Target: Los Angeles, California – Think You Can Hide From The IRS? 

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles is taking on a pilot project to pin-point their investigations to the wealthiest zip codes in the L.A. metro area. The idea being that anyone who is selected for investigation in these areas will result in a higher tax liability than those who live in less affluent areas. The government is looking for non-filers, persons engaged in on-line and virtual currency transactions and businesses cheating or delinquent on employment taxes.


When a taxpayer does not file and the IRS has information statements indicating a filing requirement, the IRS uses the data to file a return on behalf of the taxpayer if there is a projected balance owed. In 2012, the IRS used information statements to file 803,000 returns for taxpayers under the Automated Substitute For Return Program, totaling $6.7 billion in additional taxes owed. And the sad thing about this is in just about every case, the amount actually owed when a tax return is filed by the taxpayer is much lower than what the IRS says a non-filer taxpayer owes. We even had cases where the IRS ended up owing our clients money.

Before contacting a non-filer, the IRS will often attempt to identify the non-filer’s occupation, location of bank/savings accounts, sources of income, age, current address, last file return, adjusted gross income of last filed return, taxes paid on last filed return – amounts and methods of payment (withholding, estimated tax, pre-payments), number of years delinquent, and the non-filer’s standard of living.  They will search public records for evidence of additional unreported income, tax assessor and real estate records for assets held by the non-filer, and records of professional associations and business license bureaus for information on businesses being operated by the non-filer. They will also search sales tax returns and the state records to disclose corporate charter information including principals of any businesses that have failed to file returns. They will contact the last known employer to determine if the non-filer is still employed and the specific occupation of the non-filer.  

It is to those individuals, who deliberately fail to comply with their obligation to file required tax returns and pay any taxes due and owing, that IRS Criminal Investigation devotes its investigative resources.  In the most egregious cases or if the Special Agent discovers subsequent acts of tax evasion (false statements, refusal to make records available, etc.), criminal prosecution is recommended to the United States Attorney’s office.

On-line And Virtual Currency Transactions

The increased use of on-line transactions with such services that include but are no limited to eBay and Craigslist and the increased use of virtual currencies such as Bitcoins have also raised interest by the Department Of Justice.

Many people think of online auction sites, such as eBay and Craigslist, as virtual garage sales — a convenient way to clean out cluttered closets and attics stuffed with old clothes, books and knickknacks inherited from relatives.

But if you’re a frequent or big-time seller, the government might consider your proceeds to be income and could come after you for taxes.

The tax law requires the gross amount of payment card and third-party network transactions to be reported annually to participating merchants and the IRS. With this information the IRS can now track your sales and make sure they are being reported on your individual income tax return.

Bitcoins, a widely used virtual currency, are an alternative to money online. Unlike regular money, Bitcoins are not backed by any government or company. The currency is circulated without intermediaries such as banks. As such the government believes that taxpayers are able to avoid reporting income using this currency,

The IRS Criminal Investigation Division has committed a team of IRS Special Agents to master Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. The IRS knows that to use Bitcoins, one needs a virtual wallet along with private keys and public addresses.  Unknown to many Bitcoin users is the fact that every Bitcoin transaction is included in a ledger called a block chain.

The IRS is simply accessing the block chain to review all Bitcoin transactions.  From that point, the IRS works its way back to the public address that was used in the Bitcoin transaction. While the public address itself does not identify the user, the IRS has been very clever in associating the public address with the identity of the Bitcoin user. Thus, Bitcoin and other cyber or crypto currencies do not provide the level of complete anonymity many have ascribed to crypto currencies.

While the IRS has been focusing on the use of virtual currencies and crypto currencies in money laundering cases, the IRS is now focusing on the ability and likelihood that some users are committing tax evasion and tax fraud with virtual currencies. This is especially true because large amounts of virtual currency can change hands anywhere in the world instantaneously. Used correctly, it is another financial tool in our ever-shrinking world.  Used incorrectly, it is a very dangerous tool for those with a leaning towards and involved in illegal activities including tax evasion.

Employment Taxes

The IRS is especially vigorous in going after payroll taxes withheld from wages that somehow don’t get paid to the government.  The IRS calls it trust fund money that belongs to the government.

That makes any failure to pay—or even late payment—much worse. 

In fact, that’s so regardless of how the employer or its principals use the money and regardless of how good a reason they have for not handing the money over to the IRS. When a tax shortfall occurs in this setting, the IRS will usually make personal assessments against all responsible persons who have an ownership interest in the company or signature authority over the company accounts.

The practice the government is going after is sometimes called “pyramiding”. The Department of Justice defined pyramiding where the business has made minimal payments of its tax debts and that attempts to induce voluntary compliance failed. To stop the bleeding in a case like this, the Justice Department can seek an injunction to require a company and its principals to make timely tax deposits, to pay all withheld employment taxes, and to timely file all employment tax returns.

The IRS can assess a Trust Fund Recovery Assessment, also known as a 100-percent penalty, against every “responsible person”. The penalty is assessed under Section 6672(a) of the tax code, and the IRS uses it liberally. You can be responsible and therefore liable even if have no knowledge that the IRS is not being paid. If there are multiple owners, multiple officers, multiple check signers, they all may draw a 100% penalty assessment.

When multiple owners and signatories all face tax bills they generally squabble and do their best to sic the IRS on someone else. Factual nuances matter in this kind of mud-wrestling, but so do legal maneuvering and just plain savvy. One responsible person may get stuck paying while another who is even guiltier may get off scot-free.

If the IRS is going after individuals, the IRS will still try to collect from the company that withheld on the wages. The IRS also wants to make sure this kind of bad tax situation doesn’t occur again and the IRS wants to collect as much money as quick as possible from as many parties as it can get to.

Where Do The Highest Earners Live In The L.A. Area?

Given the resources involved in any criminal tax investigation, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles is looking to focus on those areas that are more affluent and therefore yield the greatest potential for prosecution and revenue collection.


Zip Code


Home value (median) 2011

Household income (median) 2011

Total local bank deposits

1 90077 South Valley, Bel Air, Beverly Glen, Westwood, Holmby Hills




2 90049 South Valley, Bel Air, Sawtelle, Brentwood, Westwood, Mid-City, Northeast, Mandeville Canyon




3 90094 Marina Del Rey, Westchester, Playa Vista




4 90024 West, Westwood Village, Westwood, Holmby Hills, Century City




5 90064 West, Mar Vista, Sawtelle, Beverlywood, Westwood, Cheviot Hills, Rancho Park, Sunset Park, Century City




6 90046 Central LA, Melrose, Hollywood Hills, Studio City, Little Armenia, Sunset Strip, East Hollywood, Laurel Canyon, Beverly Grove




7 90068 Central LA, Hollywood Hills, Studio City, Greater Wilshire / Hancock Park, Los Feliz, Little Armenia




8 90048 Central LA, Melrose, Mid City, Carthay Circle, La Brea, Mid-Wilshire, Beverly Grove




9 90056 South, Ladera Heights




10 90045 Westchester, North Valley, South Valley, North Hills East, Fox Hills




11 90035 Central LA, Mid City, Pico – Robertson, Beverlywood, Cheviot Hills




12 90066 Marina Del Rey, Westchester, Mar Vista, McLaughlin, Culver – West, Venice




13 90025 West, Sawtelle, Central LA, Wilshire Center / Koreatown, Brentwood, Westwood Village, Westwood, Mid-City, Pico, Century City, East Hollywood




14 90027 Central LA, Atwater Village, Wilshire Center / Koreatown, Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Little Armenia, Koreatown, Warner Bros. Studios, East Hollywood




15 90034 Central LA, Mid City, Pico – Robertson, Beverlywood, Cheviot Hills, Art District, McManus, Lucerne – Higuera




16 90028 Central LA, Hollywood Hills, Greater Wilshire / Hancock Park, Little Armenia




17 90036 Central LA, Melrose, Mid City, Greater Wilshire / Hancock Park, Carthay Circle, La Brea, Miracle Mile, Mid-Wilshire, Beverly Grove




18 90005 South, Central LA, Wilshire Center / Koreatown, Mid City, Greater Wilshire / Hancock Park, Rampart Village, Koreatown, Wilshire Center




19 90015 South, Downtown, Central LA, Westlake, New Downtown, Fashion District, Venice




20 90039 Atwater Village, Silver Lake, Echo Park, North Hollywood, Los Feliz




21 90004 Central LA, Wilshire Center / Koreatown, Greater Wilshire / Hancock Park, Rampart Village, Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Koreatown, Wilshire Center, East Hollywood




22 90065 Eagle Rock, Cypress Park, Glassell Park, Atwater Village, Highland Park, Chinatown, Mount Washington




23 90012 Downtown, Central LA, Boyle Heights, Westlake, New Downtown, Civic Center / Little Tokyo, Chinatown, Echo Park, Bunker Hill




24 90041 Eagle Rock, East LA, North Arroyo




25 90017 Downtown, Central LA, Wilshire Center / Koreatown, Westlake, New Downtown, Miracle Mile, Koreatown, Venice, Wilshire Center




The Stakes Are High!

