Your CPA who prepared your tax return which has now been selected for audit, wants to represent you – why should you decline his offer and hire a tax attorney?

We hear this question all the time.

CPA’s prepare tax returns and there are a lot of CPA’s and other tax professionals who are great in preparing tax returns.  A taxpayer will provide them with information and tax documents and a return will be generated for filing with the IRS.  This process I refer to as “compliance”.

But a tax attorney will focus on “representation” – meaning that the cases taken on by the attorney are when the IRS is questioning a return or making other civil inquiries or even criminal inquiries of a taxpayer.

A tax attorney being familiar with the “representation” aspect knows who to speak to at IRS and how to best present your case.  The tax attorney can also devote full attention to your attention at any time since the tax attorney’s workload is not jammed like the CPA’s workload during tax season who is busy with tax return preparation and more focused over meeting filing deadlines and therefore cannot provide the needed attention to your case.

Speaking of civil and criminal inquiries, a taxpayer who engages a tax attorney also gets the benefit of attorney-client privilege.  This benefit allows that taxpayer to freely discuss with his attorney any matters or issues without the threat of these communications being disclosed to the government or anyone else.  You do not get this level of privilege when represented by non-attorneys.

But I would have to say that the biggest factor is that with the tax attorney there is no conflict of interest.  The best way to explain this is by example – if a great defense is to rely on what the tax preparer did, do you think your tax preparer will put himself under the bus to save you from the IRS – chances are not.  A tax attorney who had no involvement in the preparation of your returns can make these arguments thus truly serving your best interests.

The tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles and California know exactly what to say and handle the IRS.  Our experience and expertise not only levels the playing field but also puts you in the driver’s seat as we take full control of resolving your tax problems.

Description: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. has helped many people avoid collection action by the IRS and State tax agencies. Working with a tax attorney in Los Angeles or elsewhere in California is the best bet for reducing or eliminating the amount you owe.

Is there an advantage to hire a former IRS agent over a tax attorney?

It is surprising how many people think that just because someone worked for the IRS, they think that the former official has some kind of advantage in private practice.

What I find is that IRS agents are trained to deal with matters that are black and white.  However many times matters are gray and that’s where a tax attorney can plead a case to your benefit and get the best resolution possible.

Agents are also typically regulated to a single function in IRS – such as an auditor whose job is solely to conduct tax audits.  How can that agent then be able to help you get an Offer In Compromise?  A tax attorney is experienced in all these areas so no matter what your tax problem is, you will have effective representation and should get the best possible outcome.

Lastly, many IRS officials come and go and tax laws and procedures constantly change.  As a Board Certified Tax Attorney in public practice, I keep up with all the new tax laws and procedures and have developed a large network of IRS officials in all areas that I can reach out to as needed for the benefit of my clients.

The tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles and California know exactly what to say and handle the IRS.  Our experience and expertise not only levels the playing field but also puts you in the driver’s seat as we take full control of resolving your tax problems.

Description: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. has helped many people avoid collection action by the IRS and State tax agencies. Working with a tax attorney in Los Angeles or elsewhere in California is the best bet for reducing or eliminating the amount you owe.

Should you follow the instructions of an IRS Revenue Officer assigned to your case who says you do not need representation?

Unfortunately, this is a trap that so many taxpayers full into.

Revenue Officers are by definition “Collection Officers” for the IRS. Revenue Officers are assigned to accounts to collect back taxes. The Revenue Officer is working for the government’s best interest to collect the taxes that are owed as quickly as possible and to have the account paid in full.  That being the case – who is protecting your interest?

Revenue Officers have the authority to initiate IRS wage garnishment. A Revenue Officer can also enact an IRS levy of bank accounts, file federal tax liens, and even seize assets.

I have heard in many cases where taxpayers would say to me, I have no problem dealing with the Revenue Officer myself because he or she is so friendly and sweet to me and even seems to care about my situation.  But then a month or so later the same taxpayer will come back to me in tears that the same Revenue Officer has levied their bank account or garnished their wages.  That’s when they say I should have listened to you and let your firm deal directly with the IRS.

