How A Creditor Can Collect From A Decedent’s Estate?

A person who dies owing monies to his or her creditors complicates the administration of the decedent’s estate or trust.  That is because the estate or trust will now be accountable to creditors given that the decedent’s rights, liabilities, assets and interests transfer to their estate when they pass away. Because the resolution of these creditor issues will require the appointment of a personal representative, it is necessary to first open a probate administration.

What is Probate?

Probate is the field of law that determines how an estate must be divided. Each state has its own laws and statutes requirements to determine if and how an estate must be probated. The probate court will supervise the process when a deceased person (a decedent) leaves assets to distribute, such as bank accounts, real estate, and financial investments with or without a will. The probate court provides the final ruling on the division and distribution of assets to beneficiaries.

In many cases, the decedent has established documentation, which contains instructions on how their assets should be distributed after death and designates in such documents who oversees implementing this process.  This involves collecting the deceased’s assets to pay any remaining liabilities on their estate and distributing the assets to beneficiaries. Where a decedent fails to establish such documents while alive, State law and the probate courts will dictate how the estate is administered and to whom assets get distributed to.

Probate With a Will 

A deceased person with a Will is known as a testator and he or she is deemed to have died “testate.” When a testator dies, the person designated as the executor under the Will is responsible for initiating the probate process. The probate process for a testate estate includes distributing the decedent’s assets according to the Will.

Probate Without a Will 

When a person dies without a Will, a person is to have died intestate. An intestate estate can also occur when a written Will is presented to the probate court and the probate court has been deemed the Will to be invalid. The probate process for an intestate estate includes distributing the decedent’s assets according to State law.

What Is The Probate Process?

A probate court proceeding begins with the appointment of an administrator or executor to oversee the estate of the deceased person. Such personal is typically called the “personal representative.”  The personal representative receives all legal claims against the estate and paying off the outstanding debts. Also, the personal representative is tasked with locating any legal heirs of the deceased, including surviving spouses, children, and parents. Then the probate court will assess what assets need to be distributed among the legal heirs and how to distribute them.

Where a personal representative knows that there are outstanding liabilities, the personal representative must provide Notice Of Administration to the creditors which provide instructions for such creditor to file a Proof Of a Claim with the probate court.  Where the amounts claimed as outstanding by the creditors are incorrect and overstated, the personal representative has the opportunity to dispute such claim which will eventually be heard by the probate court.

During the probate process, a creditor’s claim is filed in the probate court for the unpaid debts and liabilities of a decedent. The probate court will hear these claims and decide whether or not these claims should be paid, and how much. Both individuals and entities have the legal right to file claims against an individual even after they have passed away. A creditor may have a claim against a deceased person through an attempt to collect on debts for which the decedent incurred while they were alive, and for which they were legally liable. A creditor may also have a claim from a payment or distribution amount of the decedent’s estate that is promised, but the distribution or payment does not take place.

If an estate does not go through probate, creditors may still be entitled to make claims against inherited property. Inheritors are liable for estate debts up to the value of what they inherited but not all assets that do not pass through probate are available to creditors. For example, life insurance proceeds and retirement accounts are generally not subject to creditor claims.

Ways that a dispute with a creditor can arise during administration of an estate

Types of situations arising from a creditor dispute that involve probate litigation include:

  • A creditor disputing whole or partial disallowance of a claim
  • A creditor disputing the priority of payment
  • A creditor whose claim is disallowed contesting allowance of other creditors’ claims
  • A creditor petitioning the court to allow a claim after expiration of the time limits
  • A petition by a personal representative asking the court to disallow or allow a claim
  • An action seeking to hold a personal representative liable for improperly handling a claim

However, a common and complex dispute that arises in claims brought by creditors has to do with estates becoming insolvent before all of a decedent’s debts have been paid. Creditors can pursue certain non-probated assets (e.g., bank accounts, trust funds) when this occurs. Tracking down non-probated assets can be very complicated, costly, and take a long time. Creditors will have to track down the deceased debtor’s non-probated assets, and, if the beneficiaries don’t agree to voluntarily part with those assets, the creditor may need litigate to compel the repayment of the debt.

Generally, there is no priority among claims within the same class of creditors, except for claims relating to medical and hospital expenses. If a decedent’s debts are greater than the assets of the estate, creditors must be treated equally within each class in the order of priority. When estate assets are insufficient to pay all the debts, some claimants may receive all or partial payment, and some claimants may receive nothing from the estate.

What Should You Do?