So if you receive an audit notice or even worse a visit by government agents, it is important that you don’t ignore this. Protect yourself from excessive fines and possible jail time. Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. with locations in Downtown Los Angeles, Century City, Woodland Hills, Long Beach and Ontario defend you from the IRS.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems and minimize the chance of any criminal investigation or imposition of civil penalties.

Don’t Let The Recent Funding Cuts To IRS Give You A False Sense Of Complacency.

With just weeks remaining before the new tax season opens, Congress walloped the IRS with $341 million in budget cuts. That’s in addition to earlier slashes to the IRS budget of more than $1 billion since 2010, resulting in nearly 13,000 employee layoffs.

Is that a wise choice or an act of spite toward an unpopular agency?

Congress touted that the cuts are much needed but to others it looks like something else – revenge. You see many in Congress are still fuming about this year’s earlier tax-exempt organization scandal and those missing Lerner emails. There are other members of Congress that are angry about reports of wasteful spending. And still there are other members of Congress that see this as a great opportunity to keep IRS from properly implementing pieces of the Affordable Care Act – yes, the same Act that Congress pushed through a few years ago, tasking the IRS with related administrative responsibilities.

Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL), the newly elected Chair of the Oversight Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee, minced no words about the agency’s budget, referring to the IRS as a “rogue operation” earlier this year. He said about the IRS and cuts to the budget, at the time “This is an effort to get this agency under control. They have not faithfully executed the law. They have not faithfully used the resources that they have been entrusted with, and we in the House are determined to get this right and to rein them in.”

So if Representative Roskam is right, the IRS by getting less funding will have no choice to run its operations more efficiently

Will the IRS cuts paralyze the agency and allow taxpayers to slip through the system?

Now if you are still thinking that this latest move by Congress will paralyze the IRS, let’s put the amount of cuts in perspective.

Since fiscal year 2010, Congress has cut IRS funding by almost $1.2 billion, or 10%, forcing the agency to severely reduce its full-time, permanent workforce by 13,000 employees. This occurred even as the country added approximately 7 million new taxpayers. 

But let’s go back to 1995 – that’s almost 20 years ago. In 1995, the IRS had 114,064 workers to administer tax laws and process 205 million tax returns. By the end of 2013, staffing had fallen to 83,613 to administer a more complicated tax code and process 242 million tax returns and other forms. When I run these numbers I get 26% fewer IRS employees processing 20% more tax returns. Contrary to what Representative Roskam thinks, these statistics show the IRS doing an extraordinary job keep up with the functions it is charged with.

Additionally, the IRS may be one of the smarter investments for Congress. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said last year that the IRS yields $6 in collections for every $1 it receives for tax enforcement. The agency is already working with a smaller budget than it had five years ago — $11.3 billion in 2014 compared to $11.5 billion in 2009.

So what’s another $341 million cut in funding?

The IRS still has $10.95 billion to work with in 2015. This will bring the agency’s budget below the sequester level and below the level that was in place in fiscal year 2008. This funding level was still sufficient even then for the IRS to perform its core duties, including taxpayer services and the proper collection of funds. Taxpayers back in 2008 were still being audited, investigated, prosecuted, and levied. Back in 2008 the IRS was also starting its major initiative to pursue taxpayers with undisclosed foreign bank accounts.  2015 should be no different.  But don’t get me wrong, the IRS will still need to streamline and make better use of its budget as it now has less.

So how can the IRS do more for less?

Remember, the IRS is already yielding $6 in collections for every $1 it receives for tax enforcement. I know a lot of business people who would not mind having that rate of return. Therefore, cuts in tax enforcement should be minimal.

1. More tax returns being electronically filed and electronically processed. About 150 million returns were filed in 2014 of which more than 96% were electronically filed. The IRS issued more than 61.6 million refunds for approximately $179.8 billion. The average dollar refund is about $3,000, and the IRS has directly deposited more than 52.7 million refunds to taxpayers thus far, a 0.7% increase over the same period last year.

2. Increase access to tax information through the internet. Each tax filing season the IRS provides services to taxpayers to help them fulfill their tax obligations and by meeting taxpayers’ increasing demand for self-service and electronic service options, the IRS can deliver tax information without tying up human resources. Much of this has been accomplished through the IRS’ website. As a result of these and other improvements to the IRS website and because there were no significant tax law changes enacted in 2013, the volume of phone calls to the IRS’ toll-free lines has decreased.

3. Going Paperless. The IRS generated $60 million in annual printing and postage savings by eliminating the printing and mailing of selected tax packages and publications, and by transitioning to paperless employee pay statements.

4. Reducing Office Space. In an effort to promote more efficient use of the Federal government’s real estate assets and generate savings, in 2012, the IRS announced a sweeping office space and rent reduction initiative that over two years is projected to close 43 smaller IRS offices and consolidate space in many larger facilities. These measures will reduce annual rent costs by more than $40 million and reduce total IRS office space by more than 1.3 million square feet by the end of 2014.

When you add the savings for going paperless and reducing office space, this results in the IRS spending $300 million a year less. Remember the latest cut is $341 million. Maybe Congress has this right?

5. IRS Working With Other Federal Agencies. For example, the IRS criminal and civil enforcement organizations work with the U.S. Department of Justice Tax Division to shut down abusive tax schemes as quickly as possible in an effort to protect taxpayers from potential additional financial harm. Parallel civil and criminal investigations are an effective and aggressive IRS approach that halts these schemes quickly and permanently.  A civil injunction against the promoter stops the scheme and prevents additional ‘clients’ from investing.  In addition, the Criminal Investigation Division shares abusive tax scheme investor lists with the civil operating divisions to ensure investor tax returns are considered for examination (audit). Also, the Department of Justice, Department of Treasury and Homeland Security entered into a joint effort to enforce the “National Money Laundering Strategy” to continue the nation’s efforts to dismantle corrupt money laundering schemes.

6. IRS Working With Foreign Financial/Tax Agencies. International tax compliance is a top priority of the IRS. The IRS is vigorously pursuing tax cheats around the world, no matter how remote or secret the location. The IRS Criminal Investigation Division (“CID”) is working to develop new ways to share information and foster cooperation among other U.S. government agencies and foreign government counterparts. To enhance its international efforts CID has expanded its overseas presence by assigning attachés to key foreign embassies and consulates. Attachés establish strong ties with foreign government and law enforcement partners working with them to gather and share information about possible financial crimes. CID also actively participates in a number of international financial task force groups to investigate significant areas of noncompliance and criminal activity. These groups include INTERPOL, the Terrorist Finance Working Group (TFWG), the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Don’t Take The Chance And Lose Everything You Have Worked For.

Protect yourself. If you are in danger of wage garnishments or bank levies or having a tax lien placed against your property, stand up to the IRS and your State Tax Agency by getting representation. Tax problems are usually a serious matter and must be handled appropriately so it’s important to that you’ve hired the best lawyer for your particular situation. The tax attorneys at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco and elsewhere in California are highly skilled in handling tax matters and can effectively represent at all levels with the IRS and State Tax Agencies including criminal tax investigations and attempted prosecutions, undisclosed foreign bank accounts and other foreign assets, and unreported foreign income.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems to allow you to have a fresh start.