By retaining a tax lawyer from the Law Offices of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. with locations in Los Angeles and other parts of California, a taxpayer gains the service and expertise of tax professionals who deal directly with Revenue Officers. Once our law firm is retained and is on record as the Power of Attorney, the assigned Revenue Officer must deal directly with our office, instead of with the taxpayer. Our objective, when dealing with a Revenue Officer, is to identify the appropriate means of resolving the taxpayer’s account given all facts, circumstances and law and to prevent the IRS from taking any inappropriate collection activity.

Description: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. has helped many people avoid collection action by the IRS and State tax agencies. Working with a tax attorney in Los Angeles or elsewhere in California is the best bet for reducing or eliminating the amount you owe.

Taxpayer Reporting Requirements for Foreign Real Estate

Many U.S. taxpayers do not realize that they must report their worldwide income, regardless of whether they are living in the U.S. or abroad.  If you are a U.S. Citizen or resident alien, you must report your worldwide income from whatever source, subject to the same income tax filing requirements that apply to U.S. Citizens or resident aliens living in the U.S.

This worldwide income reporting requirement also applies to income, such as rental proceeds, generated by real estate the taxpayer owns in a foreign country.  A U.S. Taxpayer also must report on his or her U.S. Federal Income Tax Return the sale of real estate located in a foreign country.

Ownership of specified foreign assets, such as foreign bank accounts, often triggers certain tax reporting requirements.  For example, a U.S. taxpayer who owns a foreign account must file a FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), if the aggregate value of the foreign accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year.  Many taxpayers will also be required to file a Form 8938, Statement of Specific Foreign Financial Assets with his or her annual tax return depending on some specific threshold values.

Ownership of real estate, however, does not trigger these additional reporting requirements.  As discussed above, a U.S. taxpayer will need to report any income generated from ownership or sale of the real estate.  However, if the taxpayer merely owns real estate in a foreign country as a second or vacation home and does not generate income from the property, the taxpayer is not required to report this asset to the IRS.

U.S. taxpayers who own income-generating real estate in a foreign country would benefit from the experienced tax attorneys of the Law Office Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. representing you to avoid the pitfalls associated with failure to comply with the reporting requirements associated with owing foreign real estate.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems, get you in compliance with your FBAR filing obligations, and minimize the chance of any criminal investigation or imposition of civil penalties.

Should your really believe those companies that advertise that they can settle your IRS debt for pennies on the dollar?

Through my years in this profession, that is a commonly asked or thought-about question.

We call these companies “Offer Mills”.  These companies which have no track record or history come in and out rather quickly and are never associated with any individual willing to put his or her name to the company and what the company is supposed to be doing.  This is because these companies tend to make misleading statements and guarantees that they cannot meet.

Many times these companies will not even evaluate your full financial situation at all and tell you what you want to hear just so that can make a profit from you.  Also with these companies you do not know who you are dealing with or where they are at. Which is why after many consumers complain about a particular one of these companies (and post their complaints on the internet), that company will close down and open up another a new name just to make a fresh start but only to follow the same bad path.

The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. is a law firm specializing in resolving tax problems.  When we say that you are a great candidate for an Offer In Compromise, it is because we have done a thorough evaluation of your case first.  Call our office to make an appointment to meet with our principal tax attorney, Jeffrey B. Kahn, in any of our Los Angeles offices or elsewhere in California who is board certified in tax and fully evaluates your case to determine the best viable option to resolve your tax problems.

Description: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. has helped many people avoid collection action by the IRS and State tax agencies. Working with a tax attorney in Los Angeles or elsewhere in California is the best bet for reducing or eliminating the amount you owe.

If you have tax problems, why should you hire a tax attorney instead of calling IRS on your own?

Through my years in this profession, that is one of the most commonly asked or thought about questions.

Usually a taxpayer’s attention to his or her tax problems stems from a notice generated by some department of the IRS (which may look extremely intimidating) demanding that the taxpayer immediately contact either the Revenue Officer or Collection Agent regarding back taxes or some other tax issue.

