Smarter San Diego TV show | Business and Personal Tax & IRS Issues, advice and tips

How taxes and Business Entities Work

How taxes and Business Entities Work


· Is there any difference in an LLC or S-Corp when forming a business and looking at potential tax liability?

· How can this affect things if the business breaks up?

· How long do the tax records need to be kept?

Is Bernie Sander’s Tax Plan Legit?

CA Tax Attorney Jeffrey B Kahn

Jeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. guest appearance on Smarter San Diego TV Show, February 21, 2016

Best Year-end Tax Planning Tips and what’s new in 2016 if you are with Covered California on November 29, 2015 Smarter San Diego TV Show

Jeffrey B. Kahn, Esq. appears on the July 31st, 2015 Smarter San Diego TV Show

Topic: The IRS and their new #1 target for generating revenues – catching taxpayers with undisclosed foreign bank accounts.