Did You Receive A Letter From Your Foreign Bank, Urging You To Report Your Account To The U.S. Government Under FATCA?

This May Be Your One Last Opportunity to Avoid Criminal Prosecution and Increased Civil Penalties!

Since July 1, 2014, the most feared U.S. legislation regarding international tax enforcement – Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) – is being implemented by most banks around the world. As part of this compliance, foreign banks from around the world are sending letters to account holders that they believe have, or had, a U.S. tax nexus (or other U.S. connection) requesting information to determine whether such account holders have disclosed their foreign bank accounts to the IRS. The letters from foreign banks generally require an account holder to disclose whether the account has been declared to the IRS through the filing of a Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (commonly known as the “FBAR”) form and/or a Form 1040 personal income tax return, participation in the various IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Programs, or otherwise. Sometimes foreign banks request that the account holder submit an IRS Form W-9 or W-8BEN, which is generally required to be completed by U.S. account holders for tax reporting purposes.

What is FATCA?

FATCA was signed into law in 2010 and codified in Sections 1471 through 1474 of the Internal Revenue Code. The law was enacted in order to reduce offshore tax evasion by U.S. persons with undisclosed offshore accounts. There are two parts to FATCA – U.S. taxpayer reporting of foreign assets and income on Form 8938 and reporting by a Foreign Financial Institution (“FFI”) of foreign bank and financial accounts to the IRS.  It is the latter that is resulting in FFI’s sending out that dreaded letter to suspected U.S. account holders requesting U.S. taxpayer identification and information (referred hereafter as the “FATCA letter”).

FATCA generally requires an FFI to identify certain U.S. accountholders and report their accounts to the IRS. Such reporting is done either through an FFI Agreement directly to the IRS or through a set of local laws that implement FATCA.

If an FFI refuses to do so or otherwise does not satisfy these requirements (and is not otherwise exempt), U.S.-source payments made to the FFI may be subject to withholding under FATCA at a rate of 30%. Note that FATCA information reporting and withholding requirements generally do not apply to FFI’s that are treated as “deemed-compliant” because they present a relatively low risk of being used for tax evasion or are otherwise exempt from FATCA withholding.

FATCA Implementation and the FATCA Letter

As of July 1, 2014, FATCA went into full effect, which means that FFI’s now have to report the required FATCA information to the IRS. Many FFIs are making a full effort to comply with FATCA. As part of this effort, FFIs around the world have been sending out “FATCA letters”. A FATCA letter is basically a letter from your bank or other financial institution which introduces FATCA to their customers and asks them to provide answers to a various set of questions aiming to find out information specific to FATCA compliance. Often, instead of asking all of these questions directly a FATCA letter would simply list out a series of forms that contain these questions such as IRS Forms W-9 and W-8BEN.

The information furnished by the customer to the bank would then be used by the bank to report information on the customer’s foreign accounts to the IRS. If the customer refuses to answer the questions or provide the necessary forms, the financial institution would often close the account and report it as a “recalcitrant account” to the IRS.

Impact of FATCA Letter on US Taxpayers with Undisclosed Accounts

A FATCA letter may have a very profound impact on a U.S. taxpayer with foreign accounts which were not properly disclosed to the IRS (usually on the FBAR and/or Form 8938).

First, a FATCA letter puts the taxpayer on notice that he is required to report his foreign financial accounts and foreign income to the IRS. This may have a big impact on whether the taxpayer can later certify his non-willfulness for the purposes of the Streamline Filing Compliance Procedures.

Second, a FATCA letter starts the clock for the taxpayer to beat the bank’s disclosure of his account to the IRS. If the taxpayer intends to participate in the IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (“OVDP”), it is imperative that he files his Pre-Clearance Request before the IRS finds out about his non-compliance with respect to his foreign accounts. If the latter occurs, the taxpayer may not be able to enter the OVDP.

In essence, receiving a FATCA letter forces the taxpayer to quickly choose the path of his voluntary disclosure under significant time pressure.

Potential Life-Altering Consequences

These letters are not something to balk at. Generally, receiving this letter is an indication that your foreign bank is preparing to release your information to the IRS. Once that is done, the government will look to see if your account ever had in excess of a $10,000 balance. If it did and you did not report it on an FBAR or on your federal income taxes, the case will likely be referred to the IRS Criminal Investigation Division. At that point, the government will begin to build a case against you. A U.S. citizen can be sentenced up to five years in prison for each year that they willfully failed to file an FBAR and can be penalized up to 50% of the balance of the foreign account for each year that they willfully failed to report (up to 250% of the account’s balance). The civil penalties alone can easily reach double the amount of the balance of the account in question.

Why You Should Do Something About it Before it’s Too Late

If you have received this type of letter from your foreign bank, it’s not too late. Until the government receives your name and account information and chooses to act on that information, you have the opportunity to avoid the possibility of time in a federal prison and reduce the potential civil penalties for failing to report your foreign account. If you have never reported your foreign investments on your U.S. Tax Returns or even if you have already quietly disclosed or in 2012 OVDI, you should seriously consider participating in the IRS’s 2014 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (“OVDP”). Once the IRS contacts you, you cannot get into this program and would be subject to the maximum penalties (civil and criminal) under the tax law. Taxpayers who hire an experienced tax attorney in Offshore Account Voluntary Disclosures should result in avoiding any pitfalls and gaining the maximum benefits conferred by this program.

Protect yourself from excessive fines and possible jail time. Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and elsewhere in California qualify you for OVDP.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems, get you in compliance with your FBAR filing obligations, and minimize the chance of any criminal investigation or imposition of civil penalties.

Jeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. Discusses IRS Tax Examination Procedure On ESPN Radio – December 5, 2014 Show

Topics Covered:

1. IRS Agent Seduced Me, Then Didn’t Help Me With Audit, Oregon Man Claims.

2. Your worst nightmare: An IRS audit. What the tax man looks for.

3. Questions from our listeners:

a. I received an IRS Notice informing you that your return has been selected for examination. What should I do?

b. Why should I be concerned if an audit is poorly conducted?

c. How is using a tax attorney beneficial during an audit?

d. What does your firm do for an audit representation?

e. Why would I not want my original tax preparer to represent me in my appeal (or in my audit)?

f. How many years worth of returns are at risk during an audit?

g. What will happen if I do not respond to the taxing authorities audit notice?

h. What is the worst that can happen if I choose to represent myself in an audit?

4. Know What The IRS Is Looking To Attack By The Type Of Audit Being Conducted.


Yes we are all working for the tax man!

Good afternoon! Welcome to the KahnTaxLaw Radio Show

This is your host Board Certified Tax Attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, the principal attorney of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. and head of the KahnTaxLaw team.

You are listening to my weekly radio show where we talk everything about taxes from the ESPN 1700 AM Studio in San Diego, California.

When it comes to knowing tax laws and paying taxes, let’s face it — everyone in the U.S. is either in tax trouble, on their way to tax trouble, or trying to avoid tax trouble!

It is my objective to make you smarter so that you legally pay the least tax as possible, avoid tax problems and be aware of the strategies and solutions if you are being targeted by the IRS or any State tax agency.

Our show is broadcasted each Friday at 2:00PM Pacific Time and replays are available on demand by logging into our website at

I have a lot to cover today in the world of taxes and helping me out today will be my associate attorney Amy Spivey who will be calling in later in today’s show.

IRS Agent Seduced Me, Then Didn’t Help Me With Audit, Oregon Man Claims

Vincent Burroughs who lives in Oregon was selected by the IRS for an audit of his tax returns. Little did he know that the IRS was going to clean him out in more ways than just his bank account.

Let me explain – maintaining a friendly but professional demeanor can be important to an audit or tax dispute. But having sex with a government agent for a better audit result – well not such a good idea. Yet a lawsuit involving an allegedly alluring—and demanding—female IRS agent suggests that sometimes facts and figures can become overwhelming. If you believe the plaintiff, Mr. Burroughs, passion it seems can overtake a tax audit.

Unlikely? I agree. Preposterous? Perhaps. But Mr. Burroughs filed a lawsuit against the IRS alleging that IRS Agent Dora Abrahamson threatened him with penalties in his tax audit if he did not – let’s say, come across. And in this lawsuit Mr. Burroughs was seeking punitive damages.