The taxpayer’s response is usually rash to contact the IRS on their own without even thinking about representation at that time.  This decision by the taxpayer can be detrimental to the issue at hand.

This is because the taxpayer does not realize that the Revenue Officer or Collection Agent has one goal in mind and that is to collect as much information from you to make their job easier.  And what is their job? – to take some sort of aggressive collection action against the taxpayer or to get the taxpayer to commit to a payment plan that is unrealistic to maintain.  When the taxpayer cannot make a payment, the plan may lead into default and the IRS will then look at other avenues of collecting from you – liens, levies and asset seizures.

I have heard in many cases where taxpayers would say to me, I have no problem dealing with the Revenue Officer myself because he or she is so friendly and sweet to me and even seems to care about my situation.  But then a month or so later the same taxpayer will come back to me in tears that the same Revenue Officer has levied their bank account or garnished their wages.  That’s when they say I should have listened to you and let your firm deal directly with the IRS.

The tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Los Angeles and California know exactly what to say and handle the IRS.  Our experience and expertise not only levels the playing field but also puts you in the driver’s seat as we take full control of resolving your tax problems.

Description: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. has helped many people avoid collection action by the IRS and State tax agencies. Working with a tax attorney in Los Angeles or elsewhere in California is the best bet for reducing or eliminating the amount you owe.

KahnTaxLaw on Mr. Credit Thursday, January 30, 2014

CA tax attorney Jeffrey B. Kahn discusses various IRS and Tax topics on Mr. Credit radio talk show.

Topics Covered:

1. National Football Association is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt entity.

2. Why should I hire you when I can call IRS on my own?

3. I hear all the time how firms can settle for pennies on the dollar – is that really true?

4. Offer In Compromise.

5. Installment Agreement.

6. Uncollectible Status.

7. Is there an advantage to hire a former IRS agent over a tax attorney?

8. My CPA who prepared my tax return which has now been selected for audit, wants to represent me – why should I decline his offer and hire a tax attorney?


Listen to the podcast:

Does The National Football League Deserve Tax-Exempt Status?

Now here is a fact that is not so widely known – the National Football Association which you figure makes a ton of money is recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt entity.  You heard me right – the National Football League does not pay income taxes as any for-profit-company would.

Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code provides for the exemption from  tax entities which are not organized for profit and no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.

Those entities are specifically:

  1. business leagues,
  2. chambers of commerce,
  3. real estate boards,
  4. boards of trade and
  5. professional football leagues.

It’s obviously notable that only professional football leagues are included here, as opposed to all sporting leagues.

It seems inconceivable that the NFL is not “engaging in a regular business of a kind ordinarily carried on for profit”.  How are their efforts to maximize profits any different than those of Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association or the National Hockey League?

Well professional football leagues were not always included in this list.  This change dates back to 1966, when the tax code was amended to give a professional football league tax-exempt status in order to facilitate the merger of the NFL and the old American Football League.

So one may ask – if I go on and order super bowl tickets, can I claim a charitable deduction? Well the tax law states that when you make a donation to a charity and receive a benefit back, the amount deductible is only the excess of your contribution over the benefit you receive. Also, your charitable deduction cannot include the value of any benefits you received from the charity.  An example would be where you paid $200 to attend a charitable ball for which the charity states that the value of the ticket is $75.  In such an instance your charitable deduction would be $125.

Description: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. want to help you avoid increases in taxes in IRS audits over charitable giving. Learn some tips from a leading tax attorney in Los Angeles.


Taxpayer Scores $862,000 from IRS after Tripping over a Phone Cord

A taxpayer who met with a Revenue Officer at an Internal Revenue Service office on Long Island successfully sued the IRS for $862,000 after he was injured by tripping over a phone cord.

