continues: The United States tends to change policy in small steps, rather than in leaps and bounds. Debates over energy, transportation and immigration policy have long been the top discussed issues, however for decades, we have seen few substantial changes.
Jeff replies: Campaign rhetoric, making number three on the list, doesn’t always influence what occurs during a President’s tenancy in the White House. Take Obama for example and his steps along the way with “The Promise”, “The Reality” and “The Reason”.
Gary continues: In 2008, The Promise was in support of environmental issues. Obama had then promised to limit carbon emissions, along with supporting the development of non-petroleum fuels.
Jeff replies: However, in 2008 when he made this vow, U.S. crude oil production satisfied 25.6% of domestic consumption. By 2015, U.S. crude oil production was satisfying 46.7% of domestic consumption.
Gary continues: The reasoning behind this was mainly the effect of an economic shift. Surges in oil production hit a 45-year high due to the effect of advanced techniques for oil extraction. Additionally, favorable tax treatment from the government had an influencing hand.
Jeff replies: How was Obama supposed to predict any of that happening? Like we said earlier, forecasting is not an exact science. Due to economic forces at work during any president’s time in office, we should not create expectations about any particular administration acting adversely to the petroleum industry.
Gary states: Number four of six brings us to consumers and businesses having a far greater impact on the economy that the government. Private consumption, private investment and foreign trade make up 82.4% of Gross Domestic Product.
Jeff replies: Gary, the greater part of what happens in the U.S. economy is the effect of you, me and the businesses we’re employed by and support. Not to mention the enormous global output that is produced outside the U.S.
Gary states: The state of the economy influences who is president, not vice versa. This is a very important truth. The proof that the state of the economy determines the next commander-in-chief, can be found in decades of historical data.
Jeff replies: Very true, Gary. The fact of the matter is, a strong economy with declining employment and inflation equals a win for the incumbent party candidate. This can be seen in eleven out of the last thirteen elections, with only two exceptions.
Gary states: So what does that leave us with? Well, it leaves us believing that the stock market doesn’t care if the public is happy with whomever is currently president. History has been shown to suggest the market is resilient and even indifferent to a president’s approval rating. From Obama to John F. Kennedy, the ebb and flow of the market never seemed to match to the highs and lows of American satisfaction.
Jeff states: But what could be affected by the outcome of the election? Public Policy for one! On the healthcare front, we are likely to see changes to ObamaCare, even if there’s very little chance of its repeal.
Gary continues: In entitlement programs, it’s doubtful that we’ll see any reverse of policy that have been around for eighty years. On the same topic though, we could expect to see cost control measures for Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Jeff replies: With mandatory cuts to federal programs already being lackadaisical, we can anticipate debates over the best use of defense spending. It’s likely we’ll see a jobs argument added to the national security case in negotiations over whether or not to cut or keep each procurement item.
Gary states: We may see a few compromises on tax policy, such as treatment of offshore earnings, but we’re unlikely to see any changes in our tax code.
Jeff states: The Dodd-Frank regulations put in place to prevent another financial crisis, like in 2008, are unlikely to be repealed despite what many in the financial services industry may want. However, how aggressively the rules are enforced will all depend on the next resident of the White House.
Gary states: Judicial appointments by the next president will occur at least once as Justice Ginsburg is over 80 years old and both Justices Breyer and Kennedy will turn 80 over the next three years. There is a tremendous possibility that the next president will shape the court and its decisions for decades to come by appointing several new justices during his or her term.
Jeff continues: The executive branch of the government has substantial range to decide how to enforce existing laws. Just a few areas that executive direction can influence in the absence of legislative action include financial services, education, defense, healthcare, environmental protection and energy production.
Gary states: All in all though, it’s not wise to let your reaction to the new changes in government leadership shape your investment decisions. Stick with your long-term strategy. Realistically, most of us dislike the opposition more than we approve of our own party anyway.
Jeff states: Well it’s time for a break but stay tuned because we are going to shed some light on Myth-Busting: Clearing Common Misconceptions off the Table.
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman.
Before we start with our next segment, Gary would you tell our listeners about how they can reach you.
Gary states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Gary Sussman. The number to call is 949.536.2030. That is 949.536.2030. Or visit
Jeff resumes:
Myth-Busting: Clearing Common Misconceptions off the Table.
Credit to:
Jeff begins: Now that we’ve reviewed the basics of the market reactions to changes in the political arena, let’s take this time to further explore myth-busting and clear common misconceptions off the table.
Gary states: To paraphrase, Princeton economist Alan Binder once noted that “economic growth and financial market returns during a President’s term are explained by good luck with perhaps a touch of good policy. And even then, good policies might take years to have an impact, benefiting future administrations.