For a long time Mr. Burroughs said, he was making good money as a contractor. But when the economy hit the skids, his business dried up, quashing his hopes of becoming a full-time motorcycle racer. He got behind on his taxes — by about $20,000, he figured.

Then in August 2011, he was selected for an audit by the IRS. IRS Agent Dora Abrahamson was assigned to the audit. She allegedly told Burroughs that “she knew who he was, and that it was lucky for him that this was the case, and that they should meet”. Ms. Abrahamson allegedly flirted with him over the telephone and via text messages offering him massages and sent him a photo of herself in her underwear – not exactly IRS-approved business attire – and in a suggestive pose.

Mr. Burroughs maintains that he initially ignored her advances until September 2011. That’s when Ms. Abrahamson arrived at his home for an arranged audit meeting. Only she wasn’t dressed much like an IRS agent. Mr. Burroughs said she showed up dressed provocatively and proceeded to proposition him threatening a 40% tax audit penalty if she didn’t get what she wanted.

The interview with ABC News

Mr. Burroughs was interviewed by ABC News.

Like many other taxpayers, Mr. Burroughs said that when he found out he was being audited “he started shaking immediately. His heart rate went up. He was looking to cooperate with the IRS as much as he could.”

But IRS agent Ms. Abramson assured him that she was most eager to help out.

Mr. Burroughs stated, “She was sending me texts. Some of them made me feel like, I am lucky that she has got my audit, ’cause she is gonna help me. Then, some of them made me feel like, I think this girl wants something else.”

A week or so after the audit began, Mr. Burroughs said, he hadn’t gathered the papers he needed. He said Ms. Abrahamson asked about stopping by to give him a hand. He agreed.

So in September 2011, at 9:00 p.m. on a warm night in Eugene, Oregon, Mr. Burroughs said he opened his front door to IRS agent Dora Abrahamson. It was the first time the two ever met.

Mr. Burroughs said in the interview with ABC News that “she said she was going to do my paperwork. She came up the stairs, knocked on the door and I opened the door”.

That’s when the encounter allegedly occurred.

Mr. Burroughs described in greater detail what happened –“She just pushed me back, and I kind of went back, and I landed like that, and she immediately came over, got on top of me, started kissing on me. … [T]hen she leaned up and started tearing my shirt off.”

Mr. Burroughs said they then went into his bedroom.

That was Mr. Burroughs’ interview with ABC News. But let’s get back to the story and what happened after that encounter at Mr. Burroughs’ home.

Mr. Burroughs said that he received a call from Ms. Abrahamson informing him that she was stepping down from his audit due to a “conflict of interest”. A new IRS agent was assigned who came up with a report that Mr. Burroughs owed not the $20,000 he figured – but that Mr. Burroughs owed around $69,000!

Mr. Burroughs was not happy. He said, “somebody has to be accountable for what the IRS does, because they are unaccountable. They run with no leash on”.

Fifteen months go by . . .

Now not that the story isn’t already bizarre enough, but also raising eyebrows is the lack of formal protest. In the fifteen months that transpired after the encounter, Mr. Burroughs doesn’t seem to have made any form of complaint to the IRS or law enforcement in spite of his claims to have suffered much over the incident. But all that changed when, seemingly out of nowhere, in January 2013 he filed suit in the U.S. District of Oregon, Eugene Division (Burroughs v. Abrahamson et al (6:13-cv-00141-TC)). 

In his lawsuit, he says he suffered “anguish, humiliation, mental distress, depression, lost income, and loss of trust in governmental authority.” At the time of the encounter with Ms. Abrahamson, he was in an “exclusive relationship with another woman,” he said, and because of the demanding IRS agent, that relationship also suffered.

He calls Abrahamson’s behavior “persistent sexual harassment” and says, among other things, that she was negligent in “permitting her carnal desires to overcome her judgment that it was inappropriate to pursue a sexual relationship with a taxpayer she was auditing.” Her advances, the complaint alleged, “were an excessive intrusion on his person.”

In the lawsuit he was seeking unspecified punitive damages.  The lawsuit claimed that Ms. Abrahamson’s conduct caused the plaintiff distress and a rift in his relationship with a “significant other”.

The lawsuit also alleges that the government is liable for damages because IRS officials provided inadequate supervision. I guess Mr. Burroughs was expecting a ménage à trois?

Well if you are the subject of an IRS audit or are looking to avoid an IRS audit, you need to stay tuned.

You are listening to Jeffrey Kahn the principal tax attorney of the kahntaxlaw team on the KahnTaxLaw Radio Show on ESPN.


Welcome back. This is KahnTaxLaw Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Jeffrey Kahn the principal tax attorney of the kahntaxlaw team.

Calling into the studio from our San Francisco Office is my associate attorney, Amy Spivey.

Chit chat with Amy

Your worst nightmare: An IRS audit

You business is growing and you are prospering. Business is good. Life is good. Then the unbelievable happens, which turns your world upside down and pushes you into pure panic.

This panic mode is instantly brought on by receipt of an IRS audit letter.

Most of us don’t fear something exploding or catching on fire as much as we fear an IRS audit.

Of course, the best way to survive a tax audit and even to come out of it successfully is not to panic, but to prepare.

Amy, what are your thoughts on this?

Take it seriously

Even though IRS audits are fairly routine events, they should be taken with the utmost of seriousness.

In the event you receive an audit letter, you should immediately spring into action to ready yourself for the audit.

The IRS usually sets the time and place for the audit. If you try to put it off, any penalties and interest will just become that much bigger.

If you choose to represent yourself, you should amend your schedule to comply with their date. Think of not showing up for an audit the same as not showing up for trial in a courtroom. It is that serious.

Jeff, says that’s a good way of approaching this.

Now Amy, is there anything worse you could get from the IRS than a standard or routine IRS audit letter?

The really, really bad news

Amy replies, you can be investigated by the IRS through a civil tax audit (which is very serious) or through a criminal investigation (which is even more serious).

The criminal investigation arm of the IRS can come bearing badges and guns, as it is an investigation of fraud against the United States government.

In any such investigation, the IRS can (and probably will) obtain your bank records and other financial records, both business and personal.

Virtually all small businesses involve close ownership with profits or losses going ultimately to the business owner. This is why the IRS looks closely at your personal accounts.

Any instance of depositing unreported income in a bank account will probably show-up in an IRS audit.

Jeff asks, is there any difference in the audit selection process of small businesses based on who prepares the tax returns?

Amy replies, Small businesses which prepare their own tax returns (as opposed to going through a tax professional such as a CPA) are more likely to be audited.

Jeff asks, so why does the IRS exercise extra scrutiny over small businesses?

Why me?

Amy replies, The IRS especially scrutinizes the self-employed because the agency claims that most tax cheating is done in small businesses.

There is some logic to this because, in a self-employed business, there are many more opportunities to blur the difference between business expenses and personal expenses.

Also, many self-employed people put the idea of proper record-keeping and the cost of hiring accounting and tax professionals at the bottom of their priority list.

It is not uncommon for business owners to concentrate more on the operational side of the business than to properly accounting for the true business expenses and deductions.

Jeff states, Yes it is a statistical fact: Self-employed individuals are much more likely to get audited than regular employees.

PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the KahnTaxLaw Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call our office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.

Jeff asks, what does an IRS auditor look for when he or she audits you and your business?

What the tax man looks for

A tax auditor is looking for certain things when they audit you and your business.

The IRS training manuals note that the auditors are examining you and not just your business tax return.

Your lifestyle may be checked against your reported income to see if there is a discrepancy which shows skimming, diversion of funds or deception.

That mansion with the truckmount van parked out front may send up the wrong “economic reality” flag.

Jeff says, well I know a deduction aggressively examined by IRS is Travel and entertainment deductions. What can you tell us about that?

Amy replies, Travel and entertainment deductions in a business are usually suspect as some people try to deduct personal entertainment and meal “business” expenses.

You must be able to clearly explain the business relationship in a credible fashion.

Taking your friends out to the ballpark or taking the family on a vacation to that industry conference may not quite pass the litmus test of an audit.