Whether you are a creditor looking to enforce payment from an estate or you are the administrator of an estate that is insolvent, consider contacting a skilled lawyer at the  Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. to help protect the interests of the parties involved. The tax attorneys at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Orange County (Irvine), Los Angeles and elsewhere in California are highly skilled in handling tax and probate matters and can effectively represent at all levels with the IRS and State Tax Agencies including criminal tax investigations and attempted prosecutions, undisclosed foreign bank accounts and other foreign assets, and unreported foreign income. Also, if you are involved in cannabis, check out what our cannabis tax attorney can do for you. Additionally, if you are involved in cryptocurrency, check out what a bitcoin tax attorney can do for you.

Did A California Decedent Fail To Title An Asset Into A Trust And You Are Looking To Avoid Probate? Consider utilizing a Heggstad Petition.

Did A California Decedent Fail To Title An Asset Into A Trust And You Are Looking To Avoid Probate? Consider utilizing a Heggstad Petition.

In the realm of estate management and planning, a Heggstad petition plays a crucial role when a California decedent has neglected to formally transfer their property into their trust prior to passing. This mechanism is particularly significant as it provides a streamlined process to transfer the decedent’s property into the trust without the oftentimes lengthy and cumbersome probate process.

What Is Probate?

Probate is the field of law that determines how an estate must be divided. Each state has its own laws and statutes requirements to determine if and how an estate must be probated. The probate court will supervise the process when a deceased person (a decedent) leaves assets to distribute, such as bank accounts, real estate, and financial investments with or without a will. The probate court provides the final ruling on the division and distribution of assets to beneficiaries.

In many cases, the decedent has established documentation, which contains instructions on how their assets should be distributed after death and designates in such documents who oversees implementing this process.  This involves collecting the deceased’s assets to pay any remaining liabilities on their estate and distributing the assets to beneficiaries. Where a decedent fails to establish such documents while alive, State law and the probate courts will dictate how the estate is administered and to whom assets get distributed to.

Probate With a Will 

A deceased person with a Will is known as a testator and he or she is deemed to have died “testate.” When a testator dies, the person designated as the executor under the Will is responsible for initiating the probate process. The probate process for a testate estate includes distributing the decedent’s assets according to the Will.

Probate Without a Will 

When a person dies without a Will, a person is to have died intestate. An intestate estate can also occur when a written Will is presented to the probate court and the probate court has been deemed the Will to be invalid. The probate process for an intestate estate includes distributing the decedent’s assets according to State law.

What Is The Probate Process?

A probate court proceeding begins with the appointment of an administrator or executor to oversee the estate of the deceased person. Such personal is typically called the “personal representative.”  The personal representative receives all legal claims against the estate and paying off the outstanding debts. Also, the personal representative is tasked with locating any legal heirs of the deceased, including surviving spouses, children, and parents. Then the probate court will assess what assets need to be distributed among the legal heirs and how to distribute them.

The probate process can take a long time to finalize and can become costly, therefore it is important to know whether a probate is required following the death of an individual. The more complex or contested the estate is the more time it will take to settle and distribute the assets. Furthermore, the proceedings of probate court are publicly recorded so avoiding probate would ensure that all settlements are done privately.

Utilizing A Heggstad Petition.

After a decedent dies and it is determined that there is an asset or group of assets that were intended to be placed in a trust while the decedent was alive but in fact such assets were never titled in the trust, utilizing a Heggstad Petition may be the way to go to avoid a full-blown probate administration.

Originating from the California court case, Estate of Heggstad, this legal petition offers a testament to the intention of the deceased, allowing a trust to serve its intended purpose — minimizing estate taxes, avoiding probate, and ensuring a smooth transition of assets to the beneficiaries.

California Probate Code 850 is where the ruling of the case of the Estate of Heggstad is codified.  It allows the option of skipping the expensive and long task of probate by using a Heggstad petition in California. If a Heggstad petition is successful and the probate court agrees there is sufficient evidence that the asset or property was to be part of the trust, then the petitioner (usually a trustee successor of the trust) will receive a court order verifying that the property or asset is indeed a part of the decedent’s trust. A piece of property may be excluded from a trust for several reasons such as, extenuating circumstances that prevented the decedent from transferring the property, decedent passed away before transfer or property was completed, property was taken out of the trust for a limited time and never put back in the decedent’s trust, a decedent thought the property was transferred but there was a mistake or oversight in the documentation,  the decedent forgot to transfer the property, or the decedent did not know how to properly transfer to the decedent’s trust.