Jeff replies: Realistically speaking, implications of the elections for the global economy and the financial markets aren’t as significant as they seems. If you look at it this way, we are a nation of roughly 125 million households, yet ultimately it’s the other 2 billion some-odd households worldwide that stimulate the direction and strength of the global economy. It’s that vitality that fuels financial markets.
Gary replies: Consider this, in 2009 when Barack Obama was sworn in as the new president, many investors went on record saying they were going to “sit this one out”, given Obama’s positions on policy.
Jeff continues: At that point in time, the S&P 500 was trading at a historically low 12x trailing 12-month earnings; compared to the long-term average of 16x. The Federal Reserve was very accommodating with monetary policy, adopting a 0% interest rate. And the U.S. economic indicators seemed to be regaining their bearings following the worst recession in decades.
Gary states: That being said, how did things work out for all those investors on the sidelines? As we witnessed in the six years post-inauguration, stocks climbed to a 200% return. Reminding all of us, to not base our financial practices primarily on who so ever is occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Jeff states: Now, national elections are important, we’re not saying that they’re not. So are national policies, as they matter over time. When it comes down to four-year election cycles though, they should not be governing your long-term investment decisions.
Gary states: If we look at historical data, say, over a seventy year span of time, we can best see the outcome of your financial plan if you had only invested while your preferred party was in office.
Jeff states: Between 1945 and 2015, if you had been fully invested for the long-term with $10,000 in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, it would now have been worth $1.3 million. The market likes a divided government and provided a 7.0% annualized rate of return over the course of those 70 years.
Gary replies: Whereas, if in the same 70 year time-frame you had decided to only invest when your preferred political party was in office, your $10,000 investment would be worth a much smaller amount. About $1 million less, actually, depending on which party you sided with. The unified government plan only provided a 4.6% annualized rate of return.
Jeff continues: The other one we’re always hearing is that financial markets in general would be far better off if opposing political parties acted more cooperatively and were willing to compromise in order to get things accomplished. This is most definitely myth!
Gary replies: Realistically speaking, markets do better during times of political stalemate. If legislature isn’t getting passed and change is occurring at a very low level, the market reacts in a more confident and steady way, seeing as how no big changes are stirring up market volatility.
Jeff states: The fact of the matter is, our founding fathers designed the government in such a matter to create gridlock. The three co-equal branches of the government, legislative, executive, and judicial, in addition to a commanding federalist system, were created to inhibit tyranny. In the words of Henry David Thoreau, “that government is best which governs least”.
Gary finishes: What should investors do, then? Sit back, relax and enjoy the show. You should be in this for the long-run and be maintaining your long term strategies, regardless of what happens in November. If you’re not sure what that long term plan should look like, call me….
Gary states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Gary Sussman. The number to call is 949.536.2030. That is 949.536.2030. Or visit
Jeff states: Stay tuned because after the break we are going to tell you hot tax tips to save you money!
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Jeff states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman.
Calling into the studio from my Walnut Creek Office is my associate attorney, Amy Spivey.
Chit chat with Amy
Jeff states: In before we continue with this segment, I want to remind our listeners that…
PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Hot tax tips to save you money!
Jeff states: So now that we at the beginning of March or about half-way through tax season, I thought we would cover today some hot tax tips to save you money.
Home Energy Credits Save Money and Cut Taxes
Gary states: For taxpayers who own their home, consider this – you can trim your taxes and save on your energy bills with certain home improvements. So here is what you need to know about home energy tax credits.
Greg asks Amy: Please explain what is the Non-Business Energy Property Credit.
Amy replies:
Non-Business Energy Property Credit
• Part of this credit is worth 10% of the cost of certain qualified energy-saving items you added to your main home last year. This may include items such as insulation, windows, doors and roofs.
• The other part of the credit is not a percentage of the cost. It is for the actual cost of certain property. This may include items like water heaters and heating and air conditioning systems. The credit amount for each type of property has a different dollar limit.
• This credit has a maximum lifetime limit of $500. You may only use $200 of this limit for windows.
• Your main home must be located in the U.S. to qualify for the credit.
• Be sure you have the written certification from the manufacturer that their product qualifies for this tax credit. They usually post it on their website or include it with the product’s packaging. You can rely on it to claim the credit, but do not attach it to your return. Keep it with your tax records.
• You may claim the credit on your 2015 tax return if you didn’t reach the lifetime limit in past years. Under current law, this credit is available through December 31, 2016.
Jeff comments: With things always tending to break when you least expect it, it is good to keep these tax rules in mind. After all, if you can save $500.00 in taxes it does help offset the cost of that unexpected repair.
Greg asks Amy: Please explain what is the Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit.