Writing off your legitimate business entertainment expenses requires detailed explanation of the reason for the expense, as well as a receipt.

Jeff says, I know that for most business owners their business revolves around scheduling on their calendar. How does the IRS look at this?

Amy replies, Your calendars will undoubtedly be scrutinized to make sure there are no glaring gaps between possible work, vehicle or equipment usage and the income reported.

As an example: If you are claiming 100% business vehicle usage but your calendars do not confirm the times and locations of service stops, you may be open to an analysis of possible personal use of the vehicle.

Entries in a business diary or calendar help to justify an expense to an auditor as long as it appears to be reasonable.

Jeff says, I know that most business owners pay for business expenses using a credit card. How does the IRS look at this?

Amy replies, Business credit cards are also highly scrutinized as they have a high potential for misuse (such as use for a personal vacation or personal expenses).

Keep these only for legitimate business expenditures (places where company checks won’t do).

Too many times a small business owner says that they will “reimburse the business later” for that personal expense put on the business card.

Jeff, says well that routine just opens you up for closer inspection.

Professional help

Jeff says, if you have a tax professional representing you in an IRS audit, your representative may recommend that you not attend the actual audit conference. A tax professional knows how to handle the questions much better than you do and directly address the issues set forth in the audit letter.

PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the KahnTaxLaw Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call our office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.

Stay tuned because after the break we are going to answer your top questions on IRS audits.

You are listening to Jeffrey Kahn the principal tax attorney of the kahntaxlaw team on the KahnTaxLaw Radio Show on ESPN.


Welcome back. This is KahnTaxLaw Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Jeffrey Kahn the principal tax attorney of the kahntaxlaw team.

And on the phone from our San Francisco office I have my associate attorney, Amy Spivey.

Top Questions On IRS Audits

If you would like to post a question for us to answer, you can go to our website at and click on “Radio Show”. You can then enter your question and maybe it will be selected for our show.

So Amy what questions have you pulled regarding IRS audits?

Amy to ask question and Jeff to respond.

1. I received an IRS Notice informing you that your return has been selected for examination. What should I do?

The fact that your return has been selected for examination, it does not mean or imply that that you have made an error or done something dishonest. Tax returns are selected for audit in a variety of ways including random sampling. The most important thing is not to panic and instead to reach out to a tax attorney for representation. Provide us with your audit letter and the subject tax returns so we may review your situation.

2. Why should I be concerned if an audit is poorly conducted?

A poorly conducted audit can result in large additional tax adjustments and penalties and interest up to as much as 100% of the adjustment. Most local tax preparers are not equipped to represent you in an audit before the IRS. Because we focus on tax representation, we can make sure that your audit is efficiently and effectively handled and attempt to pursue an audit result with little or no additional tax assessments. We can handle everything from simply submitting missing tax documents to representing you in front of an IRS examiner. Let us do the work for you.

3. How is using a tax attorney beneficial during an audit?

Using a tax attorney to help with an audit can significantly increase your chances of getting a better outcome. Many times individuals don’t realize that audits can go both ways, you may actually end up being owed money after an audit. A tax attorney can analyze your situation and find the best approach to take in order to get the best outcome. The IRS actually prefers working with professional tax representatives because it makes their job easier and helps the process move along more efficiently, which can actually result in a more favorable decision.

4. What does your firm do for an audit representation?

Upon filing a Power Of Attorney Form with the IRS or State Tax Agency, we become the primary contact for the tax agency. You will still receive copies of all correspondence sent out by the tax agencies but you will not be receiving any calls or visits from the agent(s). In connection with the audit we will research any issues that are likely to come up, respond to the agent’s arguments by coming up with answers on your behalf, meet with the agent in person if required on your behalf, negotiate and settle taxes owed if you end up owing more money during the audit and cannot pay, and handle any unforeseen issues that may arise during the audit.

PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the KahnTaxLaw Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call our office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.

5. Why would I not want my original tax preparer to represent me in my appeal (or in my audit)?

One of the most effective defenses to the imposition of penalties and the associated interest on the penalties available to Tax Counsel, is to argue that the taxpayer relied on a tax professional in the preparation of the return at issue. This creates a potential conflict of interest between you and your original tax preparer where your interest is to protect yourself financially and your original tax preparer’s motivation may be to protect his reputation with the IRS. It therefore becomes highly unlikely that even where appropriate to do so, your original tax preparer will throw himself under the bus by admitting his errors in preparing the returns at issue for your financial benefit to his possible detriment with the IRS including the possibility of preparer penalties and detriment to his professional reputation with the IRS. No such conflict exists where you engage Tax Counsel that did not prepare the returns at issue to prosecute your Appeal.

6. How many years worth of returns are at risk during an audit?

Ordinarily, the IRS has three years from a tax return’s due date or filing date, whichever is later. However, this limitation does not apply when there is an allegation of fraud, when no return was filed, or when the taxpayer is charged with a substantial omission or concealment of items of gross income. Because an audit conducted for one tax year can trigger other tax years and can result in scrutiny of other tax deductions not originally stated in the audit letter, you should take this matter seriously and engage an experienced tax attorney to represent you.

7. What will happen if I do not respond to the taxing authorities audit notice?

Because the taxpayer has the burden of proof to prove claimed deductions, failure to respond to an audit notice usually results in the denial of these deductions leading to the charge of additional taxes along with interest and penalties. If left unchecked, an ignored audit notice and failure to pursue any appeal will result in a final assessment. Once an assessment becomes final, the IRS will start the collection process action that can eventually lead to wage garnishments, liens, levies and seizure of property.

8. What is the worst that can happen if I choose to represent myself in an audit?

Tax agents are aggressive by nature and left unchecked could potentially reach a determination that is unreasonable and inconsistent with the applicable facts and circumstances of your case or their determination may be based on erroneous applications of law. An experienced tax attorney will be able counter a tax agent’s aggressive nature, deal with the complex technical issues that arise during an audit and be an advocate on your behalf as to any factual or legal issues that arise during the examination.

Using a tax attorney to help with an audit can significantly increase your chances of getting a better outcome. Many times individuals don’t realize that audits can go both ways, you may actually end up being owed money after an audit. A tax attorney can analyze your situation and find the best approach to take in order to get the best outcome. The IRS actually prefers working with professional tax representatives because it makes their job easier and helps the process move along more efficiently, which can actually result in a more favorable decision.

PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the KahnTaxLaw Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call our office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.

We have more on what you need to know about IRS audits so stay tuned. You are listening to Jeffrey Kahn the principal tax attorney of the kahntaxlaw team on the KahnTaxLaw Radio Show on ESPN.


Welcome back. This is KahnTaxLaw Radio Show on ESPN and you are listening to Jeffrey Kahn the principal tax attorney of the kahntaxlaw team along with my associate attorney, Amy Spivey.

Know What The IRS Is Looking To Attack By The Type Of Audit Being Conducted

The IRS randomly selects tax returns for audit each year. Depending on what deductions you’ve taken and other characteristics of your tax return, your tax return can have a higher probability of being selected for an audit.

Here’s what you need to know about IRS tax audits. There are three types of audits:

Jeff to announce type of audit and Amy to explain.

Correspondence Audit:

This is the least severe type of audit. It involves the IRS sending a letter in the mail requesting more information about part of a tax return. For instance, the IRS may have questions regarding charitable deductions and request you send in receipts to substantiate your deduction. If you have the receipts or information it’s generally not an issue. If your tax return is legitimate and you have the data to back up any claims on your return, you may be able to handle the situation on your own.

Office Audit:

If the IRS has more questions about your return, then you’ll get a letter in the mail inviting you into an IRS office for the audit. The office audit is more serious, so you should always have a tax representation professional come with you or turn over the audit representation to him. A tax representation professional can gather information in advance of the meeting and make sure it is complete so that the office audit can be wrapped up with the IRS as quickly as possible. If the IRS still needs additional records, your representative can secure additional time to supply the missing information.

Field Audit:

This is the most serious type of audit and involves the IRS agent visiting you at your home or your business. The reason the field audit is more serious is the IRS agent will ask to see other things. The agent does not want to limit the audit to particular items. -While there are much fewer field audits than office or correspondence audits, I wouldn’t let any client go into a field audit without representation. It’s the most serious level of audit. If they are coming out to you, they are looking for something.