William Berroyer claimed in his lawsuit that he could no longer play golf or have intimate relations with his wife more than once a month after he fell during a 2008 conference with a Revenue Officer at an IRS office in Hauppauge, NY, according to the New York Post. He had visited the IRS to work out a payment agreement for a $60,000 tax bill when he tripped on the phone cord and fell against a cabinet.
After leaving the IRS, he telephoned the IRS Revenue Officer from the parking lot to inform him that he had lost the sense of feeling in his leg and was suffering from shoulder pain. He then spent 17 days in hospitals and rehabilitation centers recovering from his injury.

In his lawsuit he claimed $10 million in damages.  Attorneys for the IRS claimed he was exaggerating his injury, but the judge ultimately awarded him $862,000 for pain and suffering. And the big prize is because this was for pain and suffering, he won’t have to pay taxes on the damages!

So now that the IRS has tucked away all their telephone cords, how can taxpayers who owe the IRS avoid collection action?

  1. Offer In Compromise. This is a formal application to the IRS requesting that it accept less than full payment for what you owe in taxes, interest, and penalties. An offer in compromise may allow you to settle back taxes or IRS liability at a substantial discount on the basis of doubt as to collectability, liability, or effective tax administration. In addition, while your offer is under consideration, the Internal Revenue Service is prohibited from instituting any levies of your assets and wages. Most people do not have the necessary skills or knowledge of the IRS collection process to make an offer in compromise that is in their best interest and can be processed by the IRS. Government figures show that 75% of offers are returned at the beginning due to forms being filled out incorrectly, and of the 25% that are processed, approximately 50% are rejected.
  1. Installment Agreement. Allows you to pay IRS debt in full in smaller, more manageable amounts, usually in equal monthly payments. The amount of your installment payment will be based on the amount you owe and your ability to pay that amount within the time available to the IRS to collect tax debt from you.  However, be aware that because you are financing your liability with IRS, interest and penalties will continue to accrue.  Most installment agreements are set up with level monthly payments but there are also different types and terms of installment agreements which if you qualify may be more suitable for you.  The variations are not publicly offered by IRS – only a seasoned tax attorney would know to ask for them.
  1. Uncollectible Status.  Occurs when the IRS has determined that they are presently unable to collect the taxes from the taxpayer by full payment, through an Installment Agreement or by way of an Offer in Compromise.  Once the account is placed on a Currently Uncollectible (“CNC”) status, the IRS does not pursue collection activity against the taxpayer and the statute of limitations on the tax liabilities will continue to run. Generally, unless the taxpayer’s financial situation changes, the account will remain on a CNC status until the tax liabilities expire. However, if the taxpayer’s financial situation improves the account will be taken off of CNC status so that the IRS can collect the taxes through full payment or an Installment Agreement. CNC although temporary could provide interim relief to taxpayers who all of a sudden run into financial hardship.

A consultation with the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. can help you determine what the best strategy is for you.

Description: The Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. has helped many people avoid collection action by the IRS and State tax agencies. Working with a tax attorney in Los Angeles is the best bet for reducing or eliminating the amount you owe.

Foreign Trusts – Filing Requirements

All U.S. taxpayers who have an interest in, or signatory or other authority over foreign trust accounts must file FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), if the aggregate value of the foreign trust accounts exceeds $10,000 at any time during the calendar year.  As of October 1, 2013 the FBAR form must be filed through the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s (FinCEN’s) Bank Secrecy Act E-Filing System on or before June 30th of the year following the calendar year being reported.  For example, to report foreign accounts held open in 2013, the taxpayer must file the FBAR by June 30, 2014.

A U.S. taxpayer is deemed to have a foreign interest in a foreign trust account in two situations.  First, the owner of record or holder of legal title is a trust of which the U.S. taxpayer is the trust grantor and has an ownership interest in the trust for U.S. federal tax purposes.  Second, the owner of record or holder of legal title is a trust in which the U.S. taxpayer has a greater than 50 percent present beneficiary interest in the trust’s assetsor in the trust’s current income for the calendar year.  The U.S. person who is a trust beneficiary may be exempted from filing an FBAR, however, if the trust, trustee, or agent of the trust is a U.S. person and files an FBAR disclosing the trust’s foreign financial accounts.  A U.S. person who is only a reminder beneficiary or is the beneficiary of a discretionary trust is not required to file an FBAR for the trust as these interests are not “present” beneficiary interests.