Amy replies:
Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit
• This tax credit is 30% of the cost of alternative energy equipment installed on or in your home.
• Qualified equipment includes solar hot water heaters, solar electric equipment, wind turbines and fuel cell property.
• There is no dollar limit on the credit for most types of property. If your credit is more than the tax you owe, you can carry forward the unused portion of this credit to next year’s tax return.
• The home must be in the U.S. It does not have to be your main home, unless the alternative energy equipment is qualified fuel cell property.
• This credit is available through December 31, 2016.
Jeff comments: Clearly the Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit has a lot more bang for the buck than the Non-Business Energy Property Credit since you are not dealing with any dollar limitations and we know that installing solar systems and the like can be very pricey. To claim these credits use Form 5695, Residential Energy Credits.
Tax Tips about Debt Cancellation
Gary states: If your lender cancels part or all of your debt, it is usually considered income and you normally must pay tax on that amount. However, the law allows an exclusion that may apply to homeowners who had their mortgage debt cancelled in 2015.
Gary asks Amy: Since a lot of taxpayers who own a principal residence may have benefited from a reduction in the principal mortgage, how does the tax law treat that debt cancellation?
Amy replies:
1. Main Home. If the cancelled debt was a loan on your main home, you may be able to exclude the cancelled amount from your income. You must have used the loan to buy, build or substantially improve your main home to qualify. Your main home must also secure the mortgage.
2. Loan Modification. If your lender cancelled part of your mortgage through a loan modification or ‘workout,’ you may be able to exclude that amount from your income. You may also be able to exclude debt discharged as part of the Home Affordable Modification Program, or HAMP. The exclusion may also apply to the amount of debt cancelled in a foreclosure.
3. Refinanced Mortgage. The exclusion may apply to amounts cancelled on a refinanced mortgage. This applies only if you used proceeds from the refinancing to buy, build or substantially improve your main home and only up to the amount of the old mortgage principal just before refinancing. Amounts used for other purposes do not qualify. The rules are confusing which is why it is best to seek advice from tax counsel.
Jeff comments: This exclusion has been around for a few years and Congress has extended it several times. The current extension expires December 31, 2016 and with a new Presidential administration starting next year who knows if it will be extended beyond 2016. Keeping in mind that these modifications take a long time to process through the lender and get approval, you should be working on this now to make sure you complete the process before year-end.
Gary asks Amy: Does this exclusion apply to any other types of cancelled debt?
Amy replies:
Other Cancelled Debt. Other types of cancelled debt such as second homes, rental and business property, credit card debt or car loans do not qualify for this special exclusion. On the other hand, there are other rules that may allow those types of cancelled debts to be nontaxable so if you are in this situation, you should seek tax counsel.
Gary asks Amy: Are there any particular forms that taxpayers should be aware of?
Amy replies:
Form 1099-C. If your lender reduced or cancelled at least $600 of your debt, you should receive Form 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, by February 1st. This form shows the amount of cancelled debt and other information that you may need to reflect on your tax return.
Form 982. If you qualify, report the excluded debt on Form 982, Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness. This form gets included with your federal income tax return so you will need to let your tax preparer know to check to see if you qualify for this benefit.
Jeff comments: Again remember that the law that authorized the exclusion of cancelled debt from income was extended through December 31, 2016.
Early Retirement Distributions and Your Taxes
Gary states: Many people find it necessary to take out money early from their IRA or retirement plan. Doing so, however, can trigger an additional tax on top of the income tax you may have to pay.
Gary asks Amy: What are the key points to know about taking an early distribution?
Amy replies:
1. Early Withdrawals. An early withdrawal normally means taking the money out of your retirement plan before you reach age 59½.
2. Additional Tax. If you took an early withdrawal from a plan last year, you must report it to the IRS. You may have to pay income tax on the amount you took out. If it was an early withdrawal, you may have to pay an additional 10% tax.
3. Nontaxable Withdrawals. The additional 10% tax does not apply to nontaxable withdrawals. They include withdrawals of your cost to participate in the plan. Your cost includes contributions that you paid tax on before you put them into the plan.
Jeff comments: Now even though you may withdraw from your retirement account, if you rollover those funds to another retirement account that may be a nontaxable event. A rollover is a type of nontaxable withdrawal. A rollover occurs when you take cash or other assets from one plan and contribute the amount to another plan. You normally have 60 days to complete a rollover to make it tax-free.
Gary asks Amy: Are there any exceptions to the additional 10% tax?
Amy replies:
• Death – after death of the participant/IRA owner.
• Disability – total and permanent disability of the participant/IRA owner.
• Education – qualified higher education expenses.
• Homebuyers – qualified first-time homebuyers, up to $10,000.