Usually, the process of securing an Order from the probate court after filing of a Heggstad petition takes between 2 and 4 months, which is a much shorter timeline than the probate court’s timeline of 18 to 24 months on average. In order for a Heggstad petition to be approved certain documents and evidence should be gathered to be submitted. Documents needed include a copy of the living trust, schedule of assets for the living trust, property deed(s), information about the decedent, heirs, and beneficiaries. Furthermore, evidence proving that the decedent’s original intent was to include the asset or property in the trust is necessary to having a Heggstad petition approved and successful in court. A Heggstad petition is a great alternative to going through a full-blown probate to deal with a situation where assets or property were not included in a decedent’s trust.

What Should You Do?

Legal professionals frequently advise the thorough completion of trust funding to obviate the need for a Heggstad petition; however, it remains an invaluable tool for trustees and beneficiaries alike when facing the challenges posed by incomplete estate plans. It underscores the critical importance of meticulous estate planning and the invaluable safeguard a well-drafted Heggstad petition can serve as against the unpredictability of probate proceedings, thus ensuring that the decedent’s wishes are honored and the beneficiaries are protected.

Consider reaching out to a Trusts and Estates and/or Probate Attorney such as those at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. We are always thinking of ways that our clients can save on taxes, trusts and estates planning, and probate matters. The tax attorneys at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Orange County (Irvine), Los Angeles and elsewhere in California are highly skilled in handling tax and probate matters and can effectively represent at all levels with the IRS and State Tax Agencies including criminal tax investigations and attempted prosecutions, undisclosed foreign bank accounts and other foreign assets, and unreported foreign income. Also, if you are involved in cannabis, check out what our cannabis tax attorney can do for you. Additionally, if you are involved in cryptocurrency, check out what a bitcoin tax attorney can do for you.

What is Probate?

What is Probate?

Probate is the field of law that determines how an estate must be divided. Each state has its own laws and statutes requirements to determine if and how an estate must be probated. The probate court will supervise the process when a deceased person (a decedent) leaves assets to distribute, such as bank accounts, real estate, and financial investments with or without a will. The probate court provides the final ruling on the division and distribution of assets to beneficiaries.

In many cases, the decedent has established documentation, which contains instructions on how their assets should be distributed after death and designates in such documents who oversees implementing this process.  This involves collecting the deceased’s assets to pay any remaining liabilities on their estate and distributing the assets to beneficiaries. Where a decedent fails to establish such documents while alive, State law and the probate courts will dictate how the estate is administered and to whom assets get distributed to.

Probate With a Will 

A deceased person with a Will is known as a testator and he or she is deemed to have died “testate.” When a testator dies, the person designated as the executor under the Will is responsible for initiating the probate process. The probate process for a testate estate includes distributing the decedent’s assets according to the Will.

Probate Without a Will 

When a person dies without a Will, a person is to have died intestate. An intestate estate can also occur when a written Will is presented to the probate court and the probate court has been deemed the Will to be invalid. The probate process for an intestate estate includes distributing the decedent’s assets according to State law.

What Is The Probate Process?

A probate court proceeding begins with the appointment of an administrator or executor to oversee the estate of the deceased person. Such personal is typically called the “personal representative.”  The personal representative receives all legal claims against the estate and paying off the outstanding debts. Also, the personal representative is tasked with locating any legal heirs of the deceased, including surviving spouses, children, and parents. Then the probate court will assess what assets need to be distributed among the legal heirs and how to distribute them.

The probate process can take a long time to finalize and can become costly, therefore it is important to know whether a probate is required following the death of an individual. The more complex or contested the estate is the more time it will take to settle and distribute the assets. Furthermore, the proceedings of probate court are publicly recorded so avoiding probate would ensure that all settlements are done privately.

Bypassing Probate

If an estate is small enough to bypass the probate process, then the estate’s asset may be claimed using alternative legal actions, such as an affidavit. Also, some assets can bypass probate because beneficiaries have been initiated through contractual terms, such as pension plans, life insurance proceeds, 401 k plans, medical savings accounts, trusts, living trusts, and individual retirement accounts (IRA) that have designated beneficiaries. Furthermore, probate court can be bypassed if assets are jointly owned with a right of survivorship and also if a deceased person’s debts exceed their assets.

What Should You Do?

The probate process could be expensive and complex especially during a time of grief. Consider reaching out to a Trusts and Estates and/or Probate Attorney such as those at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. We are always thinking of ways that our clients can save on taxes, trusts and estates planning, and probate matters. The tax attorneys at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Orange County (Irvine), Los Angeles and elsewhere in California are highly skilled in handling tax and probate matters and can effectively represent at all levels with the IRS and State Tax Agencies including criminal tax investigations and attempted prosecutions, undisclosed foreign bank accounts and other foreign assets, and unreported foreign income. Also, if you are involved in cannabis, check out what our cannabis tax attorney can do for you. Additionally, if you are involved in cryptocurrency, check out what a bitcoin tax attorney can do for you.