In addition to filing an FBAR form, the U.S. taxpayer with an interest in a foreign trust account must follow certain reporting requirements on his or her annual tax return.  First, the U.S. taxpayer must include a completed Schedule B, Interest and Ordinary Dividends, with his or her annual tax return.  On Schedule B, the taxpayer will complete Part III, Foreign Accounts and Trusts.  Questions 7a asks whether, at any time in the year, the taxpayer had a financial interest in or signatory authority over a foreign financial account.  Question 7b also asks whether the taxpayer is required to file an FBAR, and if so, in which foreign country the financial account was located.  Finally, Question 8 asks whether the U.S. taxpayerreceived a distribution from, or was the grantor of, or transferor to, a foreign trust.

If the U.S. taxpayer answered yes to Question 8 on Schedule B, he or she may be required to file Form 3520, Annual Return To Report Transactions With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign Gifts.  Form 3520 applies to several types of U.S. taxpayers, including those who received a distribution from a foreign trust and those who created or transferred money or property to a foreign trust.

The U.S. taxpayer may also be required to file Form 8938, Statement of Specific Foreign Financial Assets with his or her annual tax return.  Whether a taxpayer is required to file this form depends on where the taxpayer lives, the taxpayer’s filing status, and the value in the accounts.  For example, unmarried taxpayers living in the United States must file Form 8938 if the total value of your interest in the foreign trust is more than $50,000 on the last day of the tax year or more than $75,000 at any time during the tax year. The value of the interest in the foreign trust equals the value of all cash or other property distributed during the tax year to you as beneficiary plus a value indicated on the valuation tables under section 7520.

A U.S. taxpayer who transfers money or property to a foreign trust may also be required to file a Form 709, United States Gift (and Generation-Skipping Transfer) Tax Return.  Generally, a U.S. taxpayer who transfers money or property totaling more than $14,000 for the year must file a Form 709.  Form 709 is a separate tax return, which is not submitted with the taxpayer’s annual tax return.

Failure to comply with the above reporting requirements can result in steep penalties to the unwitting taxpayer.  Failure to file an FBAR may result in civil penalties for negligence, pattern of negligence, non-willful, and willful violations.  These penalties range from a high penalty for willful violations, equal to the greater of $100,000 or 50% of the balance in the account at the time of violation, to a low penalty of $500 for negligent violations.  For failing to file a correct Schedule B or Form 8938, the taxpayer could face a failure-to-file penalty of $10,000, criminal penalties, and if the failure to file results in underpayment of tax, an accuracy-related penalty equal to 40% of the underpayment of tax and a fraud penalty equal to 75% of the underpayment of tax.

Failure to file a correct and complete Form 3520results in an initial penalty of the greater of $10,000, 35% of the gross value of any property transferred to or distribution from a foreign trust, or 5% of the gross value of the portion of the trust’s assets treated as owned by the U.S. taxpayer.  An additional 5% penalty of any unreported foreign gifts may also apply for each month for which the failure to report continues.

Finally, failure to file a Form 709 may come with penalties for willful failure to file a return on time, willful attempt to evade or defeat payment of tax, and valuation understatements that cause an underpayment of the tax.  A 20% penalty of the tax underpayment may be imposed on both a substantial valuation understatement (the reported value of property listed on Form 709 is 65% or less of the actual value of the property) and a gross valuation understatement (the reported value listed on the Form 709 is 40% or less of the actual value of the property).

U.S. taxpayers who have an interest in a foreign trust would benefit from the experienced tax attorneys of the Law Office Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. representing you to avoid the pitfalls associated with failure to comply with the reporting requirements associated with having an interest in a foreign trust.

Description: Let the tax attorneys of the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. resolve your IRS tax problems, get you in compliance with your FBAR filing obligations, and minimize the chance of any criminal investigation or imposition of civil penalties.