• Tax Levy – because of an IRS levy of the plan.
• Medical – amount of unreimbursed medical expenses (>7.5% AGI; after 2012, 10% if under age 65). Also health insurance premiums paid while unemployed.
• Military – certain distributions to qualified military reservists called to active duty.
Jeff comments: Keep in mind though that some of the exceptions for retirement plans are different from the exceptions for IRA’s so you will want to check with your tax advisor and make sure you include Form 5329, Additional Taxes on Qualified Plans (Including IRAs) and Other Tax-Favored Accounts, with your federal tax return.
PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Thanks Amy for calling into the show. Amy says Thanks for having me.
Stay tuned as we will be taking some of your questions. You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Jeff states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Gary Sussman.
And Gary and I always pleased to make our offers to our listeners where… PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Gary states PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Gary Sussman. The number to call is 949.536.2030. That is 949.536.2030. Or visit
Securities and advisory services offered through National Planning Corporation (NPC), Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Additional advisory services offered through Trilogy Capital, a Registered Investment Adviser. Trilogy Capital and NPC are separate and unrelated companies.
Jeff states: If you would like to post a question for us to answer, you can go to my website at and click on “Radio Show”. You can then enter your question and maybe it will be selected for our show.
OK Gary, what questions have you pulled for us to answer?
Question from Dee of Orange County asks: I am about to turn 62, and I am thinking of electing my SS benefit. Is this the best thing to do?
Answer: Frankly, there is no single “right” answer because it depends on each individual’s unique circumstances. Social Security is supposed to be used in conjunction with other sources of retirement income. Unfortunately, for a significant number of individuals, the decision about when to file for Social Security comes down to “As soon as I qualify.” Even though they know their monthly benefit will be smaller, they may be concerned that it’s not going to be there in the future, so they figure “I’d better get it while I can.”
While there can be no guarantee that the future program will operate as it has in the past, for many people Social Security has historically amounted to a government-guaranteed, inflation-adjusted, lifetime annuity. The decision to file early can have significant lifelong consequences. Filing to begin benefits at 62, the earliest age possible, results in a 25% less benefit than waiting until Full Retirement Age, which for most of us is 66 and 2 months. Delaying until age 70 produces a significantly higher monthly benefit. In fact, waiting until age 70 to begin receiving Social Security results in a monthly benefit that is 76% greater than the amount an individual would receive at 62.
If this is a question about ensuring that you get the absolute most out of the system, that answer will be dictated by your longevity. Unfortunately most of us don’t have that answer. Generally speaking, waiting to elect benefits will probably result in getting more out of the system. This is a complex question and one’s decision should not be taken lightly, and I would recommend making this decision within the entire scope of your overall financial situation.
Question from Carlos of Chula Vista: My family is originally from Cuba and I am interested in investing in that country now that the embargo has been lifted. What do I need to know when it comes to U.S. taxes?
Answer: Since a foreign government will typically charge income taxes earned on income in that country, taking advantage of Foreign Tax Credits allow U.S. taxpayers to avoid or reduce double taxation. You may choose to take a deduction for foreign taxes paid instead of choosing a credit. In most cases, it is to your advantage to take foreign income taxes as a tax credit. The U.S. government until recently did not allow for this tax credit to be available for Cuba but that has all changed because starting January 1, 2016 the Foreign Tax Credit is now available.
File Form 1116, Foreign Tax Credit, which gets attached to your Federal Individual Income Tax Return to claim the foreign tax credit if you are an individual, estate or trust, and you paid or accrued certain foreign taxes to a foreign country or U.S. possession. Now the Foreign Tax Credit provisions are complex as there are limitations and exclusions which are either established by statute or by the tax treaty with that country so you will want to check with tax counsel to make sure you are getting the full tax benefit allowed.
Jeff states: Well we are reaching the end of our show.
Remember you can send us your questions by visiting the kahntaxlaw website at
Gary states: Have a great day everyone!
FBI v Apple, Older Women Reshaping the U.S. Job Market, and Self-employed Tax Tips On ESPN Radio – February 26, 2016 Show
/0 Comments/in Podcast/by Tax AttorneyTopics Covered:
1. FBI v. Apple: The feud that should get you thinking about providing electronic passwords to your family in case of emergency.
2. How Older Women are Reshaping the U.S. Job Market.
3. Important tax tips if you are self-employed.
4. Questions from our listeners:
- Considering women are living longer than men and should be looking further, long-term of managing money, how much would be a good base, considering interest income, amount for one to have saved up upon retirement? Say I retire at 65 but end up living until 92? What if I out live my significant other and end up on my own in a nursing home. How much should I have squirreled away in order to not burden my family?