If any part of your return worries you and the IRS is breathing down your neck, you should bring in a tax representation professional to help curb any worries or fines. Taxpayers have a tendency because they have no experience dealing with the IRS to say way too much, give away too much and admit too much. You don’t want to give the agent information the agent has not asked for.

Jeff says, Using a tax law firm to help with an audit can significantly increase your chances of getting a better outcome. Many times individuals don’t realize that audits can go both ways, you may actually end up being owed money after an audit. A tax law firm can analyze your situation and find the best approach to take in order to get the best outcome. The IRS actually prefers working with professional tax representatives because it makes their job easier and helps the process move along more efficiently, which can actually result in a more favorable decision.

PLUG: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn will provide you with a Tax Resolution Plan which is a $500.00 value for free as long as you mention the KahnTaxLaw Radio Show when you call to make an appointment. Call our office to make an appointment to meet with me, Jeffrey Kahn, right here in downtown San Diego or at one of my other offices close to you. The number to call is 866.494.6829. That is 866.494.6829.

Thanks Amy for calling into the show. Amy says Thanks for having me.

Well we are reaching the end of our show.

You can reach out to me on Twitter at kahntaxlaw. You can also send us your questions by visiting the kahntaxlaw website at That’s k-a-h-n tax

Have a great day everyone!

Whether They Are Old Taxes Or New Taxes, The IRS Is Still Looking To Collect From Sharpton.

The Rev. Al Sharpton lately has come into prominence as an imposing figure as men in power lined up to exclaim their admiration for him. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo hailed him as a civil rights icon. President Obama sent an aide to read a message commending Mr. Sharpton’s “dedication to the righteous cause of perfecting our union”.

But despite this rise in power Mr. Sharpton has apparently sidestepped the inevitable obligations to pay taxes as public records show more than $4.5 million in current state and federal tax liens against him and his for-profit businesses.

During a news conference at the headquarters of his National Action Network in Harlem, in November 2014, Mr. Sharpton sought to refute the assertion by an article in the New York Times that there were $4.5 million in state and federal tax liens outstanding against him and the for-profit businesses he controls. He said that the liens had been paid down, although he declined to say by how much, and that he was “current on all taxes” he was obligated to pay under settlement agreements with tax authorities.

We’re talking about old taxes,” he said, adding: “We’re not talking about anything new. So all of this, as if I’m not paying taxes while I’m doing whatever I’m doing, it reads all right, but it just is not true.”

State and federal tax records show, however, that the liens against Mr. Sharpton and his businesses remain active, meaning they have not been completely paid off. But that could change soon, thanks to the more than $1 million raised at his birthday party last month.

When would the IRS or State Tax Agency file a Tax Lien?

The IRS or a State Tax Agency will file a lien when the agency feels there is a chance that collection is in peril. It does not just grab your assets. Filing of a tax lien is normally dictated by the dollar amount. For IRS under the IRS’s Fresh Start program, the lien threshold was increased from $5,000 to $10,000.

The Notice of Federal or State Tax Lien is filed in the public records office of each county where you own property and thus attaches to any property you own. If you sell the property, proceeds will be used to satisfy the lien. Any person or company pulling a credit report on you will see the tax lien. This will damage your borrowing ability, making it difficult to refinance your home, get an auto loan, credit card, or business loan. Also, if you are looking to refinance your loan, the lien would have to be satisfied at closing in order for the lender in the new loan to retain a senior creditor’s position.

Alternatively, a new lender should be willing to make the new loan where the IRS and State Tax Agency agrees to subordinate its lien. A taxpayer can request that the IRS and State Tax Agency subordinate their liens to the new lender. In the process, even though the tax lien would be older than the new loan, the IRS and State Tax Agency agree to stand behind the new lender should the loan be defaulted and the new lender now seeks to foreclose on the property.

Federal Tax Liens Do not Necessarily Have To Remain In Place While You Are Under A Payment Plan.

It is true that certain taxpayers who enter into payment plans with the IRS can get tax liens withdrawn even before the liability is paid in full. You must enter into a Direct Debit installment agreement and also meet the following to request that the Federal Tax Lien be withdrawn:

  1. The current amount you owe must be $50,000 or less;
  2. If you owe more than $50,000, you may pay down the balance to $50,000 prior to requesting the lien withdrawal to be eligible;
  3. Your Direct Debit Installment Agreement must full pay the amount you owe within 60 months or before the Collection Statute expires, whichever is earlier;
  4. You must be in full compliance with other filing and payment requirements;
  5. You must have made three consecutive direct debit payments;
  6. You cannot have previously received a lien withdrawal for the same taxes unless the withdrawal was for an improper filing of the lien; and
  7. You cannot have defaulted on your current, or any previous, direct debit installment agreement.

An existing installment agreement not structured as a Direct Debit Installment Agreement can be converted so that you can now qualify for this relief for lien withdrawal. Bear in mind that if you default on your Direct Debit Installment Agreement after the lien is withdrawn, a new notice of lien may be filed and collection efforts may resume.

Don’t Take The Chance And Lose Everything You Have Worked For.

Protect yourself. If you are in danger of wage garnishments or bank levies or having a tax lien placed against your property, stand up to the IRS and your State Tax Agency by getting representation. Tax problems are usually a serious matter and must be handled appropriately so it’s important to that you’ve hired the best lawyer for your particular situation. The tax attorneys at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles, San Diego San Francisco and elsewhere in California are highly skilled in handling tax matters and can effectively represent at all levels with the IRS and State Tax Agencies including criminal tax investigations and attempted prosecutions, undisclosed foreign bank accounts and other foreign assets, and unreported foreign income.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems to allow you to have a fresh start.

2015: A New Year And A New Era – Number Of FATCA Compliant Countries Continues To Increase

Under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”), foreign banks, insurers and investment funds must send the Internal Revenue Service information about Americans’ and U.S. permanent residents’ offshore accounts worth more than $50,000. Institutions that fail to comply could effectively be frozen out of U.S. markets. As of this blog posting, the U.S. has entered into Intergovernmental Agreements (“IGA’s”) with 48 countries for the implementation of FATCA.

The 48 countries with IGA’s already in place are:

Australia Czech Republic Isle of Man Mexico
Austria Denmark Israel Netherlands
Bahamas Estonia Italy New Zealand
Barbados Finland Jamaica Norway
Belgium France Japan Poland
Bermuda Germany Jersey South Africa
Brazil Gibraltar Latvia Spain
British Virgin Islands Guernsey Liechtenstein Slovenia
Canada Hungary Lithuania Sweden
Cayman Islands Honduras Luxembourg Switzerland
Chile Hong Kong Malta Turks and Caicos Islands
Costa Rica Ireland Mauritius United Kingdom

Countries that have reached IGA’s in substance and have consented to being included on this list are:

Algeria Dominica Macao San Marino
Angola Dominican Republic Malaysia Saudi Arabia
Anguilla Georgia Montenegro Serbia
Antigua & Barbuda Greece Montserrat Seychelles
Armenia Greenland Moldova Singapore
Azerbaijan Grenada Nicaragua Slovak Republic
Bahrain Guyana Panama South Korea
Belarus Haiti Paraguay Taiwan
Bulgaria Holy See Peru Thailand
Cabo Verde Iceland Philippines Trinidad & Tobago
Cambodia India Portugal Tunisia
China Indonesia Qatar Turkey
Colombia Iraq Romania Turkmenistan
Croatia Kazakhastan St. Kitts and Nevis Ukraine
Curaçao Kosovo St. Lucia United Arab Emirates
Cyprus Kuwait St. Vincent and the Grenadines Uzbekistan

Click here for progress and developments IRS has made in gathering information from foreign banks and foreign governments.

Federal tax law requires U.S. taxpayers to pay taxes on all income earned worldwide. U.S. taxpayers must also report foreign financial accounts if the total value of the accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year. Willful failure to report a foreign account can result in a fine of up to 50% of the amount in the account at the time of the violation and may even result in the IRS filing criminal charges.

Time is running out. The IRS is giving taxpayers one last chance to come forward and voluntarily disclose foreign accounts and unreported foreign income before the IRS starts investigating non-compliant taxpayers.