How An Heir Or Beneficiary Can Contest A Will In Probate Court

How An Heir Or Beneficiary Can Contest A Will In Probate Court

Probate is the field of law that determines how an estate must be divided. Each state has its own laws and statutes requirements to determine if and how an estate must be probated. The probate court will supervise the process when a deceased person (a decedent) leaves assets to distribute, such as bank accounts, real estate, and financial investments with or without a will. The probate court provides the final ruling on the division and distribution of assets to beneficiaries.

In many cases, the decedent has established documentation, which contains instructions on how their assets should be distributed after death and designates in such documents who oversees implementing this process.  This involves collecting the deceased’s assets to pay any remaining liabilities on their estate and distributing the assets to beneficiaries. Where a decedent fails to establish such documents while alive, State law and the probate courts will dictate how the estate is administered and to whom assets get distributed to.

Probate With a Will 

A deceased person with a Will is known as a testator and he or she is deemed to have died “testate.” When a testator dies, the person designated as the executor under the Will is responsible for initiating the probate process. The probate process for a testate estate includes distributing the decedent’s assets according to the Will.

Probate Without a Will 

When a person dies without a Will, a person is to have died intestate. An intestate estate can also occur when a written Will is presented to the probate court and the probate court has been deemed the Will to be invalid. The probate process for an intestate estate includes distributing the decedent’s assets according to State law.

What Is The Probate Process?

A probate court proceeding begins with the appointment of an administrator or executor to oversee the estate of the deceased person. Such personal is typically called the “personal representative.”  The personal representative receives all legal claims against the estate and paying off the outstanding debts. Also, the personal representative is tasked with locating any legal heirs of the deceased, including surviving spouses, children, and parents. Then the probate court will assess what assets need to be distributed among the legal heirs and how to distribute them.

The probate process can take a long time to finalize and can become costly, therefore it is important to know whether a probate is required following the death of an individual. The more complex or contested the estate is the more time it will take to settle and distribute the assets. Furthermore, the proceedings of probate court are publicly recorded so avoiding probate would ensure that all settlements are done privately.

When Can An Heir Or Beneficiary Contest the Will?

Once a Will is filed with the probate court, an heir of the filed Will or an heir listed in another version of a Will executed by the testator has the ability to file a dispute or as we call “contested”. They may do so if they believe the filed Will is not truthfully representative of the decedent’s wishes.

There are several instances where a filed Will can be contested, including:

  • Undue Influence: When a testator was incapacitated, elderly, or otherwise vulnerable, a beneficiary may have grounds to contest a Will. A Will may be contested if the beneficiary suspects the testator was taken advantage of while drafting the Will.
  • Mental Capacity: If a beneficiary believes the testator was not of sound mind due to illness, substance abuse, or a mental health disorder, they can contest a Will. Proof that the testator had the capacity to create a legally binding document must be provided for the Will to stand.
  • Provision Violation: In California, a Will must be signed by the testator in front of two witnesses who also sign the document. Neither witness is allowed to be named as a beneficiary in the Will. If any of these conditions are violated, the validity of a Will can be called into question.
  • Multiple Versions of a Will: There are cases when a testator has drafted more than one Will to update their estate plan. Most often, the probate court considers the new document as the legal document, and the old document is deemed invalid.
  • Non-compliance with legal formalities: In California a Will must be in writing, signed by the testator, and signed by two witnesses. Failure to meet all of these requirements can lead to legal issues during the probate process.
  • Beneficiaries who may be missing or uncooperative: California has specific notice procedures that must be followed for beneficiaries who are missing or are uncooperative in the probate process.

Depending on what has taken place already with the probate court will dictate how much time an heir or beneficiary has to contest a Will.  If this is something you are considering, you should reach out to counsel as soon as possible to make sure you do not miss any deadline to file a Will contest.

What Should You Do?

Consider reaching out to a Trusts and Estates and/or Probate Attorney such as those at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. We are always thinking of ways that our clients can save on taxes, trusts and estates planning, and probate matters. The tax attorneys at the Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. located in Orange County (Irvine), Los Angeles and elsewhere in California are highly skilled in handling tax and probate matters and can effectively represent at all levels with the IRS and State Tax Agencies including criminal tax investigations and attempted prosecutions, undisclosed foreign bank accounts and other foreign assets, and unreported foreign income. Also, if you are involved in cannabis, check out what our cannabis tax attorney can do for you. Additionally, if you are involved in cryptocurrency, check out what a bitcoin tax attorney can do for you.