- I just incorporated my business and want to elect Subchapter S status. What are the procedures that I must follow?
Jeff states: Yes sometimes we just have to take the money and run!
Good afternoon! Welcome to Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show.
This is Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, the principal attorney of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. and head of the KahnTaxLaw team.
Windus states:
And this is Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord, Senior Vice President Of Investments at Trilogy Financial Services.
You are listening to our weekly radio show where we talk everything about finances and taxes from the ESPN 1700 AM Studio in San Diego, California.
Jeff states:
When it comes to knowing tax laws and paying taxes, let’s face it — everyone in the U.S. is either in tax trouble, on their way to tax trouble, or trying to avoid tax trouble!
Windus states:
And whether you are on the rebound or flying high, we have the information you need to make sound financial decisions and map out your strategy for success.
Jeff states:
Our show is broadcasted each Friday at 2:00PM Pacific Time and replays are available on demand by logging into the KahnTaxLaw website at
Jeff states:
For today’s show we have coming up:
Segment 2 material: How Older Women Are Re-shaping The U.S. Job Market.
Windus states:
Also coming up is:
Segment 3 material: Important tax tips if you are self-employed.
And of course towards the end of our show, we will be answering some of your questions.
Jeff starts chit chat with Windus.
Jeff states: So for today’s top story:
FBI v. Apple: The feud that should get you thinking about providing electronic passwords to your family in case of emergency.
Credit to Wall Street Journal:;;
Windus begins: Apple is facing court orders to help investigators in the Justice Department extract data from password protected iPhones. At least a dozen cases nationwide are calling on the tech corporation to assist in investigations where cell phones were confiscated as evidence.
Jeff replies: These disputes are similar to the current battle over a terrorist’s locked phone that has brought to light this on-going feud over privacy and security. The publicized terrorist attack is referencing the December 2nd attack in San Bernardino, where 14 people were killed and 22 were reported injured.
Windus continues: This dispute was funneled to the public after the court ordered Apple Inc. to help the Justice Department bypass security features on an iPhone belonging to one of the shooters, Syed Rizwan Farook.
Jeff states: Now, FBI Director James Comey pinpoints the terrorism case and explains that unlocking said terrorists phone is important to exposing possible other terrorist threats. He further goes on to explain, “We can’t look survivors in the eye, or ourselves in the mirror, if we don’t follow the lead.”
Windus replies: At the same time, Apple CEO Tim Cook is calling the government’s actions “a dangerous precedent that threatens everyone’s civil liberties”, urging prosecutors to withdraw their demands. He suggests that the government form a commission to address situations such as these, brought on by the growing use of encryption.
Jeff states: For now, 51% of the general public is in agreement with Comey’s argument of Apple helping the government to unlock the December 2nd terrorist’s phone, but 38% are in favor of Apple’s stance on preserving privacy and security.
Windus replies: And preserving privacy and security is a position that Cook feels very passionately about. Apple as a whole has hardened its stance over time, adopting more stringent security and encrypted more of its user data.
Jeff states: In a 2014 Charlie Rose interview, Cook elaborated “they would have to cart us out in a box before we would” allow outsiders including the National Security Agency to create a “backdoor” to access users’ personal data.
Windus replies: When meeting in January, both Comey and Cook spoke generally on the issue, but make no significant breakthroughs. If anything, each only solidified their respected stances on the subject.
Jeff states: In the end, it is likely that any legal outcomes of this case will be provisional. Technology evolves at such a rapid pace that Apple and other firms will eventually develop new programs that guard data more securely and out grow old rules.
Windus replies: This includes legislature like the 18th-century law, The All Writs Act, that is currently being pursued by the Justice Department to compel companies to assist with password security by-pass for phones held in evidence.
Jeff continues: However, in most of the cases, prosecutors says that instead of Apple challenging the orders in court, Apple simply deferred complying with them, without seeking appropriate judicial relief.
Windus states: In a letter last week from Apple CEO Tim Cook, “the government suggests this tool could only be used once, on one phone. But that’s simply not true. Once created, the technique could be used over and over again, on any number of devices.”
Jeff replies: When it comes down to it, the government is asking Apple to hack their own users while undermining decades of security advancements.
Windus states: Separately from terrorism, federal prosecutors in New York are disputing with Apple over an iPhone seized during a drug investigation there. But, Apple has continued to stand behind its position that forcing a company to extract data, could threaten the trust between Apple and its customers.
Jeff replies: So where does this leave us on a smaller scale when a relative passes and all of their financial information is eManaged?
Windus replies: I’m so glad you asked Jeff! We’re stuck in the mess but closer to home. If you pass away, so much is electronic; your family may not easily be able to find your assets.