Don’t let another deadline slip by. If you have never reported your foreign investments on your U.S. Tax Returns or even if you have already quietly disclosed or in 2012 OVDI, you should seriously consider participating in the IRS’s 2014 Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Program (“OVDP”). Once the IRS contacts you, you cannot get into this program and would be subject to the maximum penalties (civil and criminal) under the tax law. Taxpayers who hire an experienced tax attorney in Offshore Account Voluntary Disclosures should result in avoiding any pitfalls and gaining the maximum benefits conferred by this program.

Protect yourself from excessive fines and possible jail time. Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and elsewhere in California qualify you for OVDP.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems, get you in compliance with your FBAR filing obligations, and minimize the chance of any criminal investigation or imposition of civil penalties.

Jeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. discusses taxes on the November 23, 2014 radio show “Talking Money with Mr. C” on 760AM KFMB in San Diego


Are you at risk for this major tax penalty?

Don’t let the hustle and bustle of the holiday season distract you into a hefty tax penalty come April. The Internal Revenue Service expects consumers to begin taking distributions from many of their retirement accounts-including 401(k) and 403(b) plans, and traditional IRAs-starting in the year they turn 70-and-a-half or the year when they retire, whichever is later. Fail to do so and the amount you should have withdrawn will be taxed at 50%. “It’s one of the biggest penalties in the tax code”.

IRS Attacks On Businesses – So where a business has been treating its workers as independent contractors and there is a concern that the IRS in an audit would not respect this arrangement, what can the business do?

The business should consider entering into the IRS’ Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP). The VCSP is a voluntary program that provides an opportunity for taxpayers to reclassify their workers as employees for employment tax purposes for future tax periods with partial relief from federal employment taxes. To participate in this voluntary program, the taxpayer must meet certain eligibility requirements and apply to participate in the VCSP by filing Form 8952, Application for Voluntary Classification Settlement Program, and enter into a closing agreement with the IRS.

IRS Agent Seduced Me, Then Didn’t Help Me With Audit, Oregon Man Claims

Vincent Burroughs who lives in Oregon was selected by the IRS for an audit of his tax returns. Little did he know that the IRS was going to clean him out in more ways than just his bank account.

Let me explain – maintaining a friendly but professional demeanor can be important to an audit or tax dispute. But having sex with a government agent for a better audit result – well not such a good idea. Yet a lawsuit involving an allegedly alluring—and demanding—female IRS agent suggests that sometimes facts and figures can become overwhelming. If you believe the plaintiff, Mr. Burroughs, passion it seems can overtake a tax audit.

Unlikely? I agree. Preposterous? Perhaps. But Mr. Burroughs filed a lawsuit against the IRS alleging that IRS Agent Dora Abrahamson threatened him with penalties in his tax audit if he did not – let’s say, come across. And in this lawsuit Mr. Burroughs was seeking punitive damages.

What led to “the encounter”…

For a long time Mr. Burroughs said, he was making good money as a contractor. But when the economy hit the skids, his business dried up, quashing his hopes of becoming a full-time motorcycle racer. He got behind on his taxes — by about $20,000, he figured.
Then in August 2011, he was selected for an audit by the IRS. IRS Agent Dora Abrahamson was assigned to the audit. She allegedly told Burroughs that “she knew who he was, and that it was lucky for him that this was the case, and that they should meet”. Ms. Abrahamson allegedly flirted with him over the telephone and via text messages offering him massages and sent him a photo of herself in her underwear – not exactly IRS-approved business attire – and in a suggestive pose.

Mr. Burroughs maintains that he initially ignored her advances until September 2011. That’s when Ms. Abrahamson arrived at his home for an arranged audit meeting. Only she wasn’t dressed much like an IRS agent. Mr. Burroughs said she showed up dressed provocatively and proceeded to proposition him threatening a 40% tax audit penalty if she didn’t get what she wanted.

The interview with ABC News.

Mr. Burroughs was interviewed by ABC News. Like many other taxpayers, Mr. Burroughs said that when he found out he was being audited “he started shaking immediately. His heart rate went up. He was looking to cooperate with the IRS as much as he could”. But IRS agent Ms. Abramson assured him that she was most eager to help out.

Mr. Burroughs stated, “She was sending me texts. Some of them made me feel like, I am lucky that she has got my audit, ’cause she is gonna help me. Then, some of them made me feel like, I think this girl wants something else”. A week or so after the audit began, Mr. Burroughs said, he hadn’t gathered the papers he needed. He said Ms. Abrahamson asked about stopping by to give him a hand. He agreed.

So in September 2011, at 9:00 p.m. on a warm night in Eugene, Oregon, Mr. Burroughs said he opened his front door to IRS agent Dora Abrahamson. It was the first time the two ever met. Mr. Burroughs said in the interview with ABC News that “she said she was going to do my paperwork. She came up the stairs, knocked on the door and I opened the door”.

That’s when the encounter allegedly occurred.

Mr. Burroughs described in greater detail what happened –“She just pushed me back, and I kind of went back, and I landed like that, and she immediately came over, got on top of me, started kissing on me. … [T]hen she leaned up and started tearing my shirt off.”

Mr. Burroughs said they then went into his bedroom.

That was Mr. Burroughs’ interview with ABC News. But let’s get back to the story and what happened after that encounter at Mr. Burroughs’ home.

Mr. Burroughs said that he received a call from Ms. Abrahamson informing him that she was stepping down from his audit due to a “conflict of interest”. A new IRS agent was assigned who came up with a report that Mr. Burroughs owed not the $20,000 he figured – but that Mr. Burroughs owed around $69,000!

Mr. Burroughs was not happy. He said, “somebody has to be accountable for what the IRS does, because they are unaccountable. They run with no leash on.”

Fifteen months go by . . .

Now not that the story isn’t already bizarre enough, but also raising eyebrows is the lack of formal protest. In the fifteen months that transpired after the encounter, Mr. Burroughs doesn’t seem to have made any form of complaint to the IRS or law enforcement in spite of his claims to have suffered much over the incident. But all that changed when, seemingly out of nowhere, in January 2013 he filed suit in the U.S. District of Oregon, Eugene Division (Burroughs v. Abrahamson et al (6:13-cv-00141-TC)).

In his lawsuit, he says he suffered “anguish, humiliation, mental distress, depression, lost income, and loss of trust in governmental authority.” At the time of the encounter with Ms. Abrahamson, he was in an “exclusive relationship with another woman,” he said, and because of the demanding IRS agent, that relationship also suffered.

He calls Abrahamson’s behavior “persistent sexual harassment” and says, among other things, that she was negligent in “permitting her carnal desires to overcome her judgment that it was inappropriate to pursue a sexual relationship with a taxpayer she was auditing.” Her advances, the complaint alleged, “were an excessive intrusion on his person.”

In the lawsuit he was seeking unspecified punitive damages. The lawsuit claimed that Ms. Abrahamson’s conduct caused the plaintiff distress and a rift in his relationship with a “significant other”.

The lawsuit also alleges that the government is liable for damages because IRS officials provided inadequate supervision. I guess Mr. Burroughs was expecting a ménage à trois?

Don’t Take The Chance And Lose Everything You Have Worked For.

Protect yourself. If you are selected for an audit, stand up to the IRS by getting representation. Tax problems are usually a serious matter and must be handled appropriately so it’s important to that you’ve hired the best lawyer for your particular situation. The tax attorneys at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles, San Diego San Francisco and elsewhere in California are highly skilled in handling tax matters and can effectively represent at all levels with the IRS and State Tax Agencies including criminal tax investigations and attempted prosecutions, undisclosed foreign bank accounts and other foreign assets, and unreported foreign income.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems to allow you to have a fresh start.

Your Worst Nightmare: An IRS Audit

Your business is growing and you are prospering. Business is good. Life is good. Then the unbelievable happens, which turns your world upside down and pushes you into pure panic.

This panic mode is instantly brought on by receipt of an IRS audit letter.

Most of us don’t fear something exploding or catching on fire as much as we fear an IRS audit. Of course, the best way to survive a tax audit and even to come out of it successfully is not to panic, but to prepare.

