Income Tax Planning

    With the constant change in tax laws, it’s important that you receive all the benefits you are entitled to minimize your tax obligations. An income tax lawyer can help guide you through the process.

    The Law Offices of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C. has extensive experience with aggressive tax planning on behalf of its clients. Our IRS tax attorneys use a variety of traditional and nontraditional planning techniques to achieve favorable tax results for our clients.

    Some techniques we have successfully used or recommend are as follows:

    • Creative restructuring of the holding of an asset prior to its sale to reduce income taxes
    • Use of private annuities to reduce the capital gains tax on the sale of an asset and to move wealth to future generations.
    • Use of defined benefit plans in small business, to reduce current income tax liabilities and build up a retirement fund.
    • Captive entities, to create current deductions in a business and transfer wealth to future generations.

    We also prepare Federal Tax Returns (Form 706), and Fiduciary Income Tax Returns (Form 1041) for our clients.

    To learn more about the tax practice of Law Offices Of Jeffrey B. Kahn, P.C., please call 866.494.6829 or send us an email, and speak with an income tax attorney.

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