Jeff continues: So, what’s supposed to happen when you lose mom or dad and they just so happen to be managing everything from their portfolios, to their life insurance, to their bank accounts on line?
Windus replies: A fall back is that the state SHOULD report them after one year of missed statements. BUT with technology, that isn’t always the case and sometimes statements aren’t missed because they are emailed, so reporting to the state lost money can take longer.
Jeff replies: In which case, it’s very important to keep a record of all of your accounts and passwords, in case of emergency. Some companies have help desks set up for such an occasion but others cite privacy laws prohibiting them from releasing information regarding anyone’s account, regardless of incident.
Windus completes: From a planning perspective, it’s not a question of privacy rights so much as property rights. You need to have a hard copy of ALL accounts including emails, usernames and passwords, just as much as you needed to have the accounts set up in the first place.
Jeff continues: According to Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, “The so-called ‘Tort of Privacy’ expires upon death, but property interests don’t. Private e-mails are a new category. It’s not immediately clear how to treat them, but it’s a form of digital property.”
Windus replies: In terms of estate planning, it is much easier if a family member already has user sign on information, like a username and password, as the situation comes up fairly regularly. It would be wise to put all passwords to sites online in an estate planning document, end of story.
Jeff states: Well it’s time for a break but stay tuned because we are going to tell you how older women are re-shaping the U.S. job market
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord.
Jeff states: And before we start on this next segment, Windus would like to tell you of her special offer.
Windus states: Windus PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord. The number to call is 858.314.5169. That is 858.314.5169. Or visit
Jeff resumes:
How Older Women Are Re-shaping The U.S. Job Market.
Credit to Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News and ProPublica:;;
Jeff states: More and more female workers are delaying retirement, in a shift that’s helping transform the US economy. There is a wave of American women who are working, or looking for work, longer than any previous generation.
Windus replies: In fact, since the beginning of the December 2007 recession, the percentage of older women working has grown while the rates of all other categories of U.S. worker, categorized by gender and age, has either declined or made no change at all.
Jeff continues: According to historical and projected statistics by the Labor Department, one in twelve women worked past the age of 65 in 1992. Currently, that same number has increased to around one in seven. By 2024, it will escalate to almost one in five, the equivalent of roughly 6.3 million workers.
Windus states: Richard Johnson, director of the Urban Institute’s program on retirement policy, this is “one of the most stunning developments that we’ve seen in the labor market in over the last 50 years.”
Jeff states: While some are extending their careers because they enjoy working late in life, others are doing so under a more fiscal necessity.
Windus replies: That’s right, Jeff. People are living longer, and with that are concerned with outliving their savings. Americans are approaching old age and finding themselves with more debt and less savings. In addition, fewer are receiving pensions than in previous generations.
Jeff states: Consider it this way, Windus. The current growth among older female workers in job market reflects a realignment that began over a half-century ago when women joined the workforce.
Windus replies: The rate of older Americans in the workforce fell every year from the end of WWII to the 1980s, but has since shifted. In the mid-1990s, employers transitioned from traditional employer sponsored pension plans to 401(k) savings plans that shift the responsibility of saving for retirement onto the employee, instead of the employer.
Jeff replies: This shift in funding made it necessary for Americans to continue to work until they could afford to retire and not just when they met a certain age.
Windus states: As a result, older Americans are leaving the work place more slowly than in the past, signifying a greater potential in the labor supply, as well as more slack, than an unemployment rate below 5% would usually entail.
Jeff replies: Last month, when the unemployment rate dropped below 5%, it was a faster drop than any economist had expected and a level that had not been seen since early 2008. This should trigger higher wages as employers search through fewer potential new hires, but it hasn’t yet.
Windus replies: But it’s not just about wanting to work longer, it’s having to work longer. Women out live men and therefor, have a greater propensity to out-live their savings. Older Americans have more debt than in previous years.
Jeff states: For example, in 2013, homeowners aged 65 or older with a mortgage, still owed roughly $88,000 on their loans. That’s up from the average in 2001, which ran about $43,400. The problem could be would-be retirees who were hit hard during the last financial crisis, cannot afford to retire.
Windus replies: Although several economists acknowledge a tie between financial insecurity and later retirement, it is difficult to prove considering that many working later in life are skilled workers with higher incomes.
Jeff states: According to census data maintained by the University of Minnesota, the increase in working women ages 55 to 64 over the past decade have been split fairly evenly between college graduates and those who only finished high school.
Windus replies: In reality, if financial hardship was the primary factor of women working later in life, there would be a greater ratio of those who had lower-skilled occupations.
Jeff continues: Regardless, of those who remain employed, the need for money was the most cited reason for working later into life, exceeding those who are working out of enjoyment nearly two to one, in a survey published in 2014 by AARP.