Take it seriously.

Even though IRS audits are fairly routine events, they should be taken with the utmost of seriousness. In the event you receive an audit letter, you should immediately spring into action to ready yourself for the audit. The IRS usually sets the time and place for the audit. If you try to put it off, any penalties and interest will just become that much bigger. If you choose to represent yourself, you should adjust your schedule to comply with their date. Think of not showing up for an audit the same as not showing up for trial in a courtroom. It is that serious.

The really, really bad news.

If you think there is nothing worse than you getting from the IRS than a standard or routine IRS audit letter – continue reading …

You can be investigated by the IRS through a civil tax audit (which is very serious) or through a criminal investigation (which is even more serious). The criminal investigation arm of the IRS can come bearing badges and guns, as it is an investigation of fraud against the United States government. In any such investigation, the IRS can (and probably will) obtain your bank records and other financial records, both business and personal.

Virtually all small businesses involve close ownership with profits or losses going ultimately to the business owner. This is why the IRS looks closely at your personal accounts. Any instance of depositing unreported income in a bank account will probably show-up in an IRS audit. Small businesses which prepare their own tax returns (as opposed to going through a tax professional such as a CPA) are more likely to be audited.

Why does the IRS exercise extra scrutiny over small businesses?

The IRS especially scrutinizes the self-employed because the agency claims that most tax cheating is done in small businesses. There is some logic to this because, in a self-employed business, there are many more opportunities to blur the difference between business expenses and personal expenses. Also, many self-employed people put the idea of proper record-keeping and the cost of hiring accounting and tax professionals at the bottom of their priority list. It is not uncommon for business owners to concentrate more on the operational side of the business than to properly accounting for the true business expenses and deductions.

It is a statistical fact: Self-employed individuals are much more likely to get audited than regular employees.

What the tax man looks for.

A tax auditor is looking for certain things when they audit you and your business. The IRS training manuals note that the auditors are examining you and not just your business tax return. Your lifestyle may be checked against your reported income to see if there is a discrepancy which shows skimming, diversion of funds or deception. For example, that mansion with the truck-mount van parked out front may send up the wrong “economic reality” flag.

Travel and entertainment deductions in a business are usually suspect as some people try to deduct personal entertainment and meal “business” expenses. You must be able to clearly explain the business relationship in a credible fashion. Taking your friends out to the ballpark or taking the family on a vacation to that industry conference may not quite pass the litmus test of an audit. Writing off your legitimate business entertainment expenses requires detailed explanation of the reason for the expense, as well as a receipt.

Your calendar will undoubtedly be scrutinized to make sure there are no glaring gaps between possible work, vehicle or equipment usage and the income reported. As an example: If you are claiming 100% business vehicle usage but your calendars do not confirm the times and locations of service stops, you may be open to an analysis of possible personal use of the vehicle. Entries in a business diary or calendar help to justify an expense to an auditor as long as it appears to be reasonable.

Business credit cards are also highly scrutinized as they have a high potential for misuse (such as use for a personal vacation or personal expenses). Keep these only for legitimate business expenditures (places where company checks won’t do). Too many times a small business owner says that they will “reimburse the business later” for that personal expense put on the business card. That routine just opens you up for closer inspection.

Don’t Take The Chance And Lose Everything You Have Worked For.

Protect yourself. If you are selected for an audit, stand up to the IRS by getting representation. Tax problems are usually a serious matter and must be handled appropriately so it’s important to that you’ve hired the best lawyer for your particular situation. The tax attorneys at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles, San Diego San Francisco and elsewhere in California are highly skilled in handling tax matters and can effectively represent at all levels with the IRS and State Tax Agencies including criminal tax investigations and attempted prosecutions, undisclosed foreign bank accounts and other foreign assets, and unreported foreign income.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems to allow you to have a fresh start.

Creed’s Singer Scott Stapp Alleges IRS Error Left Him Penniless & Homeless

In the late 90s and early 2000s, Scott Stapp and his band, Creed, topped charts with songs like “Higher” and “With Arms Wide Open.” The band sold more than 50 million albums worldwide, making frontman Stapp a millionaire who at the height of his popularity had an estimated net worth between $10 and $30 million.

What a difference a few years can make.

Recently, Stapp shocked fans by posting a 15-minute video to his Facebook page, claiming that he’s now broke and homeless.

In the odd clip, shot in black and white, Stapp addressed his fans directly; assuring fans that he is drug-free and sober. However, recent papers filed in a divorce proceeding by Stapp’s estranged wife, Jaclyn Stapp, tell a different story: in the divorce petition, Jaclyn Stapp claimed that Stapp had recently been taking a number of drugs, including amphetamines, crystal meth and steroids.

Stapp is no stranger to addiction, having admitted to abuse of alcohol and prescription drugs in the past, but insists that his current problems have nothing to do with drugs or alcohol. Instead, he says in the video, during “an audit of my record and my personal finances… a lot of things were uncovered.” Stapp goes on to claim that “a lot of money was stolen from me” and “all hell broke loose.”

Included in Stapp’s litany of accusations is his claim that Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has frozen his bank accounts on a number of occasions. Stapp says that the accounts were frozen “all of the sudden” – although it’s important to understand that the IRS doesn’t freeze your bank account or take your money without proper notice. The seizure is referred to as a levy and it’s rarely a surprise when it happens.

For the IRS properly levy you, the IRS must first issue an assessment, explaining that tax is owed. Next, the IRS sends a Notice and Demand for Payment. If you don’t respond to that Notice, the IRS then sends a Final Notice of Intent to Levy and Notice of Your Right to A Hearing (“Final Notice”) at least 30 days before the levy. It is the non-response to the Final Notice (which is sent by certified mail) that now gives the IRS the green light to start levy action.

Levies can be placed on tax refunds, wages, bank account or other property. If the levy causes a hardship, you can ask that it be lifted – although any tax obligation would remain in place.

Stapp says, however, that when he called the IRS to find out what happened to the money, he was told, “Oh we had an address mix-up, it was a clerical error, so we’ll return your funds in 9-10 months.” That seems unlikely but Stapp maintains that is what happened. He goes on to say, in the video, “I don’t understand how that’s fair in America, in the country that we live in.”

When a bank levy is issued, the IRS allows up to 21 days before the frozen funds must be released by the bank to the IRS. The purpose of allowing this amount of time is to allow a taxpayer to show to the IRS the hardship such a seizure would cause or raise other defenses such as the levy was somehow wrongful. If the IRS agrees, the funds would be promptly unfrozen – not take 9 to 10 months as Stapp so claims he was told.

Stapp also claims that his banks accounts have been hacked and someone has changed his online passwords and transferred all of the money out of his bank accounts.

A bank levy by IRS attaches to whatever funds are in your account on the date of the levy notice. If you have outstanding checks which have not yet cleared the bank, those checks would now not be honored by the bank as the account is now frozen; however, any funds deposited after the date of the levy notice would not be subject to the freeze. If there was nothing in Stapp’s bank accounts when the levy was issued, there would be nothing for the bank to freeze for the IRS.

Stapp says, “Between IRS attacking me… between the banks basically saying ‘yeah, all of your money has been taken out of your accounts’,” he has no money. He has, he says, been living in the Holiday Inn and has been forced to sleep in his truck. He has no money for food and as a result, ended up in the emergency room.

Stapp says he is looking for an attorney and plans to fight those who are persecuting (his word) him. Remarking on his alleged tax issues, he says that it’s not fair that he has been “targeted by IRS because of a clerical error.” Stapp we are available to help you.

Don’t Take The Chance And Lose Everything You Have Worked For.

Protect yourself. If you are in danger of wage garnishments or bank levies or having a tax lien placed against your property, stand up to the IRS by getting representation. Tax problems are usually a serious matter and must be handled appropriately so it’s important to that you’ve hired the best lawyer for your particular situation. The tax attorneys at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles, San Diego San Francisco and elsewhere in California are highly skilled in handling tax matters and can effectively represent at all levels with the IRS and State Tax Agencies including criminal tax investigations and attempted prosecutions, undisclosed foreign bank accounts and other foreign assets, and unreported foreign income.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems to allow you to have a fresh start.