Windus states: Statistically women live longer and save more conservatively than men. This becomes a problem when the issue of out-living your finances presents itself. How to you remedy this situation? Put together a financial plan that pieces together all the factors that worry you and call me…
Windus PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord. The number to call is 858.314.5169. That is 858.314.5169. Or visit
Jeff states: Stay tuned because after the break we are going to tell you important tax tips if you are self-employed.
You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Jeff states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord.
Calling into the studio from my Walnut Creek Office is my associate attorney, Amy Spivey.
Chit chat with Amy
Jeff states: So before we start this segment, I want to remind our listeners that PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Jeff resumes:
Important Tax Tips If You Are Self Employed.
If you are self-employed, you normally carry on a trade or business. Sole proprietors and independent contractors are two types of self-employment.
Independent Contractors.
Jeff asks Amy: How does the IRS define who is an Independent Contractor?
Amy replies: People such as doctors, dentists, veterinarians, lawyers, accountants, contractors, subcontractors, public stenographers, or auctioneers who are in an independent trade, business, or profession in which they offer their services to the general public are generally independent contractors.
Windus asks: But I know that many people who work in one of these occupations are treated as employees so how do you differentiate worker who are independent contractors?
Amy replies: Whether these people are independent contractors or employees depends on the facts in each case. The general rule is that an individual is an independent contractor if the payer has the right to control or direct only the result of the work and not what will be done and how it will be done.
Sole Proprietorship
Jeff asks Amy: How does the IRS define what is a sole proprietorship?
Amy replies: A sole proprietorship allows an individual to own and operate a business by him/herself. A sole proprietor has total control, receives all profits from and is responsible for taxes and liabilities of the business. If a sole proprietorship is formed with a name other than the individual’s name, a Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed with the county where the principal place of business is located. Generally, there are no other formal requirements to own and operate a sole proprietorship. However, depending on the business venture, a particular license or certification may be required.
Windus states: If either of these situations apply to you, there are a few basic things you should know about how your income affects your federal tax return and of course with our two tax attorneys in the house, let’s have them go over the most important tax tips you need to know if you are self-employed.
Amy and Jeff to read off each tax tip and explanation.
Jeff states:
• SE Income. Self-employment can include income you received for part-time work. This is in addition to income from your regular job.
Amy states:
• Schedule C or C-EZ. You must file a Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business, or Schedule C-EZ, Net Profit from Business, with your Form 1040. You may use Schedule C-EZ if you had expenses less than $5,000 and meet certain other conditions. See the form instructions to find out if you can use the form.
Jeff states:
• SE Tax. You may have to pay self-employment tax as well as income tax if you made a profit. Self-employment tax includes Social Security and Medicare taxes. Use Schedule SE, Self-Employment Tax, to figure the tax. If you owe this tax, attach the schedule to your federal tax return.
Amy states:
• Estimated Tax. You may need to make estimated tax payments. Try IRS Direct Pay. People typically make these payments on income that is not subject to withholding. You usually pay estimated taxes in four annual installments. If you do not pay enough tax throughout the year, you may owe a penalty.
Jeff states:
• Allowable Deductions. You can deduct expenses you paid to run your business that are both ordinary and necessary. An ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your industry. A necessary expense is one that is helpful and proper for your trade or business.
Amy states:
• When to Deduct. In most cases, you can deduct expenses in the same year you paid, or incurred them. However, you must ‘capitalize’ some costs. This means you can deduct part of the cost over a number of years.
To Incorporate Or Not To Incorporate?
Jeff states: So a question that we hear a lot of is whether a self-employed individual should incorporate his or her business.
Amy states: When forming a legal entity, it’s best that it be created separate from the holdings of its owners to ensure limited liability. Historically, the choice has been for owners to form a corporation. Today, however, there may be better choices besides a sole proprietorship or corporation.
Amy continues: Other multiple organization structure possibilities include:
• Limited Liability Company (LLC)
• Partnership
• Limited Partnership
• Limited Liability Partnership
The advantages of incorporating (including forming an LLC).
Windus states: So to help our listeners who are considering this issue, how about I have our two tax attorneys, Jeff and Amy, go over the advantages of incorporating or forming an LLC.
Amy states: Limited Liability. Corporations and LLC’s offer limited liability risks to their owners (shareholders for corporations and members for LLC’s). In most corporate or LLC structures, shareholders or members are not personally liable for the debts and other liabilities (including legal) for the business.
Jeff states: Ease Of Attracting New Investors and Facilitates Exit Strategy. Whether it’s a corporation or LLC, your ownership interest is evidenced by a share certificate for a corporation or a membership interest for an LLC. Either way it is a document or a right that you can transfer to someone else without having to change anything on the business’ operations, assets or liabilities.
Amy states: Lower Audit Risk. It is a known fact that self-employed individuals who file their Form 1040 reporting their business income and business expenses on Schedule C run a higher risk of audit than self-employed individuals who incorporated their business and all of this detail appears on a separate corporation income tax return.
Jeff states: Favorable Payroll Tax Consequences. Corporate income is not subject to Social Security, Workers Compensation and Medicare taxes; and if planned correctly owners do not pay self-employment taxes and this can equate to a big tax savings to you.
The three most popular entities used by self-employed individuals:
Windus asks: What are the three most popular entities used by self-employed individuals?
Amy replies: C-corporation. A corporation is an entity that exists separately from its owners (shareholders). A corporation may be utilized to provide asset protection for its stakeholders, as well as protection for managers, officers and directors. Any corporation that does not elect to be treated under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code is a C Corporation.
Jeff replies: S-corporation. A corporation electing Subchapter S regulation provides limited liability to its shareholders as well as pass through taxation to shareholders (meaning the corporation is not taxed but the corporations shareholders are taxed individually.) In other word, it is the income or loss of the S-corporation that will flow through to its shareholders to be reported on their individual income tax returns.
Amy states: Limited Liability Company (LLC). A domestic limited liability company generally offers liability protection similar to that of a corporation but is taxed differently. Limited liability companies may be managed and operated by one or more managers, or one or more members. In addition to filing the applicable documents with the Secretary of State, an operating agreement among the members as to the affairs of the limited liability company and the conduct of its business is required.
Jeff states: Generally, businesses operating in California will choose to become incorporated in California. However, there may be advantages to incorporating in Delaware or Nevada, and registering the business in California as a foreign corporation.
Jeff continues: Choosing the proper entity when establishing a business is a critical decision so consider this ….
PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Thanks Amy for calling into the show. Amy says Thanks for having me.
Stay tuned as we will be taking some of your questions. You are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord on Inside Advantage on ESPN.
Jeff states: Welcome back. This is Inside Advantage – Your Financial And Tax Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, and Licensed Financial Planner, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord.
And Windus and I always pleased to make our offers to our listeners where… PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.
Windus states: Windus PLUG: Trilogy Financial Services will provide you with a retirement cash flow analysis which is a $600.00 value for free as long as you mention the Inside Advantage Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call my office to make an appointment to meet with me, Windus A. Fernandez Brinkkord. The number to call is 858.314.5169. That is 858.314.5169. Or visit
You should also know that the securities and advisory services are offered through National Planning Corporation (NPC) Member FINRA, SIPC, and a Registered Investment Advisor. Trilogy Financial Services and NPC are separate and unrelated Entities.
Jeff states: If you would like to post a question for us to answer, you can go to my website at and click on “Radio Show”. You can then enter your question and maybe it will be selected for our show.
OK Windus, what questions have you pulled for us to answer?
Questions from Anne of Del Mar:
This is a two part set of questions.
Part 1: Considering women are living longer than men and should be looking further out, long-term of managing money, how much would be a good base, considering interest income, amount for one to have saved up upon retirement? Say I retire at 65 but end up living until 92?
Windus answers.
Part 2: What if I out live my significant other and end up on my own in a nursing home. How much should I have squirreled away in order to not burden my family?
Windus answers.
Stephanie from Newport Beach asks: I just incorporated my business and want to elect Subchapter S status. What are the procedures that I must follow?
Jeff Answer: A corporation or other entity eligible to elect to be treated as an S-corporation must use Form 2553 to make the election.
1. Corporation has no more than 100 shareholders. An individual and his or her spouse (and their estates) as one shareholder for this test. Special rules also apply for counting members of a family and other situations which can keep you within this 100 limitation. Note there is no limit on how much assets or income the entity has, only the number of owners.
2. Its only shareholders are individuals, estates, exempt organizations.
3. It has no nonresident alien shareholders.
4. It has only one class of stock (disregarding differences in voting rights).
You have to adopt as your tax year a calendar year meaning that your annual tax reporting will be January 1st to December 31st.
The Form 2553 must be signed by a corporate officer and each individual who is a shareholder at the time of making the election. You must file this form no more than two months and 15 days after the beginning of the tax year the election is to take effect. So that means to have an S-election effective for January 1, 2016, you must file this form with a postmark no later than March 15, 2016. If you wait until after that date for a corporation that was formed on or before January 1, 2016, your S-election would not be effective until January 1, 2017 unless your qualify for relief from late filing of this election.
Jeff states: Well we are reaching the end of our show.
Remember you can send us your questions by visiting the kahntaxlaw website at
Windus states: Have a great day everyone!
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